They are all right here in this little makeshift green house.

I hope they grow. If they sprout into plants I'll move them into one of my pots and add them to the potted herb garden I'm growing. I got all inspired because I've been watching "Jamie at Home" on the Food Network. (Might be developing a man-crush on Jamie Oliver by the way.) So I've bought all kinds of plants to have fresh for cooking. I have some tomatoes, bell peppers and chili peppers and a variety of herbs. The seeds are basically salad greens and spinach. Keep your fingers crossed.

So did I get your hopes up with that headline? Thought it was going to be a much more exciting blog didn't you.
great hook...good luck with your garden.
You should also plant some basil so you can make some fffffresh pesto sauce. So easy to make, lasts forever in cute lil green blocks in the freezer, and most important of all… tastes so gooooood.
Jamie Oliver's enthusiasm is always really inspiring! Cool plants Jorge =)
Actually this is more exciting :)
I know English people are a bit fed up at the sight of Jamie Oliver but it was his enthusiasm as andreas says that got me into cooking :)
I do bake a lot of cakes, pastries and bread, but he really nudged me along to give proper cooking a try... and I havent looked back since... :)
I did have a bit of an incident once, when I was making his delicious roasted chicken...
I dont know if you have the recipe, but you mix lemon zest with garlic, butter, thyme, prosciutto and then you squeeze it under the chicken's skin (delicious trust me plus you dont have to turn it all the time :) but you also have to cut the lemon in half and stick it up the chicken's bottom :)
Which was fine until the chicken was done and I had to cut it, because I forgot to take the lemon out... it shoot out of that bottom like a torpedo :)
So dont forget the lemon :)
Oh and yes do get basil, its great for anything from pizza, bread, soup, sauces...
Jamie is great and we Brits kinda have a love hate relationship with him! Be careful though cause its ain't slimming food! He used loads of butter but thats what makes it taste so bloody good!
You fooled me with that headline! Good luck with your mobile garden. It looks fresh and delicious.
As for the Food Network. I gave it up for Lent. I'm dieting.
ok wait. you live east side right? cause this is too weird. my homey chris is ALL ABOUT gardening now. all of a sudden. but he lives pupukea. a bit further away. i was about to suggest it was a pupukea thing.
guess not.
Best of luck with the garden Jorge - may your babies grow to be stong little plants. :)
Salad from your own garden-grown veggies is soooo good. It really is. Good luck with the garden; you will love it. not boring at all, everybody dreams, sometime, with your own garden, godluck
lol that was a great headline.
I love herb gardens!! I use to have one in our backyard but where I live in Illinois the soil isnt that great and we have a covered well in our backyard so that didnt help either. I think growing them in pots is great though, you can have that wonderful smell in the house if you want.
I have never seen Jami Oliver I might have to check him out. I have a crush on the guy from Bizzare Foods on the Travel Channel. I love that man!
We have a bunch of deer in our backyard all the time so when I planted a garden, they kept eating everything. Last year I planted in pots and moved them around at night, which worked well, but this year I am going to try the square foot gardening method in a book written by Mel Bartholomew. There is even a section on how to do it where it is mobile, so you might want to check that out.
I swear I have no affiliation with anyone involved in the book, I just love it so much. If you get it, get the "all new" version. Done with my infomercial now, but I hope the book helps you.
And yes, I was a little let down with the title!
You fooled me with the headline but congratulations, nevertheless. Good luck with your little green ones!
I knew about Jamie Oliver from my boss' wife, who's English. You know here in Italy he's not famous at all. Anyway I read some recips from his last book and they were really good!
Then, good luck with your special garden!
One more thing...I totally agree with sam_g about fresh pesto sauce, it's terrific!!!
OMG too funny!! I have to say that I love your humor and wit! Good on ya!
OH yes! Grow the basil! It is fantastic AND I heard it keeps bugs away from the tomato plants!
I'll be curious to hear how this turns out.. I'd love to start up a kitchen garden like that, but my yard is the approximate size of a postage stamp, so it would have to be something potted like that on the deck.
