A few weeks ago my cousin and her husband came out to visit.
We made a project on Valentines Day to cook a Paella over an open fire.
Everyone pitched in.
Here we're starting with the shrimp.

Kendra adding fish and tomatoes and seasoning.

A nice boil with the clams opening up.

Finally Beth finished it off with the peas.

It was my first paella but I thought it turned out to be a success.

This has been a week of Paella, seriously I hve seen it mentioned like 12 times....never heard of it before that, baader meinhof for the win!
That looks awesome!!!
u planning on opening a restaurant after the show wraps? ;-)
From Spain,"land" of Paella...
Good Job!
You're quite the foodie! It looks yummy
I'd eat it.
Looks tasty.
Also, Go Badgers!
Hot damn! you two just continue to impress. Always thought one of the larger paella pans would be a killer sled... did I just type that? Must keep craziness inside.
Did you put rice in it?
Did you put rice in it?
I like the picture that shows the beer bottle on the ground :)
Ah! Sounds like a perfect afternoon!!! I'm missing my 'ol Miami cookouts (in Atlanta now, its snowed yesteday). Cheers!
I love paella so much. I'm totally coming over for the next batch!
DUDE! Have you seen this? http://www.buzzfeed.com/awesomer/hurley-parties-in-the-usa
It's that goofy Miley Cyrus song with Hurley clips to match the lyrics. HYSTERICAL.
Uh. That's a wine bottle actually. Kendra put a little white wine in the mix.
Uh. Yeah. We put rice in it.
you're quite the cook. try making captain crunch chicken fingers w/ a honey yogurt sauce. kinda trashy but tasty none the less.
Paella mmmm mmm! Its is great with rabbit or chicken too.
That looks like a nice dish for a cookout, something different. Probably a short cooking time too.
That looks like a nice dish for a cookout, something different. Probably a short cooking time too.
Looks great! Strangely enough, the worst paella I ever had was in Seville, Spain. If you're ever in Atlanta, I dig the paella at La Fonda Latina, which has 6 or 7 locations throughout the city.
I want to know how the rice cooks without a lid.
Maybe when Lost ends, you can have your own show on Food Network. I would watch. :)
Very awesome! I want some!!! I see your cornrows are gone... wonder what that means...
Hi man! i'm a huge fan... is it true that you are half Chilean? if that so.. you should try "completos" its like a hot dog... take care man keep up with the good job!!
Mmmm....that looks good. I'm hungry right now and wish I could grab that through the screen. Good job!
Smoke follows beauty. (That's what I was always told.)
Wine?No man... This is no Paella XD
If you ever come to Valencia(Spain) I invite you to a real Paella. But anyway your 'paella' looks kind of good
looks good....
looks sooooo good
Hi Jorge! Here, where I live we never not heard about 'Paella"! I think it's something delicious.
Jorge, you know that 8 March-- is woman's day!???Really, I want to make something interesting and delicious for my sister and my mom, but I didn't know what! Can please to give one good advice from you!!??? Will be very glad! ;)
Jorge, I was, ever very interested- "In the first or second season of Lost, you make a jump in a water, I like so much this moment, =) but it's looks like you jumping in water -where is not Big depth--it's true!??? There, not was Big depth??? Or just it so seemed to me!??? ;)
Looks fab (even though i'm vegan- with a fish twist) and co-incidentally i was at a twilight market last week where the fOOd was fabulous and i even took photo's of... yes you guessed it, the Paella (Funny that!... oooh a bit like a Lost plot!) X:-o!
I don't know the kind of paella yo made guys, but the usual Spanish one has not tomato sauce.
Anyway bon apetit!
Yes, this is not "Paella".
Please, visit Valencia (as Schoolisout said) if you wanna a really good ones :-)
Looks awesome Jorge! Is there a recipe around?
YUM! That looks amazing...and fun.
I've never heard of a paella, but it certainly is artistic-looking!
Looks so good.
How was the shrimp? If it was rubbery and overcooked you should try adding it as the last ingredient. Shrimp has a relatively short cooking time and can get overcooked very quickly.
How has your bread starter been? Bread baking much?
That looks really good man, congrats!. Now I really want paella.
That looks really yummy. I LOVE me some paella!
Hey Jorge,
Love the blog, very entertaining and love that you put up food posts as well. Getting ready for a career in cooking so it's pretty awesome that I get to combine food and Lost peeps. =)
