A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Someone Sent Me This Link

Okay yes that's me on Becker.

But who's this kid?
Because it's not me.


Hurleyrules said...

Yeah i remember ya from becker, i still see ya on there when i catch the occasional rerun. I even remember your lil stint as a cabbie in spin city. It's always funny seeing you pre-hurley.

Unknown said...

Great Link !

cholling said...

They should take that off and replace it with a picture from that Jack-in-the-Box commercial. With the Jack hat.

Anonymous said...

Who is that kid???????

Juniper Saltus said...

I used to watch Becker! Haha. Now I have to go dig up some old episodes!

Lex Friedman said...

I think that's supposed to be Henry?

Unknown said...

Aw....you look like a little Donny Osmond. (Sorry....don't sic Nunu on me.)

Dr. Schluss said...

Pretty entertaining, although I wish that the article listed where the photos came from. Yours was clear.

Ever watch "Tim and Eric" on Adult Swim? Ted Danson made an amusingly strange appearance on that a few weeks ago.

Jules said...

What the heck??? That kid doesn't even look like you! That's pretty funny!

Dr Mum said...

I suppose you will have to change your blog name?/

Dispatches off the Island

Jodi said...

Oh gosh! That's too funny!! I wonder who that kid is!

Annundûr said...

Wow, yeah, that kid doesn't look like you.

The pictures of Jeff Fahey and Alan Dale shocked me. I couldn't recognize them!

cathescomicz said...

you know all those jorge garcia's look alike... I saw this a few days ago, and had a great laugh. By the way, has Evi ever had an ugly day ever? Ever??

Anonymous said...

Looks like a kid from Menudo!
Don't be ashamed if it was you ;)

Angela Rynan Durrell said...

Awww, Shawnee Smith...she's an amazing actress, isn't she? I always thought she was so underrated.

Ralph- said...

i read on IMDB once that you were in a Mr. T motivational video. I am pretty sure that is from the video "Be Somebody or Be Somebody's Fool"

Ralph- said...

I was getting a Slurpee last night at 7-11 and they had the cover with Josh Holloway on it. I thought it was strange that he was so prominent, but didn't realize there was more character covers. I just assumed EW had a huge crush on Sawyer.

Dominik Hug said...

Did you work with Terry Farrell on Becker? :) *if yes, envy* :)

yellowdoggranny said...

that's the first time I ever saw you was on that tv show..used to watch it all the time cause im a huge ted dansen fan..thought you were soo cute on it..

Jen L. said...

Nice! Are you going to continue blogging here once the show is over? I hop so!

Matthew said...

Hey Jorge, did you ever check out Alex's band Hepcat? Great old school reggae ska.

Damon said...

Dude! The one with Miles is Rush Hour, I would've never known that was him! Awesome.

GuinGuin said...

Yeah, I saw something similar from the dailymail online. Very funny comparing then and now.

Jamy said...

Hah! Yeah, I saw that little kid picture and thought "Dang...his hair sure got curly!" LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Jorge, isn't the kid young "Desmond" - Henry Ian Cusick ?!

ReNaTo UêGa said...

Maybe this kid is Matthew Fox! Seems like him. Hehehe

Unknown said...

Your alter ego? :/

Unknown said...

I loved Becker.

Hopefully Shawnee Smith is as hot in person as she is on screen.

Steve C. said...

Nice. You got to work with Alex Desert, from one of my favorite bands, Hepcat.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Clearly it is "another Jorge Garcia." Not you.

Nice to see Mr. Holloway sporting the name of our mutual high school's sports team!

BTW the word to type for verification for this comment is "cornhola"

My sweet nightmare said...

the kid is Jorge junior!!!!!!! lol

Goof said...

:D Awwwwwwwwwe I loved the "High school" style pictures.

I wish they'd list what shows and commercials they were in. Yours is the only one that gives reference to what you were doing in your picture.

I couldn't even recognize Terry. And the pics of Dom M. and Alan Dale=LOL!

K.May said...

I never realized you were on that show, but I just remember the cool blind guy. Never watched it much. What can I say? It isn't cheers.