Man I love using shower caps to cover my dough while I wait for the first rise.

I know there are specific bread rising buckets that people may use. And someday I might buy said buckets.

Before I would either try to cover the bowls loosely with plastic wrap or set a plate on top.
But then I read somewhere about the suggestion of a shower cap and I love it.

I can't wait to stay in a hotel again just so I can steal another one.
Man... big hollywood star having to steal shower caps and can't even afford store-bought bread.
I knew cost of living on the islands was high, but dang...
Breadmaking looks like all the fun of home brewing, way less work and much quicker gratification. I may have to give it a whirl.
My first blog!
I have to say I have enjoyed you immensely on the show and I don't think you will have any trouble finding more work. Definitely check out the KING ARTHUR FLOUR website right here in VT - stop in and we'll show you guys around our state (right after you stop in MD and bake that cake with Mary Alice!)
I am not very good with bread, but my husband makes a great maple beer!
Hey Jorge, I don't know if they have dollar stores where you are or Wal-Mart but they have Bowl covers like that in the cheap section of the stores. For a couple of bucks, you get like 6 of them in assorted sizes and they work great for alot of things like that. (now I sound like a sales woman) lol I am not now, nor, ever been a bowl cover- sales woman. lol I need to make me some bread today too. I'll have to use that tip too.
Now you will probably get tons of said shower caps in the mail...
You are the bread man.
I think I've seen shower caps for sale for a "song" at the local dollar store here. That's got to be cheaper than having to pay for a hotel for the night to get one (wink!)
Please post pics of your latest bread after baking!
My Dad used to travel a lot and my mom always made him bring her the shower caps. We used them all the time in the kitchen. Of course the other kids thought we were a little odd . . .
Just had to say before this whole experience is over that I have enjoyed you tremendously on the show - and doubt that you will have any trouble finding future work, either as actor or bread baker!
Definitely check out the KING ARTHUR FLOUR website right here in VT. Stop by and we'll show you around the state (right after you make that stop to bake that cake with Mary Alice!)
I have only had bread success in my breadmaker, but my husband brews some wicked-good maple beer!!
It might be worth booking a night just for the purpose of the shower cap.
That is soooo brilliant! I have been soaking towels and trying to unstick risen bread from plastic (or cloth) for years now. An example of how people get used to doing things a stupid way when a simple solution is available! Thank you!!!
you know you can get shower caps at any drug store right :D
I'll have to remember that next time I make bread - its awesome!
Excellent suggestion! They actually have "shower caps" for covering leftover food, probably in with all the storage bag stuff at the stores. I love that you bake bread. You seem very successful at it. I just started myself a few months ago and have had some hits and misses. By the books you've shown it looks like you use the no-knead method? I love the kneading part! But I may try that one sometime, too. Seems like a lot of people are getting into bread-baking these days.
I have read about the shower caps too but I never go to hotels :-) so I ended up buying one of those bread-rising buckets (so far I only used it to make Brioche and it worked great).
What kind of bread is this?
Shower caps! Brilliant! I've had a hard time with the shower cap like things that are specially made for food containers, but actual shower caps? I bet they're better. Great idea thanks!
My husband and I want to start making breads, love seeing the ones you're doing.
I bet you suddenly find your fan mail "showered" with an influx of shower caps. :)
I use disposable shower caps for everything BUT covering my hair in the shower. They are also great for covering large platters. You can get them 15 for $1 at WalMart. I think I've seen the at the dollar stores too. I'm making baguettes for Easter Sunday - nothing better than the taste of home made bread!
Shower caps are usually complimentary, like shampoo and soap. If you come and stay at the hotel I work at in Beaverton, OR I'll give you a bunch to take home.
Hmm, I use a damp tea towel and that works just fine!
They actually make "shower caps" to put over bowls... the same people that manufacture cling wrap. They come in several sizes.
OMG, shower caps!! You've revolutionized my bread-making world. Thanks!
That is a great tip! I also learned in a bread making class I took that a microwave makes a great bread box. You just boil a cup of water (I use a pyrex measuring cup) in the microwave, right before you're ready to put the bowl of dough (covered w/ plastic) inside to rise (leave the boiling cup of water in there w/ the dough). This creates a dark and humid environment in the microwave that really helps the dough rise faster.
Hi, Jorge!
There are actually packages of "bowl covers" for sale in many supermarkets that are pretty much the same as showercaps. :) They're usually on the aisle with the plastic wraps and foil. And, if you want more showercaps, you can probably get a box of them (probably cheaper than the bowl covers) at a beauty supply store.
I sure hope your making raisin bread in the top photo, otherwise the rats have returned in a big way. :P
Wow really? I usually just use a teatowel...
I can't wait for Bread Making Tip #2 - I hope it involves a trouser press.
Careful - people may start sending you shower caps. By the way, you can buy actual plastic saran covers for bowls - they come in different sizes and are pretty much just like shower caps.
well, since the last time i was in a motel was when i was hot back in the 80's..will you steal me one's a brilliant idea.
My wife uses SaranWrap and a rubber band, but this seems safer. She was using my office to proof dough (I have a lot of computers so it's nice and toasty), and one of the rubber bands snapped at random and hit me in the side of the head. A shower cap seems like a better way to go.
THAT is genius, seriously. Thank you for the tip... I will be using it. (Finally a reason to justify my habit of keeping all the freebies from hotels!... now if only I could figure out what to do with all the sewing kits.)
Well, now we know what to get you for giftmas. (present day)
I think you can purchase them at the store or online somewhere. I did a quick search on google and you can get them in cases of 50 or less. On ebay clear plastic shower caps for $12 in a 50pc case. hehe
Good luck!
