Monday, December 28, 2009

Xmas in Wisconsin

This year I went to Wisconsin for Christmas.
Braving the cold weather and experiencing fresh snow for the first time.
But not enough to cover the ground.
Apparently I was being watched.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew: December 24th

I saved this one for near the end because it's her hands down fave.
I buy this bone shaped, giraffe print squeaky toy in bulk.
This is Nunu's woobie.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Burdock Experiment

Beth says I tried it before and hated it but I felt like I discovered the newest greatest thing when I tried Kinpira Gobo at the Japanese restuarant we go to.

Kinpira gobo is a salad made from sauteed burdock root and carrot. Now I only recently heard of burdock when it was mentioned in a recipe at for bibimbop.

Suddenly it's everywhere. So I decided I'd try to make my own. Now burdock is the longest root in the grocery store.

How long is it? (Too easy.)

So long that no bag will hold it. In fact at the Don Quijote where I got it they had their own packaging created just for it.

It's so long I couldn't get it all in this picture
so I had to tilt it away from the camera.

I'm not going to tell you the recipe all I did was google it. But I will show the finished product.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Elementary School Science

My celery middles were looking a little pale the other day so I thought I'd do something I remembered from elementary school.

I stuck them in glasses of water that I had dyed with food coloring. And watched the leaves change color over a few days.

I made them blue, yellow and green. I know there's nothing really exciting about turning celery green but I seem to be out of red.

It's cool how it sucks up the color in fact you can see it in the fibers when you cut a cross section.
Man I'm bored.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

So My Mom Asked Me

What am I getting MYSELF for Christmas? Hmm... I hadn't thought of that.
But then I realized I actually did get myself something.
It wasn't explicitly a X-mas present when I ordered it from Amazon. But the timing is spot on. I upgraded my Flip Mino to the Mino HD.
Let's see if you can tell the difference.

Nunu on my old mino.

Nunu on my new mino HD.

Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew: December 19th

Give these to her and give her space. They really bring out her inner beast.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew: December 16th

Her pink thing.
I can't tell you what we call this thing around the house.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dude. Someone just sent this to me.
It's a compilation of all of my "dudes."
I was going to embed it but the ads started to annoy me.
There is an addendum that includes season five as well.

Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew: December 15th

A rawhide. Bone. Thing.
For a second there I thought she was still working on her foot.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Kinda Jealous

Someone purchased this Triceratops skull at auction for over $250K last January.
Although I'm pretty sure I'd never spend that kind of money on something like this,
I'm kinda jealous of whoever it was. I'm adding Triceratops skull to my wish list.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Due to Overwhelming Response

We decided to post the "Rat Incident" on You Tube.
That way they'd be easier to share with friends.
Here they are all in one shot.

Part 1 "Stand back! Don't put your hands up there!"
Part 2 "I just saw movement! I just saw movement!"
Part 3 "Because the rat's probably trying to eat the light. He's probably trying to make it dark in here.
Part 4 "His tail is still in! Intrigue him out there grab some cheese!"
Part 5 "You are evil in your spirit."
Part 6 "Do you think he's gonna crawl out of the bucket?"

Thanksgiving on the Big Island VIII: Extra bits

The Geckos here are bright green like the one on the TV.

Fans of the TV sitcom will want to stop by the Will & Grace store
only to learn that it's just a store owned by a couple named Will & Grace.

Before we got on the lava boat we were told to make a pit stop. And the public restroom had a pair of underwear in the sink.
This is especially gross because you know the guy tried to clean it. But then realized that it was no avail and abandoned it altogether.

And finally.
Bird Breakfast on the Balcony

Friday, December 11, 2009

Matilda Turnip Coming Soon!

Beth's book, Matilda Turnip's Endless Belly Button is now available for pre-order at

Congratulations Beth!

It follows the story of a little girl

(with an odd medical condition)

and her dalmatian mouse.

I just wished she'd gone with the original title I suggested:

Learn more about it here (click).

Thanksgiving on the Big Island VII: Volcano

We went to the Volcano National Park after our boat ride.
Part of the road was closed off due to poor air quality.
But we checked out the big steam hole.
A huge crater with smoke coming out.
And a giant lava tube tunnel. We didn't stay in here too long because it was really drippy (note the drops on my shoulder) and we had just gotten dry from the boat trip.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving on the Big Island VI

(This is becoming a good exercise in remembering my Roman Numerals. )

When we were in Hilo we decided to find a room for the night so we wouldn't have to wake up as early before going out to the lava boat tour.
We found a room at the Dolphin Bay Hotel.
We knew we picked the right place because it had lava flowing in from of the office.
It looked cooler at night.
Also they had a bunch of papayas and bananas sitting outside the lobby just for the taking.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanksgiving on the Big Island V: Tsunami Museum

When we got to hilo we went exploring and found the Tsunami Museum.
The museum is in what was once a bank apparently this vault is now their movie theatre.
There wasn't a movie playing in it so instead we just played released bank hostage.