I've seen some paella pans around but where did you score yours? Just curious...trying to get a good deal, as they can be a little pricey.
Loving this 6th and final season of Lost! So bittersweet, but you already knew that. Keep up the great work.
Yeah I knew Spanish people would say it's not paella. But that's fine. The Spaniards on the show said the same thing about ANY paella not made in Valencia.
Your right it's pureed tomatoes not sauce. We used canned. We also used different seafood. Oh and the shrimp were not rubbery. We cooked them and removed them and then added them again later as the recipe said.
My recipe came from the book, "Spain: A Culinary Road Trip." It came out of a television show that Mario Batali made with Gwyneth Paltrow.
For a quicker weeknight version:
Cook some rice mixed with saffron and set aside. In a big pot throw little smokies cut up, peppers, onions, garlic, chopped up chicken breast with a little olive oil. Once that is cooked through - add a bag of cleaned shrimp and some butter. Then mix in with the rice.
Calories galore - but yummy! :)
next time make it vegan!
Looks MUCH better than the paella I had in Spain--that had shrimp with the heads still on with their little stick eyeballs staring at us:{ And it was pretty gritty...
So sorry for the double comment on another entry--I guess I didn't read the instructions on posting comments very well!
oh my goodness that looks delectable!!!!
It's my stomach send me a message. LOL
I think I'm hungry after see this. Looks so delicious!!!
Hugs Jorgeman! =)
THAT looks good.
Tena Lynn
There was a lot of smoke? Smoke Monster attack!!!!!
March 27 National is Spanish Paella Day!
Hola Jorge,
Esa paella seguro que tuvo que estar riquísima, aqui en España la hacemos muy bien pero tu vas mal en caminado. Un saludo.
hey hugo everybody love you cuz you are cute.
look at this. it is Iranian version of Lost.
he he :))
OMG, it looks amazing, I can smell the stinky-sweet-nose krinkling-pungent spices from here.
Hi colega, listen, whenever you wanna make una buena paella por favor dame un toque y te enseño, no es que tenga mal aspeto, es que seems to be a different thing than paella, and it´s not because it had´nt been made in Valencia, ´cause I´m from south Spain,, Málaga, and paella doesn´t have to be from Valencia para que sea buena. Ademas me ofrezco para enseñarte a hacer Porra Antequerana, which is a cold soup made with vegetables, jamon serrano, eggs and tuna. I´m sure you´ll love it.
Woo-hoo! I adore when I see someone praising Spain´s national dish :) I could not live without it when I was living away from my country so I often cooked it for my international friends who had not even heard of it.
Yours looks delicious!! and believe me, it is seriously tricky to get it the first times so well done, congrats.
Greetings from Spain! :)
P.S: I just stumbled upon your blog, did not know you had one. I admire your down-to-earth attitude, never lose it Jorge!
Yummy Yummy :)
Jorge in Spain there are a lot of different tipes of Paellas, there even is one made with the ink of the Calamari called Paella negra. So I thik yours is just as real as any of them. You should be very proud of it
?¿?¿?¿?¿spanish paella with peas??????
jorge... sorry but this isn't a paella, I'm living in Valencia (Spain) originally from papella, and this isn't it... this is other thing... otherwise like tasted good ^^.
Sorry for my bad english T.T
I love peas and i'm from Wisconsin! Yeah Beth!
I am SO going to make this. My husband and kids will go ape over it (I'm not a big seafood person myself). Did you serve anything as a side dish or does this stand on its own? It looks like it would go well with corn bread, but then again, I'm from the south and think almost anything goes well with cornbread. :oP
Wow , your life looks pretty normal.........I had imagined lights, glamor , and fences made out of bars of solid gold.
You seem pretty down to earth :)
Parece que está rica :P Pero los guisantes...no sé yo...too much peas i think
this looks magical! i just make my first arroz con pollo! hooray first time cooks!
Paella a la americana! love it!
Aunque veo más gambas que arroz, but it´s ok!
Did you have sangria to go with it? Looks good
Hugo, soy de Valencia, españa, de donde es original la paella. La tuya no se parece demasiado jeje, pero seguro que estaba buenisima.
Si algun dia vienes por mi tierra te invito a una auténtica, vas a flipar.
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