Taking hotel shower caps to make bread at home is a new one ! LOL!! I totally love that idea! :D
What a great idea! Of course, I use a bread machine . . . going old-school sounds very cathartic, though. I made my own home made pancake syrup and fresh mayo today, and there was something very empowering about being able to create such basics by my own hand. Kneading bread dough, I suspect, would be empowering, too -- and a great way to get out anger, I'd guess!
*LOL* I really did chuckle out loud - stealing shower caps? Ah, even celebrities aren't immune from the inevitable hotel thievery...
Ha, that's pretty clever! I should pass that along to my sister - she's starting to get interested in baking bread too.
You can buy those type of covers in the grocery store or a dollar store. So no stealing necessary! :)
I always just drape a dish towel over the bowl, but a shower cap sounds like a better solution.
you can sometimes find these in the plastic wrap section of the grocery store, and I've even bought them at Dollar Tree in a box containing three different sizes. They're great for covering up leftovers too!
When you reach the end of the Lost, be sure to post here on Blog! Why me and I'm sure, thousands of people admire Jorge Garcia. I learned to admire a guy who I'm sure it has a good heart. Cheerful and likes animals! These qualities, which makes a good character. Kiss! ;)
P.S=> Sorry some mistakes in English. I am Brazilian and not yet learned to speak the right language.
Do you always use the mixer or do you knead by hand at any point?
I typically just drape a clean tea towel over the bowl. It works well and I can reuse them again and again.
That's awesome. I shall go and add shower caps to the shopping list right now and prepare myself for my hubby's confused look when he reads it. That will be fun. :) (Yes, I lead a simple life.)
Here we just cover it with a tea towel.. that might be an idea while you wait for another shower cap.
Hi Jorge, don't know if you have them in US but in Australia they actually sell boxes of mixed "covers" specifically designed for that purpose. They are really useful for covering salads or if you are taking food to friends for a BBQ or get-together :D
I use a damp tea-towel and put the bowl in the airing cupboard. . old fashioned but effective.
hey! that's a great tip!
ingenius use of head gear!
Oh no! There looks like rat droppings/raisins in your bread dough! Don't tell Beth!
Thanks for the tip Jorge! I will use that next time I bake bread---my Mom made the BEST bread when I was a kid. She would add wheat germ to the dough~~ I can still smell it!
I love bread making.. so far our best bread has been Challah..but Sourdough is our next feat. Too bad we always eat the bread right away and it never lasts more than a night.
I can only assume you've seen this?
what a good idea! hadn't thought of that. go to the dollar store if you have one around. you can buy about a dozen there for a buck
this bread making stuff makes me want to make some home made bread mmmm.Its funny about the shower cap to
Just make sure the shower cap is new and not used. You don't want curly garnish on the bread :O
Shower caps. Genius. I've always used a damp linen towel, but I can see where the shower caps might work better.
"Bread Making Tip Two: Ice Bucket"
use as rising bucket, also available from hotel room.
"Bread Making Tip Three: Yeast"
Uhhh...plastic wrap works just fine there....If you are prone to stealing something from a hotel, go for the pillows or bath robe!
And if the hotel was extremely expensive the bread comes out even better.
If you don't believe me you'll just have to try it out.
My mom has used shower caps for every thing... esp covering left overs... Perhaps you and my mom should chat... LOL!!!!
Very cool tip! I've been liking all of your posts about bread baking, as I got into it myself about 6 months ago. I started out with The Bread Baker's Apprentice by Peter Reinhart. There's an awesome baguette recipe in there BTW called "pain à l'ancienne." There's something satisfying about making bread that most people don't get. Anyways, keep up the good work!
I'm at a hotel right now. The shower caps look extra fancy. Maybe I should send you one. :)
Was directed to this website, and I saw this...
Keep up the great work!
Great idea! I have to improve it!!
100 shower caps for about 4 bucks at a beauty supply store :)
I swear Jorge, that was a stroke of genius!! I never would have thought to use shower caps! You're brilliant!!
That shower cap idea is ingenious!
If you ever visit Munich again, you might want to get some rye bread from a "Hofpfisterei" shop. Best rye bread ever (I'm chewing on a slice right now, with just a little butter and salt - couldn't imagine a better supper!)
On a second note, thanks for your podcasts - one of the really great online gifts for someone like me who is desperately trying to catch up with "Lost", having watched only the pilot five years ago. Since I noticed myself getting increasingly fascinated with people around me being fascinated by the show, I wanted to understand the magic of its storytelling and follow the emotions of its fans during the show's final stages. Your podcasts have been very helpful indeed!
Baking your own bread...
Stealing random seemingly useless items from "the man"..
Enjoying a good game of Werewolves.
Generally sending out the "I feel good and like my life" vibe.
Damn.. you are definetly almost as cool as I am.
Sorry bout'tha.. ego stickin'out again..Btw... instead of a damp towel.... a wet police flag does quite well instead ;) (not that I'd insinuate you'd go out and actually steal one..
greetz, Ben from the Netherlands.
Really? Plastic never worked for me on bread. I use linen towels. I keep a special set I only use when I bake bread.
The trick is to make sure the cats stay away. For some reason, the cats love the warmth and softness of the bread and the towels, so I have to keep an eye on everything or I find them napping and the bread not rising (among other reasons that batch has to go out).
I'll try it, though -- although one of my cats likes to suck on plastic, so it might make it worse!
Glad it works for you.
That is a great idea, Jorge! I must admit that I usually let my bread machine do the work for me, but I will try this the next time I don't use the machine! I love your countertop, too!! Beautiful!
The shower cap idea, genius.
Just discovered your blog and am so pleased to find out that you bake bread! I'm definitely going to have to try your showercap trick. I'm just recently finding some success making bread at high altitude (Colorado). Love the show, depressed about it coming to an end...thanks for bringing Hurley to life!
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