A blog by Jorge Garcia.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Mary Alice,

I'd love to come over and build you a 100th episode cake.
Unfortunately this week I'm working on the LOST series finale.


P.S. But in a few weeks my schedule's gonna be WIDE open.


Tales of Whimsy said...

How cool.
Just the mention of the finale has me excited.

Autumn said...

SQUEEE!!!! I can't wait to see it!

Well, I can.

Good luck!!! and Thanks for being in LOST!!

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh. I cannot wait! Have fun!

cholling said...

And of course it takes up all your time, because Hurley is the one chosen to replace Jacob and you're in every scene... right?

Unknown said...

I love you, just a lot. And Mary Alice. That would make for a great Ace of Cakes episode... you showing up at Charm City with a surprise cake. Perfect. Maybe for their 150th? 125th? 102nd?

SandyQuilts said...

Not Mary Alice .... what are you going to do after Lost? Man I'm going to miss that show!

splord said...


And, sad.

( also, LOL :) )

Deb said...

season finale? well, that just was a kick in the pants! I will miss Lost terribly.

Unknown said...

19Suerte Jorge!!

Unknown said...

This makes me so sad! I'm going to miss seeing Hurley!

Anything else lined up for after LOST or just taking a long vacation?

Ralph- said...

That would be so rad if you built them a cake! Maybe you could send them some bread.

Luna-See said...

Mmm, Dharma Cake!

Anonymous said...

NOOOOO!!! Not the series finale! :-( Those 6 seasons went by way too fast. Going to miss LOST.

-Eli- said...

It's tough finishing a 3 week run of a play you've been working on for two months. I can't imagine saying goodbye to a 6 year show as intense as LOST must have been. But you guys are leaving behind a major legacy, and I hope you're able to stay close with all the friends you've made on set!
And what's with this "wide open" schedule? I, for one, want the name Jorge Garcia in at least 1 out of every 3 movies or tv shows I watch.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, in a few weeks.
I was wondering how are you feeling about that?
I'm already a bit sad...
Every time that a show that I love ends is like a part of the family has gone on a trip and will never come back. :/

Anonymous said...


Cakes and season finale aside - if you ever are interested in having anything Hurley oriented sculpted for you - I'd be happy to donate. (I'm talking about a bust, action figure, etc.)

I'm a sculptor with not too much to do, and I'm a fan of yours/LOST!

yellowdoggranny said...

sigh*...............what am I going to do when Lost is ....gone..sigh*

Unknown said...

Ugh... What am I going to watch religiously now.... This sucks

Janna Lawson Photo said...

Just thinking about the finale makes me piddle a little. Don't judge me.

Rebecca said...

:D :D :D It would be great to see you on Ace of Cakes - again ;)

BostonDan said...

You? Making THEM a cake? Best Ace of Cakes EVER!!

Nikki Stafford said...

Gyaaaaah! Your post just gave me goosebumps. Good luck with it, Jorge!! SO EXCITED.

And can I book you for cake-making when you're done everyone else's? Toronto's a really lovely place. ;)

Anonymous said...

Imma miss LOST!!!!! Thank you all, Jorge, Matthew, Evangeline, Josh, Terry, Naveen, Yunjin, and Daniel for being in all 6 seasons of Lost and making it so much more enjoyable!

Erin Walker said...

Awww...I will miss you and Hurley and the whole cast!

mrs.mao said...

Oh, Jorge, I'm having withdrawals already just thinking about LOST being over. Thanks for a great 6 seasons.

Lynn Faruque said...

Mary Alice I am sorry, but he has been asked to let me show him and Beth the Stockyards.

But then maybe being wide open after the finale, he can do both!!

I got a feeling Jorge, you are not gonna be so open for long.

I am going to be a mess during the final episode, you know.


JS said...

HAHAHA. Wow, must be amazing to be filming the finale. What are you going to do with all that free time!

Unknown said...

So, I dreamed about you last night, Jorge. You were talking to Wil Wheaton for no easily explainable reason! I guess he seems like the sort of person you might know, to my addled mind.

