I love Shane MacGowan. I'm a big fan of both the Pogues and Popes. No one writes lyrics like this man. And when I was in London for the Pirates 2 premiere he sat behind me. I thought I'd never get this opportunity again, so I introduced myself and then after the movie I asked for a picture. It was a coolest.

By the way there are no snakes in Hawaii either. Thank you St. Patrick. And by St. Patrick I mean the mongoose.
You should dye your hair green for the day...just a thought
The day was fun here in Ireland - I'm sure Shane drank more than anybody - perhaps more than the rest of us put together.
Thank God for no snakes in HI. That makes moving there sound even more delightful!
I LOVE the Pogues... they're just not the same since Shane left...
Beannacht Lá Fhéile Pádraig!
Top o' the mornin' to yeh. (That's my sorry attempt to type in Irish!)
: ) P
You're smiling in that picture! You never seem to smile. It's nice to see. And the headband is very fashinable. Don't let anyone tell you any different.
Everyone loves a pirate headband.
I was at a Pogues concert in my hometown of Adelaide, South Australia, about 4 years ago when one of Shane's teeth actually fell out on stage whilst he was singing and dropped into the crowd.
Love, love, love the Pogues but dental hygiene isn't Shane's strongest point.
the mongoose are vicious little guys...brought to Hawaii to curb the rat problem...except no one took into account rats come out at night..mongoose come out during the day!
Back at ya, Jorge...it's cool that you got to meet one of your heroes.
I was kind of diggin' the headband!
Fairy Tale of New York makes me cry every time...
A place without snakes - excellent place to go! I love Maui. Oh, and Florida is having a big problem with pythons in the Everglades. Cross Florida off the list!
Ups, I had a big surprise, ´cause I thought the lad was in the other world, or nearly. Well he seems to be so close to it that I can´t imagine waht´s or his mind. I mean, the guy is talented, musicians, has lot of fans, I´m sure thal lots of money, more than me, and he stil is in the self-destructive path.
What a shame¡¡¡¡
Happy St Paddys,
Shane is still with the band. They just played their annual shows in NYC at Roseland. Entertaining as usual! Hey Jorge, enjoy some photos my brother snapped at the concert..
The Pogues are very good! How cool!
Jorge, your awesomeness never ceases to amaze me.
You make me proud to be a fan :)
Hey Jorge, how come you've got your "old" hair in your pic with McGowan? Is the "new" hair only for the show?
Happy Late St. Pat's day. We dont really celebrate much in my family. We are all Irish, my family having come over to American when my great great grandfather was 15 in 1843. We have all married Irish ever since...till me..my husband is half Irish/half African. so as he jokes...he is literarly Black Irish.
Hey Jorge ! I totally love your blog :) I'm from Belgium (that's why my english is not really good) and I'm a total Lost addict. So, I read some spoilers about season five .. They say that someone important is gonna die. So, tell me it's not you ! Can you tell anything about it ??
Kisses from Belgium :)
When you have long hair, headbands are acceptable! By the way, thanks for replying to the letter my wife and I sent you!
Shane is brilliant! How awesome that he sat behind you during Pirates.
How cool to meet him! What a character. :)
Happy belated St. Paddy's Day, Jorge! Of course, St. Patrick was no Irishman, but whatever floats folks' boat. ;)
Speaking of floating, and totally off topic, if you should find yourself in Haleiwa, go check out the surfing rats at Laniakea Beach: http://preview.tinyurl.com/surfingrats
Just thought you'd be amused by that. :)
I love the Pogues! They are on my playlist...
When I was a kid I totally wanted a mongoose thanks to Chuck Jones' version of "Rikki Tikki Tavi".
I was at the Pirates 2 premiere...it was fun!
Happy late St. Patty's Day, Jorge! I really need to move to Hawaii, no snakes, that's awesome!(don't like snakes.I'm Irish and celebrated yesterday. The pirate headband looks great!(I'm a huge Pirates fan,arrrrrr).
Jorge, I completely jumped out of my seat tonight when I saw your GEORGIA SWEATSHIRT on Lost. I didn't think I could love Lost (and Hurley) any more than I did until tonight!! WOW! Thanks for another amazing episode!
Also, my brother once waved at you at Whole Foods in Honolulu...although he's probably not the only person to do that.
Dude - love the UGA sweatshirt in tonight's episode of LOST!!
There is one type of snake here--the Hawaiian Blind Snake...you should look it up. They are small, black, worm-like .. without vision. They are completely blind and have no teeth!! The scariest creatures here are definitely the centipedes!! Did you know that depending on what part of Oahu you are, they look different?!?
Jorge, as others have mentioned, it was great to see you in that Georgia Bulldogs sweatshirt on the show! Thanks for the wardrobe hint on my blog last week. I'm still wondering, was that Josh Holloway's idea to have the UGA jacket on the show (since I hear he attended the University for a short time)? Or someone else behind the scenes?
Nevertheless, it was great to see, and hopefully we'll be seeing Hurley a lot more on the show in upcoming episodes. Happy late St. Patrick's Day!
Such an awesome picture!!!
and @Rob, Shane is still with The Pogues, saw them at the Filmore in SF this past OCT.
Hey I stumbled upon your blog when someone made mention of it on a forum. I know, dandy, right?
Just thought I'd leave a comment and say I think it's cool that you do this and I love your work as Hurley on Lost.
Hope all is going well for you!
Hola Jorge, sólo quería decirte lo alucinante que fue escucharte en uno de mis programas de radio favoritos y en español, muchos saludos desde Barcelona :$
Wait a sec ... are we talking about that Pirates 2? The one that most definitely does not star Johnny Depp?
You look starstruck! Very cute.
Hurley had some hilarious lines last night, Jorge. I loved the episode. I'm dying to know what kind of job Hurley will have in Dharma.
I vote for not camping too!
Is there actually a guitar in that case? Ever think about taking up playing? since you've been carrying that thing around on set forever
I am jealous. Seriously.
And pirates are sexy.
Hi,maybe i'm wrong but, is ur wife playing in "Namaste" episode?
she play the role of a survivor of the last crash.
I like your hair better now as well.
I went to the Bishop's Museum last summer for a Green Fair and they told us to watch for Brown Tree Snakes and to kill them on the spot. So I guess we have a few. Here's an interesting link about it. http://www.state.hi.us/dlnr/Snake.html
Jorge: Loved seeing you in the UGA sweatshirt last night. My alma mater and favorite show coming together - it was sweet. Weird question: what do you do with old wardrobe? Is there any way for a fan to get that sweatshirt? I'd be happy to make a charitable donation. It would be a very cool piece of memorabilia to have, since it combines two things I love! Thanks!
Glad to see Beth survived the plane crash.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too Jorge! You made my St. Patrick's day the best day ever! I'm lucky I saw you standing there at the airport. Thanks for the pic :o) You're super cool!
hola jorge buen dia !! me llamo mauricio y ojala entiendas mi castellano basico, tenes nuestras raices jeje, yo soy argentino de la provincia de Córdoba, pasaba por aqui a felicitarte por tu personaje, por tu actucacion y por lost, la mejor serie de la historia...
te invito tambien a que conoscas un blog que hicimos con amigos de toda sudamerica y si puedes nos dejas tu comentario... gracias saludos
It's really fun to listen to you geeking out over meeting a celebrity, when there are so many people geeking out over meeting you!
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