And watching each member of the Late Night With Jimmy Fallon donning one, reminded me that I wanted to talk about it.
As you all know the Snuggie is a blanket with sleeves.

So basically it works. It warms you up and your hands are still free. If that was a problem for you? Problem solved.
For my money it could be a little bigger. Remember it's not closed in the back so it kinda makes you feel like a monk in a hospital gown.
But the most important thing that Snuggie needs to do to improve their product, is add a feet pocket. (I was going to call it a foot pocket but it's really for both of them.)

When it's cold, nothing gets chillier than your feet. When I curl up on the couch I'm looking for some place to tuck my feet into. This pocket at the bottom of the Snuggie would keep my feet warm, but yet be easy enough to get in and out of should I have to get up and walk somewhere.
So there you go Snuggie. Get on it. I'll be happy to test any prototypes.
I've been bugging my husband to get me a snuggie for months. He hates it when I take our duvet of the bed and down to the basement, but it's his fault for not getting me a snuggie!
I also agree it needs pockets for your feet. I'm a chronic foot tucker.
A pocket on the bottom shoudl be easy enough to sew on. Is the blanket too long? Could up the bottom and sew the side - instant pocket.
If I were not clear on the east coast of canada, I would totally sew that up for ya.
that's FOLD up the bottom. I need more caffeine.
I agree with you. I had a co-worker who had a fleece blanket with a foot/feet pocket, and I have never been able to find one like it. She received it as a free promotional item from a vendor where I work. The Snuggie should have one, too. Great idea!
You could be the face of their new marketing campaign. ;)
GENIOUS! Sometimes I put my snuggie on backwards andpretend it's a robe.
For you, sir, I present the Couch Pouch:
Like a snuggie but has feet holes too.
I can sew you a snuggie with feet pocket.
It should have food pouches. Nothing confining, but something slightlymore socklike than a pocket. When you lie down, you should never have to worry about your feet coming uncovered.
I also love the Jedi-like aspect of this item.
They'd have to pad the pocket. Or are Snuggies just that warm that if you made foot pockets they wouldn't have to be padded?
Anyway, I've found that pulling your feet close to your body when sitting or lying down is more efficient at warming them than just putting a blanket over them, or putting socks on.
Okay, so I am totally against the Snuggie. However, after our latest heating bill I might just have to set aside my differences and break down and buy one. The heat wont get turned up around these parts anymore it seems.
I must say I would be more interested in a Slanket. Although more expensive, it has better colors.
I completely agree! My snuggie is perfect except for cold feet! I think it's time for me to make trip to the fabric store and get out the sewing machine.
Also love the image of a snuggie for pups! Maybe if I made my little monster her own I wouldn't come home to find her wrapped up in mine!
I think the British army do something similar: a sleeping bag with arms. I don't think it’s called a snuggie though...probably called a mobile infantry sleep apparatus or something...although I might have made that last bit up.
You could always just climb inside the duvet cover...
That would be an awesome addition to the snuggie.
I watched Jimmy that night too and I couldn't help but think that they looked like Heaven's Gate shrouds *shudder*.
I give you the upscale version of the Snuggie: THE NUDDLE! It has a foot pocket. I bought it for my husband for x-mas so that he could play World of Warcraft and have his arms free. Check out their website: http://www.nuddleblanket.com/
The best thing is how soft and warm this blanket is!
Now if you could review the
Sham Wow for me, I could go back to being secure consumer. Thanks.
What I love is the prototype drawings on the back of a script page. Recycling!
Sometimes I wear my robe backwards and pretend it's a Snuggie.
I want a snuggie so bad, but my husband makes fun of them - therefore he would make fun of me for wearing one ;) oh well...I guess my huge Detroit Tiger Fleece blanket will have to do!
I have a Spongebob blanket that I stole, er, borrowed from my son. Am seriously considering sewing arms into it like a snuggie.
smart man
My Friend gave me the snuggie for Christmas. Dig it. :)
There is some radio station in Chicago that is doing a snuggie pub crawl. That would be the best fun ever.
Frogi Girl: The Nuddles seem to be way more expensive than the Snuggies.
Calandra: Yes they are more expensive. But, worth every penny!!!! It's super-soft fleece. It's just yummy to curl up in it and snuggle in!
