But on closer inspections it looks suspiciously like the grass that grows around the patch.

Especially because there are clearly more than one type of grass in it.
So I've decided to re-spread.

Not because of my belief in the product but because I still have half a bag left and might as well use it.
For those of you who are already bored to tears with my blogs about "grass growing," here's a picture of my dog chewing on my pant leg:

that picture rules. aside from the turds and barking, nunu is the best dog ever.
He is so cute!! Oh, and uh, so is your grass . . . or dirt . . . nevermind. My husband obsesses over our lawn, and makes me take before and after pictures every year!
Oh my gosh, that is the cutest little face ever. :D Too bad about the re-spread though. Doesn't give me much hope for success in my own non-tropical backyard this spring...
(eep, and apologies for commenting this to the wrong post earlier)
Oh...SO CUTE. Want to SQUEEZE!
hmmm, maybe you should just buy a couple rolls of grass sod instead of using seed. Instant results! But maybe for you it is all about watching the growth and nurturing it? Me, I have a black thumb, so I cheat!!!
What a cutie! I am a cat owner, three great ones from the Hawaiian Humane Society. But I miss having dogs. My work hours are so varied and unpredictable that I can't have a dog right now, or I will come home to lots of carpet messes LMAO!
We'll see which grows faster, the Twins or the 'patch'.
Nunu is a cutie.
hehe I think it's nice you're doing all that :P at least you keep yourself busy.. hehe. Your dog! haha, so little!
I'll wait for the next grass' pics!
That blue tint looks so natural!!!
Hope this forgets better than the first go...
umm....I will be amazed if that grass grows!
Cute puppy!
watch over head, they use copters to spot grass growing...
aw, your dog is a cutie!
lol I love your dog!! Same color as my baby Barnabas: the minature attack dauschand. (its a long story) I also have a akita/labador mix named Patrick who is my long suffering older dog whom Barnabas loves to beat up. so sad.
Anyways...grass!!! I miss grass!!! We are expecting snow AGAIN tomorrow. I am beginning to wonder if I remember what grass looks like.
Awesome dog! I used to have a German Sheperd who used to grab my hockey gloves and play tug of war with me. However, German Sheperds are not docile creatures who know when to stop.
Also, be careful with dogs as they can water and fertilize your patch which I don't think is recommended.
Plus those yard bombs can make you feel like your walking through a mine field.
Been telling you, Dude, WATER, WATER, WATER! Rain-like watering is perfect, slow and steady water.
Doggie's cute.
Awwwww for the dog...
for the grass, well its growing?! :)
before you know it you will be complaining how you have to cut every other day, mark my words... :)
I think he (your dog) needs a bigger box! Remember 'Yo quiero Taco Bell......here leezard leezard'? I really hope that makes sense!
Your dog is so adorable! I know when I tried growing grass in my lawn, it worked in the places I didn't plant it with the seeds. Maybe your lawn is just like your plants -- little rebels! good luck!
how does everyone know your dog's name??
is that something google knows?
Water the lawn! Also, it doesn't hurt to turn the soil and mix in some fertilizer before spreading the seed. But make sure to water - about half an hour each day with one of those hose attachments that sit on the ground. Do that, and after a couple of weeks it'll start growing. Good luck!
Cute dog, Jorge! =)
adorable puppy!
What a fabulous and slow moving craft project!!!
Hmm, I think we can let you away with the grass growing blog, just as long as we don't start seeing publicity shots of you carrying the dog in a handbag.
Your dog is so cute!
Ok - have you tried spreading some topsoil on your lawn first? Or aerating it? The soil looks pretty dense (and now I sound dense!).
Seriously though - it makes a big difference to do both of those things.
If you go to a garden ctr/nursery they can help you out - and sell you the right grass seed for your yard. Mostly shadey...a kind to get rid of the grass that keeps popping up if you don't like it.
And then you have to beat the birds away from the lawn seed!
Good luck - and as an avid gardener it is not boring to look at your greenery - or soon to be greenery.
Nunu!! Awe, thanks for showing us a photo. "Daddy, let's play!"
I like to watch grass grow...really. Especially since in the Pine Barrens it's nearly impossible to do. So, I'm going to live vicariously through yours :)
Adorable dog!!
Oh my... I've just forgotten all the reasons that I never want to have a dog. So cute!
on closer inspections it looks suspiciously like the crab grass.
The canine companion chewing on you pants is puppy behavior to extingush before this oral thing becomes an unwanted activity that he selects to do when ever he is bored.
