Also as part of my testing as seen on TV products so you won't have to I have decided to "spread it and forget it."
As you can see I have this cleared area. Well kinda cleared, there are a few random roots in there. I have "spread it" and I'm now in the process of "forgetting it" but they do say keep it damp for two weeks so I don't know what it is about "forgetting it" they don't understand.
But according to them they can grow grass on a cinder block. I'll let you know.
(Speaking of cinder blocks, I once went to a hardware store here looking for some to "quick fix" a bed frame and the employees had no idea what I was talking about. They had them. They had a ton of them (at least a ton) sitting right there but they didn't know that that is what they were called. They called them "hollow concrete blocks" or something like that. Man it was frustrating. Just thought I'd share.)
Sometimes its frustrating when you don't know the right Hawaii word for something.
Guess their heads were made of cinder blocks.
Just say, "you know, da kine..."
oye loko... porque no escribes algo encastellano? igual e sbuena idea ahi tĂș si la tomas o al dejas aunque ojala la tomes eso chau.
I was gonna say what Mary said LMAO! Cinder block walls here are called "hollow tiled" so maybe that was the term they were looking for? But "da kine" ALWAYS works!!!!
From Garcia to Garcia...
Great work on Lost dude...
O como diriamos en Argentina:
Muy bueno lo tuyo, che.
Sos un groso... Aguante
(By the way... this week's episode of LOST... first time ever that I was mad at Hurley. Booooo! Still love him, though!)
We lived in Navy housing near Pearl Harbor in the 70's, and grass didn't grow very well. I cut it with a manual push mower. It gave me something to do while my husband out on his ship.
Ah patience Jorge my friend... :) just make sure the neighbor's cats dont start using it as their public toilet... nothing works... well one thing, we got cats of our own now and they chase the others off... the dog on the other hand could not care less :)
Oh Jorge
You are like the Mythbuster of infomercials!!! I love it:) keep us posted, okay!
lol I love the cinder block story. I have that problem with my husband all the time. I will call something by one name and he will have no idea what I am talking about..my husband is one of those SUPER specific people...or as he says..call things by their proper labels people...so he would have been one of the cement hollow block guys. lol
Hey Jorge .. your blog got an award .. yup .. go on over to: http://tmbbi.blogspot.com/
and pick it up .. seriously
Hey Jorge~~~~I've been trying, the same as you, to try to switch the foods I eat to something healthier. I've read about too many cleansing things to know which is best, but one thing I like is a magazine I found called Clean Eating, drinking more tea both hot and cold. I love iced tea though but hey, I'm a southerner!
I've also been taking digestive enzymes and they seem to help me, so far. I have a TERRIBLE digestive system.
I think it's cool of you to blog about your experiences in the area of health and what you are doing to that end. But then I've thought you were a cool guy for a long time now anyway~~~~nothing so far has made me feel otherwise. :-)
About the show, I'll say it again~~~~you were totally awesome in the first episode and I've noticed since the episode last week, that Hugo may be becoming a little stronger in his influence, such as his nod to Sawyer that calmed him and kept him off of Ben!! :-) Geez, I love to hate Ben!!
Love you, and many besos!!
How funny that cinder blocks are called different things in different parts of the country. WHO KNEW???
Can't wait to watch the grass progress. I've tried several kinds - with no luck. For us the problem has always been that the birds eat it. I figure if we would throw down some straw over the top, we would have better success. But I guess I'm too lazy to rake it off later...... Good luck!!
I gotta say, at first I thought you meant you were burying your foot pads. Then I wondered 'what is one supposed to grow with foot leeched toxins anyway?' Then I thought of the odor that comes from certain herbal remedies...and you know, it just kinda fell apart at that point.
Then I saw the green and realized you had succumbed to late night infomercials. So I prayed for you.
I'm thinking that living in Hawaii, with supposedly some of the most fertile soil in the world, that if this doesn't work for you, we can safely dismiss all infomercials from now on. Anyway, this is a much better option than the foot pads. Much as I otherwise enjoy reading your blog, I can't go with you there on that one, Jorge. LOL
Jorge: If you are trying the "Perfect Patch" product...forget it! We tried it, followed directions perfectly, watered all the time, and.....NOTHING! Good luck with your lawn.
Great to see you guys are going back to work on March 10th! I'm sure you'll be so happy to be back together and working again. The Season 4 shows are just mind-blowing!
As always...you make me giggle! Sounds like my current experiences with hardware stores lately...LOL!
Thanks for keeping us updated on all this product testing. : )
Have I told you lately that Hurley is our FAVORITE character on Lost?! *giggles* DUDE! It's true! We love all the regulars...but Hurley just has that something extra that makes you want to be his best friend so you can share loads of laughs together! : )
they do say keep it damp for two weeks so I don't know what it is about "forgetting it" they don't understand.
Always making me laugh aloud Jorge!
I tried this stuff, and I don't know if it is because I definitely forgot about it a little too much or what, but it never worked. I hope you have better results!
Hollow concrete blocks, eh? That's kind of wild. I'd be curious to hear what other regional terms you've hit roadblocks on...
Yeah, it's like when I went to a Home Depot in San Diego and asked for moving boxes. The store person looked at me, puzzled, the said (exact words):
Oh, do you mean boxes that you put stuff in and them move them?
Yes, yes I did. Only more simple.
Hello Jorge,
Just a quick post to clarify why the term "cinder block" might not ring a bell with some people.
From wikipedia "Cinder blocks differ from concrete blocks in their aggregate content. Cinder blocks are made from coal cinders and Portland cement. Cinder blocks are lighter and, depending on aggregate availability, may be cheaper than concrete blocks of the same size."
So, basically, back in the day everyone heated everything with coal and so cinders were a free alternative to gravel. The blocks were lighter weight but they didn't hold up very well. In fact they haven't made them in my area in decades.
By the way, my wife and I really like your character on Lost, It's cool that you have such a down to earth blog, and we look forward to your posts.
Just a word of warning...hollow cinder blocks can be very unstable, filling them in with cement will make them stronger.
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