A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not Quite My Last Day At Kualoa Ranch

These are pictures I took a while back when I was shooting on Kualoa Ranch.
We thought this was going to be our last day here. But as the rain became plentiful and the daylight became scarce, we knew we would return once again.Something to keep in mind when shooting on Kualoa Ranch:

We are only renting space here.

The real owners of the ranch

are the cows.

So watch your step. Even at lunch.



so sad to see you all go. what a life changing show. my favorite for every and every. thank you

mrs.mao said...

Thanks for the pictures Jorge! I'm seriously going to have LOST withdrawals. Thank goodness for DVD's.

LacieJ said...

I saved your photo of you in the mirror, is such a great shot. all the best in your future. I will be watching for you. Lacie

korawrsully. said...

O noo :( I don't want that Lost comes to an end.
I'll miss it.
And I will miss u guys :(

Paul Spooner said...

Its not going to be as sad as when Friends ended is it...that made me cry - even though I am a manly man.

Michael Rector said...

Love Lost it's an amazing show, sad to see it ending but it needs to end before it becomes like Holloween 209 or something. Love your character on Lost, I bet you act a bit like that in real life, minus the slightly paranoid crazy talking to dead people part of it all. Your blog rocks, and you're part on Curb Your Enthusiasm was hilarious but short. I knew I knew you from somewhere when I finally got into Lost.

Unknown said...

What are your plans after LOST ?

Neven said...

Three years ago I was in Hawai'i for my honeymoon and we spent a day at Kualoa Ranch. On their "Movie Tour" everyone on the bus went nuts at the stop for Hurley's Golf Course.
We stayed at Turtle Bay, and the hotel staff loved to point out all the locations used for the show too. =)

Erin said...

Sage advice! :-P

I bet it's hard for you to leave, though, cows and all...

Alisha Rene' said...

yikes, watch your step indeed. le sigh...........soon to be over. (pouts lip and peruses interwebs)

Dolphin Boy said...

Aloha and Mahalo Jorge! The Ranch is a special place for many. I too enjoyed my time there on 503.
So glad you enjoyed your time on Oahu. Do we still send fan mail to GSP or will you post new address for us?
404, 503 & 617

gena said...

Is it weird that I am so sad ? It's like I'm losing my friends......

As long as Hurley is happy in the end, I think I'll survive though. Of course I want YOU to be happy too - lol ! I know that they'll be great things in your future, you're just too adorable for there not to be.

gena in nj, who's 19 year old son ( a two year + heart transplant recipient ) looks so much like you that sometimes I want to tell you "cuidado, mijo ! " when you're on the island !!!!!

my blog - has a picture of my Jacob on there - check it out, it's kinda weird to note the similarity !

yellowdoggranny said...

wish they would end the show in such a way to pave the way for a lost movie..sigh*

slathrop said...

When I was filming "Aztec Rex" up in the same areas we had to deal with not only cow pies in unexpected places, but a few times the cows wandered into our areas while shooting and once they actually stampeded a few yards away.
Fun times!

Angela Rynan Durrell said...

Ew, cow paddies. I was raised in West(By God)Virginia during my childhood, and one of my uncles had a cow farm. One day, the heifers got loose and evidently went into labor at the same time, and we were all over the place looking for them. Long story short...I fell ass-first into a gigantomungus paddy of poo. It was like a gooey bean bag. My cousins laughed about that for years.

Just...there's not enough ew in the world...


Dr Mum said...

Do you really want a cowpat to be the last image you post post-L O S T ??

Maru said...

Hello! I´m Maru, from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I just want to say THANK YOU for make me smile so many time with "Hurly"
I will miss him so much!!

Now...you can come to Buenos Aires to visit us!!
I REALLY will love to meet you!!

...no sé si esto lo leerá Jorge alguna vez...pero podría haber escrito en español...verdad....?ya que mucho ingles no hablo!
igual...I try!

cathescomicz said...

Hawaii never leaves you- even if you leave Hawaii. Mahalo, Jorge!

Unknown said...

OH! I WANTED TO TELL YOU. My boyfriend looks nearly identical to you.

