Also you want to be careful about leaving stuff in the trailer because they may become part of that trailer forever. This happened to my favorite travel pillow. Someday I may find it again if I get that same trailer, but I'm not holding my breath.
At times I've found random books left behind, copies of the LOST magazine, fan mail, etc.
But this day I found more than I wanted. They've warned us not to leave things in the fridge because the trailer gets turned off and driven to the studio or next location nightly.
Apparently someone was enjoying their spicy jack cheese and avocado plate so much they wanted to save it for later.

Much later.

That is...oh yuck, that's just gross!
Ewww... especially when you know other people may be coming into your trailer. Yuck!
Ha... the pillow is stuck in a time and maybe one day there'll be a bright flash of light and humming VOILA there's your pillow again...
Bleck! You're brave for even touching that plate...
I would be interested to know if anyone owns up to being the owner of that...snack
freaking Emerson.
While it probably wouldn't be nice to just leave it there for the next unsuspecting victim, I probably would've just closed that fridge door right back up and tried to forget what I'd seen. Tried very hard!!!!
yup I'll agree with Rob, maybe the travel pillow is in 1977
That is so gross.
if you find out who these belonged to, you NEED, NEED to find someway to get this into their current fridge. and then do a follow up post and tell us who it was.
I swear I just saw something move!
You should have that with a pit of Peri-Peri sauce...That stuff can make anything taste good...YUM YUM
Just add some hot sauce and your good to go! JackCaddo is good!
ah, the glamorous life of a TV star!
Origin of the smoke monster: Revealed!
Just when you think that tv-movie stars get such special treatment. At least it wasn't fish, ewwwwww.
FOUND: One spicy jack cheese & avocado plate.
Will exchange for lost travel pillow.
Nice. I bet that smelled lovely.
Ewww, and avocado gets so nasty when it is going bad. I've always throw mine out before they ever get to that stage. That just looks awful!
Now that's just gross!!!
I bet there is some crazy person willing to buy this on ebay. Probably would sell for more than I make in a week.
Hey JG! I added you to my blogroll on my blog. I live in Alaska and have to deal w/ alot of the same supply logistics you do. But check out what we're dealing with like 50 miles from my house right now.
Dude you crack me and my husband up! You should be a blog of note you're so Fun-nee!
EWWWW it looks like something I find in my sons room.
i blame dom.
Ewwww, I wonder who it was. Probably tasted awesome when it was fresh!
Wow. That is pretty gross! Do you have any idea who's plate that was?
That must have stunk.
Jack cheese, you say?
this was a photo I could have lived without seeing!
Life is just like a box full of chocolates for you, isn't it?
my guess....Holloway..
are you allowed to take photos of base camp and the behind the scenes crew? would love to see some of those guys. Great team!
I wondered where that'd got off to.
Jorge--the Dharma van is the "Hot Slut of the Day" on .. here's the site..
Just think- a few more weeks and you can use that instead of the smoke monster!
"Ew" is right! Nasty. I'd much rather find a stray pillow.
momma said life is like a box of trailers. you never know what you're gonna get.
okay - one word
I didn't even recognize it as an avocado.:P
You're going to have to start putting your initials
on everything. Your favorite travel pillow is now probably
someone else's favorite travel pillow.
I bet it smelled like a dream, too, huh?
My boss has, um, science projects all over his desk. Sometimes I go in and clear them out when I'm afraid it's going to get up and walk away.
call to CSI !Arghhh
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