Had lunch with Michael Emerson at the Red Eye Grill, home of the "dancing shrimp." (That's them dancing in the background.)

In Time Square there was a clock counting down to the finale.
It's blurry because I took it from the car as I was heading to the NY Times talk.
This is Matt.
He's the video engineer for the New York Times talk and a grower of awesome beards.
Aw dang! You were like 30 mins from me! I hope you guys had a great time! I <3 NYC
Wow. A Lost countdown clock on Times Square (which in itself is some sort of myth/legend for me).
On a scale from 1 to 100, how surreal do you feel at the moment?
Haha looks great, how was the shrimp? And that countdown clock is also counting down to my birthday, and the day lost will end. I feel its gonna be an awesome day :D
That *is* an awesome beard! Also, I love that dreamy look on Michael's face. It's sort of the look I get whenever I think about LOST...
If you're still in NYC, I know these guys would love to have you stop by!
They're watching ALL of LOST.. back to back, ending with the finale on Sunday.
My long time buddy Jon Walker wanted me to tell you hi and that you're awesome. "Hugo brought the most REALITY to the show". He hasn't been able to watch the show for so long cause he's legally blind now until doctors can figure out what to do.
Honey, check out this pic of you! Adorable cartoon Hurley FTW. http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmaruyama/4625372040/
So... I hear there is a huge twist in the finale that tops everything before that point.
Wow. I was walking right through there last night. Too funny.
Thanks for your amazing work on the show, Jorge. You've given it a great and funny soul.
Wish you well in everything that comes next.
Jim McD, SJ
Happy to see you on the Times Talk! And so excited for the finale!
Yay!! A pic of Michael! Thank you Thank you Thank youu! And he's wearing his favorite vest. He must have more than one of those. Love you Jorge!
Goodbye Hurley...
Is it just me or does Michael look depressed?
Dear Jorge, Monday will be my last time spent with ~Lost~ so i just wanted to say... Thankyou for the wonderful ride and my wish for you is that the *magic* continues X:-)
(Ps) Please pass on to Michael Emerson that i think he has been *Fab* too X:-)
Awww you missed Professor Thom's in Manhatten! There are three guys watching all 121 episodes of LOST for charity as well as setting a new guiness world record! 94 hours of nothing but LOST! Any of the cast who happen to be in or go to NYC should definitely stop by. They're getting interviewed by ABC and various other outlets. They are also streaming it live. www.livestream.com/lostathon
Bet people's minds were blown if they walked past the cafe, glanced through the window and saw "Hurley" and "Ben" having lunch together inside!
Saw Times Talks @ Dole Theaters in Honolulu...it was great! WOW a countdown clock!
once again, great photos. love matt's beard!
it's very cool that you are so down to earth with all the crazy that must be swirling around you right now. thanks for being a normal guy...:)
Michael may never get away from people wanting to reach through the screen and slap him around.
Mmmm...shrimp...Now I'm hungry.
An excellent picture of Michael. I'll miss you both. Hopefully you'll both find new shows to keep you in sight.
I am still giggling over his 'im going to targer for socks'...
whoa dude...that's some awesome beard.
So how bad do people freak out when they see Hurley and Ben out together?
Great article. Am going to miss you terribly. Hope you keep up your blog so we can follow you.
Have a great next project.
Thanks for sharing! (And Michael Emerson looks soooo boyish... or Peter Pan-ish in that photo!)
I REALLY enjoyed the TimesTalk Thursday night!! I was the only one in the movie theatre. Lame! People are missing out!!! But, I live in Ohio, and people are weird here...anyway, so glad you and Michael were guests and I can't wait til Sunday night! :) :) :)
I love how Michael is dressed just like Dr. Linus. ;-)
Already missing that Hawaiian seafood eh?
My fiance and I were lucky enough to attend the event and I just wanted to say thank you -- for six years of amazing television, for the surprise visit at the event (which, admittedly was ruined because we saw you walk in, but hey -- that's what you get for lining up at 4:00 p.m.) and for maintaining this blog and keeping me entertained on a regular basis!
Can't wait to see the show tonight!
Your photo of Mr. Emerson in front of that starry painting in the background reminded me Vincent Van Gogh's Portrait of Dr. Gachet.
I guess tonight is the night for the journey to end for millions of people who have been touched and inspired by something truly magical.
Lost has enraptured our hearts and imaginations.
Thank you Jorge.
I love Ben, can I just say that? Even though he's so awesomely bad. Me and my hubby both. Also an awesome beard grower. Love you too though, don't worry
I saw a Michael Emerson interview a while back and he said if he is walking down the street, people cross to the other side to avoid him. When people see you, they shake your hand and offer to buy you a beer.
I am definitely going to be on the lookout to see what both of you are up to next.
I read that Daniel is going to be on the new version of Hawaii 5-0, so I know I will watch that when it starts.
I hope you will still choose to blog, wherever your adventure takes you. I really enjoy your posts.
That is an awesome beard. It almost tops this one: http://www.worldbeardchampionships.com/compete/beard-team-usa-nationals/
I was thrilled to see you on The View and Michael as well. Caught Matthew on Letterman. Who knew you were going to be here in my hometown. Damn that View, I would have gotten tickets for the day you were there.
I watched the finale last night and you were right. I expected to be emotional but not as emotional as I was. It was a beautiful ending to a great show. Hope to see you real soon on the Hurley and Ben show. Be well and get cracking at another job Dude!
Michael Emerson (same name as my kids' principal at school, by the way) is seriously creepy--those wide eyes that never seem to blink are spooky! So cool! :)
Hey Jorge, I'm a big fan ... sorry it's all over .. now what do i do on Tuesdays?? Anyway, how was this place? It looks really cool inside, was the food good?
There are no people I would rather have lunch with than No. 1 and No. 2.
Holy Smokes! Matt's beard scares me a bit. Cool that he can grow it like that, though. Looks like a set of bunny ears upside down. And the pic of Michael is good. Man I grew to love that guy on LOST.
My husband told me that you had a blog & I've been reading it. Love it! Thanks for keeping one.
Michael Emerson is one talented guy. You gotta love a guy who can make you hate his character in one episode, pity him in another, love him in another and basically spend most of the series not sure what to think of him. I thought his character was the most complex one on the show and he played it well.
I'll miss seeing your awesome face every week, Jorge! You played it great.
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