Did you draw your pictures on the back of script pages?!? OMG! I kept trying to see if I could read the words, but then gave up, realizing that Lost is best unspoiled. But still, drawing on script pages? Aaahhh! :-)
I've heard that the Slanket is better...not sure why.
The best thing in the world is an electric blanket. I have an electric comforter I use when I'm on the couch watching, oh, say, "Lost"!
And Jorge, sweetie, you're in Hawaii; you don't know the meaning of cold. We had 22 below in January. That's not a typo. Yes, -22.
Anyway, maybe you could sew a pocket on the Snuggie yourself? If you don't sew, just use duct tape!
My kids both got snuggies for Valentine's day from their grandparents. I've been known to steal it on cold nights while I play on facebook! I would love a feet pocket.
Great minds think alike! (Hee Hee)
I've never tried a snuggie, but that pocket idea sounds like it's right up my alley. Nothing is worse than cold feet.
am i the only one who see the potenial health hazzard?
You forget to take your feet out, or get snagged on it as you stand up and BAM! on the floor or you just fell through the glass in the coffee table.
great idea - don't think we have them over here though.
and that dog looks a bit scary
lol I agree about the pockets for feet. Although, I'm still not completely sold on the snuggie yet,...there's just something about it...
What a fabulous idea!
That's such a great idea! Most blankets are too short for me and when I pull them up, my feet become uncovered, which makes them cold. So smart, Jorge!
I would have posted sooner but I was covered in a blanket and my arms were trapped...
Let's face it, if they would make fleece onezie/footie PJ's in adult sizes, life would be so much better. I'd wear them to the grocery store.
Amen! A pocket on the front for holding things would be nice too.
I've been following Late Night With Jimmy Fallon also. isn't it great? Now I really want a Snuggie, you've talked me into it.
Hahah all I can think of is this parody video I saw. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h05ZQ7WHw8Y
Not that I think you a loser for having a snuggie. But this video is pretty funny. And I think a foot pocket would make the snuggie more worthwhile.
This post is seventeen kinds of adorable.
Ha! That's an amazing idea. My dad and I still just think that it's a hyped up backwards bathrobe, but whatev.
So should I look for a infomercial with you promoting the snuggie at 2 in the morning? LOL
Did you draw that on the back of a page of your script? Looks like it.
lol that is so cool that you guys have one!! My mother keeps saying she is going to be my sister one because she is pregant and she likes nothing more than to lay on a couch with a blanket.
My agrees with you too.she wants a snuggie with footies.
snuggie is totally going to steal this awesome idea from you! i might actually break down and buy a snuggie if it had a foot pocket. these cold minnesota winters require foot warmth!
I am obsessed with the snuggie--not because I want one, but because I really don't understand why it isn't a robe. I think I am moving on the the Buy the Auger now...unless they invent the snuggie 2.
folks - the cabin cuddler is what you need. it's comparable to the snuggie, but not as nerdy, still inexpensive AND it has a foot pocket. I had one long before the Snuggie craze hit, and I love it.
Very clever, both the current design and your proposed prototype.
However, it's Nunu's smiling endorsement that really makes me love it.
I gotta wonder if they make Doggie Snuggies?
Jorge, there's a better one than the snuggie, it's called the slanket. It doesn't have a foot pocket, but it's longer than the snuggie 60"W x 95"L and better quality. If you want to check it out, the site is theslanket.com
Huh...according to drawing #3, Locke shoots Widmore in season six...
(j/k...probably...) :)
stevi has a snuggie and she says she feels like a "reverse wizard". I think it is the same as wearing a bath robe backwards.
Not trying to be a smart ass at all but i use my boyfriend's bathrobe as a snuggie. The string thing attached is handy for the hospital gown syndrome!
Just in case you didn't know these exist--Snuggie Pub Crawl!
I would love to have a Snuggie 2.0 :D
Snuggie? Ha! Its just a big bathrobe!
are you on twitter?!?!
Honestly, you've got to check these links, you'll think they were reading your blog and making a design just for you:
you know what's going to happen now, right? you're going to get about 500 snuggies with feet pockets added modified by your loyal fans. remember the coupon incident? 'nuff said. :o)
I think "foot pocket" would be the more apt term. If we go with "feet pocket" then we'd have "teethbrush", wouldn't we? Then again, the person who thought "toothbrush" was correct probably just had one of 'em enamel-coated structures. 0_o
i would actually prefer to just wear my housecoat backwards. i think its pretty much the same thing.
