Saturday, December 19, 2009

So My Mom Asked Me

What am I getting MYSELF for Christmas? Hmm... I hadn't thought of that.
But then I realized I actually did get myself something.
It wasn't explicitly a X-mas present when I ordered it from Amazon. But the timing is spot on. I upgraded my Flip Mino to the Mino HD.
Let's see if you can tell the difference.

Nunu on my old mino.

Nunu on my new mino HD.


  1. She looks like she is going to pop right throught the screen:) mele kalikimaka, Jorge!

  2. it doesnt change too much 'cause you uploaded it to Blogger, they resize the resolution. Try uploading it to YouTube, and then there's gonna have a huge diference (:

  3. This year has gone by so fast! Christmas is already next week...I love this party! Music, decorations, Santa Claus and family reunion! Nunu have to win a special gift, on day 25... Happy Holidays!!! Kissessssss ;)

  4. yep, it's definitely sharper. nice of her to talk to us there, too. : )

  5. Nunu sure looks like she's a going concern! I love it when dogs have that ear malfunction going's so cute.

  6. It's sharper and the sound difference is amazing!

  7. Thank you so much for taking the time to create that masterpiece of a self-portrait for me and also send the autograph for my mom and pops. They just might crap themselves. (Let's hope not.) You are probably my hero now.

  8. well you convinced me.. we need a chi-hoo-ah-hooha. My friend's doggy had puppies. My hubby said, "we already have cats, chinchillas, rats.. we don't need a doggy.." Then he met the boy. Oh you know we're getting that doggy. Must buy chew toys for giftmas!

  9. Does Nunu mean something?
    Your doggie is like a cartoon come to life.

    H A P P Y C H R I S T M A S to you & your mob

  10. I'm not sure if the visual was better but it seemed like volume was better.


  11. well, i think a better video quality.
    what do you think about to play the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 to the lottery for X-MAS? for yourself? :-)
    Are you scared about them?
    You know, you can't go to the island because you just are on it!
    maybe you have encountered Jacob and you don't know it ;-)
    Live long and prosper Jorge \V/

  12. Love the flip hd. I got in huge trouble from my family because I just purchased one a couple of weeks ago. They reminded me of the rule that we don't buy ourselves anything from Nov-Christmas....oops.

  13. well...I'm no expert. But, like others said - at least Nunu gave us some sound on the HD version! :)

    I'm completely jealous! Want to gift me with your old filp mino? Ha!

    Merry Christmas Jorge!

  14. HD it is your new tv?????

    Happy Holidays!!!

  15. Jorge,

    The picture don't lie! Newer is better.

  16. I love Nunu!! Seeing your beautiful dog just makes me even sadder because my landlord doesn't allow pets. I've always had a dog until moving here.

  17. I would recommend using Vimeo ( to host videos. They do a great job of hosting HD content, and the difference will be huge. I have a Flip HD but really haven't gotten great results with it yet - I really need a stabilizer, or I need to tone down the caffiene. My wife complains about feeling the need to throw up when watching my videos....

  18. Ha! My cat just jumped a mile when Nunu barked at the end of the HD clip.

  19. i got the kodak zi6. the problem with blogger is, it seems that if you upload the video they compress it so strong that you lose the wow-effect. try it on youtube and you will see a real difference.

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