I might take up stalking your dog. First I'd have to figure out where she lives, and then I'll come up and knock on the door and ask if I can get a picture with Hugo's dog ;) (I hope you know I'm being sarcastic)...She is THAT cute though.
woah. your dog looks like my rat terrier-ish dog. He was a rescue so we don't know exactly what breed he is, but he's got the characteristics of a rat terrier and possibly a chihuahua. Anyways, yeah, they look a lot alike!
PS Jorge, it's good that you live in Hawaii and not Australia, because:
... sad but fantastic (?)
I have been trying to get bermuda grass to grow in my backyard for over a year now and it has finally happened. My biggest mistake was planting it too deep. Just a little light raking, spread it, and then a little more raking on top. Presto!
Great show. Thanks for blogging.
Hello Jorge!
Found your blog and thought to pass by and leave a comment, besides because I saw your dog and I just love animals ^^
You're on my favorites list
regards from buenos aires, argentina
oh by the way, loooooved the scene where you tell claire about charlie! :)
you're my mum's favorite character haha!!
My mother and yourself were characterized in the same commercial in Chile. It's for cerveza cristal. You're first and my mom's second. Check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W54a_67FOd8
hey jorge! i love love love lost, and you're my absolute favorite. but, yeah i think you should opt for something easier to grow, and your soil looks kind of dry and unhealthy. have a wonderful day! love from the philippines!
Jorge~~~kiss little Nunu for me. Loving Lost this season, I am such an addict~~~but I keep thinking how I heard that episode seven is gonna blow us outta the water. I can't wait!! Well, I can't wait as long as the outcome doesn't mean we lose someone!!
I was doing my new blog and thought of your efforts to cleanse and be healthier~~~I've been reading a book I mention and if you want to, check it out, see if you get anything out of it that you can use.
"One further note on why I like this book~~~of course we all know we should eat fruits and vegetables, we should be getting fiber, we need to eat fish, lean proteins. We need to avoid fried foods and so on, and so on.
But if we are given specific choices and the information we need to understand why these are the best choices for our goals, we take so much guesswork out of it. That means we save time. We worry less about what we are doing wrong and feel great about the things we are doing right. Simplicity. Why do we choose oranges over something else? What choices also add the fewest calories? What choices are the most efficient?"
Nice puppy!
Isn't Homeownership a bitch???
ps, I have 2 questions...are you friends with your castmates?
And..do you actually own a place with GF in Hawaii or do you do some kind of renting thing since it's only certain times out of the year.
(pps. LOVE YOU)
saludos desde España. supongo que hablas español, no? o eso espero ;)
por aquí amamos Lost (Perdidos) y a tu personaje también y por consiguiente te amamos a ti, es inevitable
Y Es Chileno!!
I had a little dog when I was a kid, that looked very much like yours.
:O i can't believe it, this is your blog ! :O i'm from chile, so i don't speak english very well :B sabemos que uno de tus padres es chileno, y quizá entiendas un poco de español.
ayer empezó la 4º temporada de lost, here in chile, and was amazing, i can't wait for the next episode.
we love you hugo ! you're so sweet on lost.
take care, bye
hi! im from chile :) i love lost!
good luck :D
I think that your black chihuahua should meet my white chihuahua and they can be friends and learn to set aside the color boundary to work together.
Ciao bello!!!!!!!!!!You're great,why don't you come in Palermo....sun,beach and delicious dishes....!
Ti aspetto with your dog too.
i just wanted to thank you for your winter posts from a while ago. they keep me from killing myself every time it snows again and i have to heave shovels full of evil frozen evilness onto piles taller than me, again. to people who live in canada, it's quite lovely to read anything that helps to rediscover snow as a beautiful novelty.
My dog does similar things to my grass!
greetings from CHILE Jorge!
i just wanted to thank you for your winter posts from a while ago. they keep me from killing myself every time it snows again and i have to heave shovels full of evil frozen evilness onto piles taller than me, again. to people who live in canada, it's quite lovely to read anything that helps to rediscover snow as a beautiful novelty.
That made me laugh!
Jorge, but please blog again soon!
Hi, Sorry to hear about your poor grass growing experience.
By the way thanks for the autograph! I was elated!
That Nunu is so freakin' CUTE! Her ears are bigger than her head. Does she fly?
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