Hugely excited for the finale! I can't wait, and yet I just don't want it to end. Conundrum.


Julie Welch said...

I've never been a serial TV watcher, but I am a huge fan of the show. I will miss it. Not to sound lame, but it's more of an experience than just a show. Because there is a real game aspect to it. We viewers are participants. Not just watchers.

It has been a great ride. Thanks to all involved.

Unknown said...

For a second there I thought you might be getting a new gig at Desperate Housewives. But it seems everyone knows who this Mary Alice is but me.

Galkafisher said...

Too sad that lost is about to end:(. But glad that something like LOST appeared on TV. So good writing and amazing actors. TV will die after LOST. Nobody can replace john locke or ben or you. 6 AMAZING YEARS

Dr Mum said...

Will you be asking the cast and crew back to your place for one of your awesome themed evenings. . .maybe a cork whittling contest, or find the diamond tub. Sink the island cake and smoked red herrings for eats?

Erin said...

You filming the finale now makes it all seem much more... final. :-\

Unknown said...

Since your schedule is going to be wide open in a couple weeks, why not make a trip down to Dallas to watch an episode....maybe your episode....at the Angelika film center and cafe. We fill a movie theatre every Tuesday night watching LOST.

Duffman said...

WOW !! 6 seasons eh? I bet you're VERY excited! I'm excited just hearing about the finale.

I know you can't give anything away but it would be sweet if you could at least give us a feeling how YOU feel about the way things are wrapped up.

Even if it's just on the G Jack's Beard podcast. Which means waiting til the end to hear what you have to say. But at least this way we'd get to hear your reaction AT the time.

Unknown said...

No, Hendrik: I even watch Ace of Cakes, and was momentarily confused as to how my 18-month-old daughter (also MaryAlice) has managed to contact Jorge. I mean, I'm sure my baby is a Lost fan, via osmosis ... .

Eugen Caitaz said...

Jorge, you until now, filming finale series???

Lynn Faruque said...

Have you seen this? On Facebook about Lost. A new page cropped up, for serious fans.


Mighty Morfin said...

Jorge, thanks so much for the adventures week after week on LOST! We will so miss watching you and your castmates! Looking forward to the last episodes, but so sad for the end! :(

cathescomicz said...

You've been incredibly kind and generous to your fans, and that is something we'll miss incredibly. I truly hope that your career is long and varied, with many more amazingly wonderful roles. You're so articulate, and you show how talented in every interview you've done. It will be wonderful to hear you do more music, and amaze viewers for years to come- thanks Jorge. (thanks lost for bringing jorge to the forefront of a great show)

Mamato2 said...

LOST is TV crack... want.more.now and I JUST finished watching the Jin-Sun epi!!

Viveros said...

I think you should have your own show!!!What do you people think about it??It doesnt matter if you play Hurley or any other character but you certainly deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I was unexpected at how the mention of the finale brought me a wave of grief!

I hope we'll see LOTSA BLOGGIN' after the show is over. ;)

Jamy said...

I'm excited to find out all the island's secrets finally, but dang...I'll also be really bummed. I am going to miss Lost a lot when it's over and I hope that you guys will be making some Lost movies later.

Starchy said...

THE FINALE. :sob: Your calendar wide open... :sob:

This has to be the saddest post ever.

Unknown said...

Ok, seriously, Jorge. I was not a fan of lost for the first few seasons because of my night shift and lack of digital recorder at the time. Before last season began, I decided that I will give it a shot and have since caught up and am currently following the last season. From my perspective, I sincerely hope that Lost does the rabid fan community a boon and make sure that Hurley is a huge part of whatever they do for the finale. If they try to give "him" the "Oh, by the way ending" that I have seen before, I will be incredibly disappointed. Good luck to you and all of your future endeavours. I cannot imagine hollywood not picturing you when someone pitches an honest and caring buddy for some huge named actor in a flick. Also, it would be great to see you go evil on some bitches for a typecast twist. Once again, good luck!

Erin said...

Mary Alice and Jorge Garcia-- two of my favorite people (that I have never met)!

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