I want a Snuggie made of ShamWows!
I've been saying the same thing about a foot pocket for months. And I don't even have a snuggie.
But I would get one if they had a foot pocket.
That's funny - because my husband wanted a Snuggie, and I refused to pay for it since I have a ton of polar fleece left over from an old Halloween costume (teddy bear), and we were discussing how he wanted me to sew it, and he wanted a feet pocket, too. The Nuddle's pretty sweet, but no way am I paying $98 for something I can make with fabric I've already got. Anyway, great minds, and all that.
@ Slave Driver: They do make footed pajamas for adults. pajamagram.com at least has them for women (I just did a quick check on the site, but I swear they had footed pajamas for men in the catalog I got a couple months back), and they can't be the only company to have them.
Yes! My grandma made (knitted) me a blanket with a foot pocket. It is awesome, but alas, has no sleeves.
too bad there isn't a nunu sized snuggie. that would be absolutley precious
Oh... So someones going from the show.
I REALLY hope it's not you. I love your character. He's like, the only normal, good guy. He's so funny! Your a great actor...
If it's you, so many will be disappointed...
Okay, I'll stop posting about Lost,
as I know you like your blog...
I just thought it was important that you know how great you do on the show.
ooh, good idea. my feet are always freezing cold, so Im down with a feet pocket.
Maybe I'm missing something but isn't a Snuggie just a bathrobe worn backward, with really good marketing?
Oh my gosh. The drawing made me laugh a lot harder than I think it should have! Go Snuggie Nunu!
Dude! You should dress up Nunu as Yoda. Seeing his ears in that snuggie sketch made me laugh!
I love my Slanket and it's long enough that I just wrap my feet up in the bottom of it.
but that livingxl link that was posted seems to have the perfect solution since it actually has a foot pocket and sleeves (unlike the nuddle).
for all those who don't know where to put their personal items while using the Snuggie (esp during the upcoming Pub Crawl events), check out PortaPocket!(www.portapocket.com)
just on w/Jay Leno last week...
I designed it 'cause I accidentally dropped my spare tampon on the gym floor and got mad (it sat there for 10 min before I noticed it, and I was the only female there at the time. Nice.) Really!
Try it, you'll LOVE IT!
The Feet pocket is the best idea I've ever heard. Good thinkin, you should patent that.
Dude its a house coat worn backwards !! stop being such a consumer & buying a bunch of stuff you dont need. Snuggie sold like 60 million dollars in backwards housecoats!! Hilarious.
Oh I so want one of those!
They look so cosy!!!!
Just discovered your blog and I am so hooked!
You seem to have lots of fun!
Well - here you go then!! This is right up your alley... http://www.nuddleblanket.com/product/nuddle-blanket.html
I'm back and I think I found something that fits what you described. It is called a nuddleblanket and can be found at nuddleblanket.com. It has openings for arms and pockets for hands and feet and it looks really comfy and warm. Check it out. (Of course it is about three times the price of the snuggie)
what! all i saw in this post was girlfriend...
girlfriend! my tv boyfriend is cheating on me!
love the snuggie/slanket post.
I can't watch the Snuggies commercial without spitting out my coffee or peeing my pants a little every time. Needless to say, my husband now turns the channel whenever it comes on.
I suggest Polartec socks instead of a pouch because they are very comfy and your feet aren't all confined...
thanks for the idea... I hate cold feet! and I was planning on making my own snuggie anyway, since I'm not too jazzed on the Maroon Royal Blue or Sage color options... I'll be sure to embroider a Jorge Garcia trademark on the foot pocket or something!
I think you said you rarely have time to read the comments, BUT if you see this, you need to watch this video. It is pretty funny.
The WTF Blanket (Snuggie Parody)
Hey they reviewed all the sleeved blankets on gizmodo ut's kinda cool..
I saw this the other day - there's actually a "big guy" snuggie: http://tinyurl.com/9zvgwm
The woman in the photo looks like she's drowning, but warm!
At a certain point in my family, my mom and several aunts were into making quillows, so we have a bunch of them around our house, and all of our relatives seem to have them too. And whenever I snuggle up with a quillow as a blanket rather than a pillow, I put my feet in the pocket that's formed from the pillow being unfolded into a blanket. It's sooo cozy.
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As you all know the Snuggie is a blanket with sleeves. ... eblanket.blogspot.com
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