That's him and I.

snuffly said...

hi jorge! have you seen this? it's a bit of LOST related cross stitch work - i thought it was pretty amusing anyway:


Jeanne said...

Cow pies...one thing you're probably not going to miss!

Alec said...

What are you going to do after lost?

Unknown said...

Well Jorge, I'm sad for you. LOST is an amazing creation and I am glad you got to be a part of it. The character of Hurley has become beloved and will be missed.
I watched you on Becker back in the day and immediately liked you. You're one of those people I just can't help but root for, even though you're rich and i don't have a dime to my name, Lol
I really wish you continued and un-ending success!
By the way, they better not kill you off! I'll be PISSED!
My money's on you being the hero!

Anonymous said...

And when a cow owns something . . .

lovely photos, thanks for sharing.

The end of a run is always difficult. Best wishes.

AtomBlonde said...

Those hillsides have become iconic. The cow poop, not so much.

Just down the road from the Ranch toward Kalaluu, is a lil' tourist trap called Tropical Farms. There they paint coconuts you can actually mail to your loved ones back home. (even more captivating than the coconuts, was the tribal-tattooed man that paints them, *sigh*) I regret not acquiring one. (the coconut, that is.)

Will you miss the island life?

Lynn Faruque said...

I thought that ranch might be a place you guys would be filming some.

I missed seeing it when I was there.

christa said...

what a great run. can't believe you guys are really done. i'll never forget that valley forever.

AlwaysFaithful1219 said...

Am I doing this right?! I never used this before so I hope you get to read this comment. I'm a big fan and so sad to find this blog on your last day filming. I live in Kailua on the Marine Corps base and while my husband is gone I've been watching Lost religiously every day on Hulu. Just wanted to send my best wishes to you, the rest of the cast, and crew. Come back and visit so I can run into you sometime! :)

ilusionchicmoda said...

No sé que me da mas envidia, si que sepas cual es el final de Lost o que estes viviendo en Hawai.
No quiero que acabe la serie :(

1 beso desde Madrid :)

Anonymous said...

Bet you were glad it did not end on Friday - Love your character - love you!!!!! Aloha

AbleApe said...

(The cow patty one.)

E.B. said...

I really enjoy your work on LOST, you're one of my favorite characters, I have been a fan since season one. I pray that you will be blessed in your future life, both professionally and in personal life.

Unknown said...

One of our fav episodes was when you were driving the dharma van, my 12 year old son even made a pinewood derby version of the car. It was fun to spot the Lost fans, others were like 'oh..a vw bus'. Thanks for giving us Hurley! Here are a some photos (check out the Mr. Clucks sticker)

Dharma Van

Mr. Clucks

Francesca said...

Aw,Kualoa Ranch,I bet you're gonna miss it,it's such a beautiful place. When I was there they told me "we have something like 500 cows,and just five VERY HAPPY bulls..." AHAH! ;)

SB Gypsy said...

Hey Jorge,

I started reading your blog some time ago - got the impression that you were a likable fellow in a beautiful place. Nice relaxing space..

Then I found Lost on DVD, and started watching it from start to finish. Oh hey - it's Hurley's blog - how very cool.

Last night I watched the episode named "Dave".

All I can say is "DUDE!"

Ingrid said...

Dear Jorge,
I just finished watching "The Candidate". When Hurley found out Sun and Jin didn't make it, it broke my heart. Please not to cry on TV ever again.

Thank you for your consideration.

Ingrid Dayton

jennY said...

i love that ranch! cool pics Jorge! Well maybe not the one of the poo...

bubble and squeak said...

Hi Jorge,

LOST has been the best show ever and you made Hurley so real.

Love and miss you all!!!!! Hope only great things come your way hereafter.

Mel said...

I wanted to say thank you for writing this blog while filming LOST. I love the show and am sad to see it go. Hurley is one of my favorite characters and you have played him well!! Look forward to seeing you in other projects.

Mazinha - Marcia said...

great pics....great job!!!!!

plz keep us updated

you have big fans from Brazil