A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Crashed the LOST viewing party at the Knitting Factory

Last night Damon, Carlton, Burky, Daniel and me went out to Brooklyn to check out the Knitting Factory. Apparently they do a pretty serious LOST night there with live music from the band Previously On Lost.
It was fun to surprise everyone including the band which are pretty damn awesome to see live.
Here's a taste of their cover of "You All Everybody."

I also found this from their first set that night, although technically it was before we got there.


Anonymous said...

They are amazing! It was so awesome of you guys to crash it. I don't know if they told you about this... they did an interview about their music and professed their undying love for Lost. Adam & Jeff are obsessed with Lost
MY only problem with them is that Hurley is not their favorite character. Looking forward to this weekend!

James DeVogelear said...

Holy sweet mother of God! I live in the area and did not know about this. Awesome.

m i l e s said...

I just found this and it made me laugh. That band sounds pretty rad.


Malea said...

You lead the coolest life ev-ah!

yellowdoggranny said...

are they the ones that wrote the song? how cool is that?
I love seeing the cast all over late night tv not spilling the beans

James Hernandez said...


That was pretty darn awesome! You all everybody!

P.S. My word for verification on the blog was 'teariphy.' All this time I thought that word was spelled terrify.

Christian Lashade said...

i was there. What fun! here is a crowd shot with Jorge in the background.


Unknown said...

These guys rock! They are hilarious!

O-Fabulous said...

That looked like so much fun! I wish I had been there.

Laura said...

That's fantastic!! You guys are totally awesome!

Unknown said...

Jorge, we host the nation's LARGEST Lost viewing party right here in Dallas at the Angelika film center every single night the show is on. We pack a full house (sometimes 2). If you have the free time, maybe you and some of your friends would care to drop in and hang out with us this Sunday?

sara said...

I live in Pennsylvania and my brother and I make goat cheese. I think of you and Lost every time I make mozzarella now because of your cheese curds line and because we have to heat the curds to 108 degrees. We're making some for our last Lost party.

Jenn said...

I was in Brooklyn that night...but I was home watching Lost. Rats!

Pelekai said...

That is so AWESOME! I squealed when I saw the first photo, I have that exact same stuffed Polar Bear! :) Looks like you all had fun! :)

Jason said...

Jorge, just saw you (and Beth!) on Dinner: Impossible!

Sarah said...

I just wanted to share with you these amazing LOST crafts I've stumbled upon on Etsy:



And also this really bizarre Hurley tribute:


I'm not sure what to make of the chickenpants, but the bearded felt JacksTear certainly made me laugh out loud.

Anonymous said...

Lost will live forever!!!!! Awesome!!! Thank you for your blog - please continue. We love you.

snuffly said...

lol, that's an awesome band name!
i wanted to ask - i just saw you on dinner impossible tonight - how was the food?

Mighty Morfin said...

That's pretty cool, Jorge! BTW, my niece went to the LOST finale party in L.A. last Thursday and said she had an awesome time! Wished I could've went with her! So sad it's all coming to a close!

Linda Jividen said...

How awesome for you to see more evidence of how LOST brings people together :) You will be missed by the masses!

goinghometime said...

That's is so awesome you guys did that. I bet they flipped out.

Mark said...

I think it's so awesome that you just randomly showed up to this party! So many celebrities seem like their in a different world, you seem so down to earth! I know some people get insane when they see a celebrity in person, hopefully everyone was cool! Do you plan on coming to the FX show in Orlando, Florida this year!? Hope to see you there! Take care! -Mark

goinghometime said...

BTW, just made my ringtone the smoke monster. Heh...chk chkk...chk chk chk...wooooooOOOOOO!!!!!

Previously, it was You All Everybody...but smoke monster wins.

WeAreSoCute said...

! I shot that second video :D I was wondering how the views went up so quickly haha

Thanks for crashing the party man, that was pretty awesome of all of you

Jen said...

Seriously...is that the best band name ever? That band sounds awesome. Wish I lived in that part of the country.

Objetsmart said...

As Hurley is my favorite character on LOST, I adopted the Hurley Chickenpants to add to my family of stuffed travelling chickens...

Here's a photo!

Michael said...

Dude, that Sayid song was funk-alicious!

Elysium said...

It sucks i am stuck in the midwest and have to miss the really fun stuff...yet happy to shed a few tears with my daughter while we watched the last curtain call from our sofa.