I always grew my herbs in pots too, so we could move them with us. Now that we have a house, I tried to do a garden here this year, and the soil is WAY to sandy, so this year I'm back to the pots. You're herbs look great! There's nothing like have fresh ingredients at your fingertips.
Place some potted marigolds around your herb pots,as they prevent bugs really well. Enjoy!!
I love cooking and i´ve got my plantation too.
Some people say that you have to take care of them as if they were of your family. I think taht if you do that, they grow more powerfull :)
Hey dude you gotta check out these puppies,
I too grow in pots and ive been reading all about these things all winter. They are kind of expensive, but I am going to make my own to save on cost.
Check them out!
You'll be my father's friend (and my mother's too) lol they love their garden but they don't like have flowers inside...Do you know why?
Because flowers inside don't last long...alive ^^
bye hope you'll have beautiful flowers ;)
Eva from France
ps: I would like to write you a letter but I don't know what address I have to use, can you help me plz?
The headline is kind of appropriate since those little plants will become like little babies to you. Protect them! Feed them! Eat them! OK, not babies per se ...
Yum - fresh salad fixins!
Mmmmmm . . . fresh spinach . . . with no danger of e coli!
the title of this blog frightens me.
is that the cilantro in the background? damn you.
So there I am, an insomniac lying in bed in the wee hours, looking at Google Reader on my BlackBerry, when I see:
"We're Pregnant!"
I cry, "Holy sh*t! Jorge Garcia's girlfriend is pregnant! Awesome! Wow! Yay! [click] Oh... he's gardening."
Thanks a lot.
Hehehe... ;)
Congrats on your new babies. Also, the whole man-crush thing cracked me up. My step-dad gets man-crushes all the time, mainly on baseball players.
I think it's great you have your own garden. I'm going to school to be a Pastry Cook and am a firm believer in self-sustaining agriculture, and organic foods. I wish you the best of luck and some happy cooking.
LOL, yeah you got me, still, hope your garden grows very well!
Way to go green! I had a garden when I was growing up, or rather I was made to work in my parents garden. Fortunately it was about three acres so it was large enough that I could sneak back in the house to watch TV. But the corn, beans, carrots,squash, watermelon,canaloupe, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, and potatos (yah we had a three acre garden) are all better tasting when they come from your own handiwork! Just watch out for those damn potato beetles!!
Jorge!!! funny title
Gardening is great... ditto on all those who love Basil!
Hubby has seedlings of the Guiness Book of World Record's hottest pepper, sprouting...he'd love to know how to send some to you...
and fellow reader "jen", there's a book titled The Postage Stamp Garden by Newcomb
Ya got us! LOL
Love your sense of humor. Good luck with your Green Thumb!
Congrats on all your baby plants :-) I hope they grow big and taste yummy!
You fink! I was so excited for half a second (kinda weird really - to be excited for someone I don't actually know...) and then I was like well...fresh produce is good...
With a different heading - I would have been excited about this post - I love to garden!
It's all in the setup. ;-)
Why, you little tease. And so appropriate, with this week's episode, too. (Well, at least, we're led to think that there's another pregnancy, until the very end of the show....)
As a gardener, I'm loving the look of your greens. I'll bet they'll be delicious.
Container porch gardens are fun! Good luck on yours. :-)
Good way to cover for your "other" growing project ;), just remember you can eat it or vaporize it and its totally healthy, but i'm not sure if it will help you remember your lines.
Hi... good luck with your precious garden
goldernit, i read too much fanfic.
uh, sorry.
I just started a batch of herbs myself. And it is mostly because of Jamie Oliver. He's great, I just got his how-to cookbook for xmas. Love it!
new england is jealous.
LOL - I'll admit it; you got me with the headline. But congratulations anyway. I have a patio garden myself and I love me some kitchen herbs.
LOL - LOVE the title. You will have to post some plants pictures with little Jorge faces on them.. That we be even FUNNIER!!
Jorge wrote:
"We're pregnant!"
The man likes his horticulture! :D
Seriously, nice work!
Ah! Now, i undersand your other post!
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