Saturday, December 12, 2009

Due to Overwhelming Response

We decided to post the "Rat Incident" on You Tube.
That way they'd be easier to share with friends.
Here they are all in one shot.

Part 1 "Stand back! Don't put your hands up there!"
Part 2 "I just saw movement! I just saw movement!"
Part 3 "Because the rat's probably trying to eat the light. He's probably trying to make it dark in here.
Part 4 "His tail is still in! Intrigue him out there grab some cheese!"
Part 5 "You are evil in your spirit."
Part 6 "Do you think he's gonna crawl out of the bucket?"


  1. Dude!

    That is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!

    I screamed during the 6th video as well - so tell Beth she is not alone in her fear of rats!

  2. Jorge I was first who writing in Youtube mail!!! And I am first Subscriber-in your youtube account, I am "Scvidvard"!(if you saw)

  3. Everytime I watch these, I feel so bad for Beth. I want to reach through the screen and hug her, while trying not to throw up myself!!

  4. I have rats as pets (different species... those are black rats, and I have "brown" rats), but I have to admit, I would be JUST as wigged out at having a wild rat running around my house! You should get a professional in, because those suckers can be determined!

  5. I swear I wouldn't have known whether to stand on a table or crawl under something!! Yikes!!

    Sooo glad you put it on You Tube!!!

    Oh, and the only time in my life there were mice or rats in my house, I learned they loved the unsealed dog food on the garage!! It stayed sealed up from then on, lemme tell ya.

  6. i fecking love these..I posted it on my blog with the link to the youtube and it also went out on my facebook.i have 700+ friends so if they all go's going to be busy..haha
    i talked to nancy my librarian and she is going to get bethany's book for our library...

  7. Whilst Beth's reaction was hilarious to watch, if I was in the same situation I would have the EXACT same reaction as she did!!!

  8. I have a question for you, Hurley:
    tell me why you was so afraid about the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 42 and from
    Ben, From Dave (i'm asking if him was real or not), but you aren't afraid about the little rat?
    tell to that woman that could be other rat, not only one.
    I think is "the monster"

  9. That rat's going to end up the star of his own sitcom! Oh wait ... he ended up in a trap or something, didn't he? Beth's a really good sport! You guys really rock!

  10. Maybe what you could have done is combine all of them into one 10 minute or less video. Oh well. Its great either way.

    Big (((((HUGS)))))) for our new internet star Beth.

  11. Beth, in the last video when you were like, "Babe it fell, and it was like 'aargh'" made me laugh so hard. You are as cute as a button:) I'm so sorry, too. Just after I was married, we lived in an old pioneer home we nicknamed "the mouse house". We lived there when we had our first son. The poor kid didn't learn to crawl 'till he was a year since I never let him on the floor. good times. lol

  12. Holy crap that is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. I actually had tears streaming down my face. Poor Beth.

  13. Oh Man!

    That was some funny stuff right there.

    Thanks for posting those.

  14. Well at least at this point we all know that your gf stays calm in stressful situations.


  15. Only after i watched the last video
    i find out that there was 2 rats, both killed what?

    a. by the monster;
    b. by Sawyer;
    c. By Hurley.

  16. not that I wouldn't act the same way - but that is hilarious to watch Beth freak out. No worries, we're laughing near you, not at you =D

  17. I know those situations all too well :) so funny! Where was Nunu for backup?

  18. Ohohohahaha! Jorgeman... Hahaha! One minute pleeeeaaseeee ahahaha!... Ow... it'so funny! Bethy so scared! And you, Jorge, just having fun! Hahaha... I laughed a lot, poor Bethy. Where's Nunu to defend this house? She's not a cat but... well ... hahaha... funny! I can still hear the cries of Bethy!!! =P

  19. Oh man.
    It's hilarious and horrifying.

    Tell me you get Pest Control in there, please!

    Where was Nunu? She doesn't care about rats? My dog would have been going nuts.

    I haven't seen the rats but I saw their droppings and the trail they excavated into my hen coop. Disgusting!

    I can't cope with those traps -- and that rat moving with it on it's back confirmed it for me: they don't work! Also, I kind of felt sorry for it. The rat that is.

    I got one of those sonic things that are supposed to clear the area of rodents.
    Not sure if that's working either...

  20. Beth needs to become one with the rat. Therapy.

  21. Okay, that was flipping hilarious. I love how you're trying to be helpful and supportive but your laughter at Beth's frenzy keeps slipping out. Hilarious.

  22. Omigod, those videos are AWESOME. And your Beth must love you very much, if it had been me I would have moved out the second this whole thing started.

    Ten years ago we thought we had a mouse in our house and I almost died of fear. When we caught it two days later, it turned out to be a rat and I almost died. Six months later, I opened a box of Christmas ornaments only to realize it had been in there, had chewed off one corner. I made my husband throw out all the ornaments then and there, while I ran upstairs to stand in the bathtub(??) and sob.

    I understand why you laughed at her, but I side with Beth on this one!

  23. Hey man, Beth has a right to be freaked out--rats carry diseases, with an "s"--not just one, but many infectious diseaseS. Ever heard of the bubonic plague?

  24. Here's what you'll get Beth for Christmas, Dude.


  25. Where is Nunu? Was she afraid of the rats too or was she the mastermind behind their attack????

  26. If Beth happens to be equally afraid of zombies, I want to be around her should there ever be a zed apocalypse... just for the entertainment factor before I die.

    The one you happened to catch on film is definitely gangster... he stood his ground. I personally would have caught and kept him.

  27. Beth reminds me of Jordan from Real Genius here.

  28. This is one of the funniest videos ever.

  29. Beth is absolutely the cutest, and you guys are a cute couple. Hilarious posts!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Damn, Beth is gorgeous... lucky Mr Garcia.
    But her phobia is kinda creepy.

  32. Seriously, it could be some kind of a Shining remake, with Beth running around all night with an axe, while screaming: "oh my god, there's movement! He's trying to get out! He's trying to get ouuuutt !"
    Therapy against rats is obviously needed here, the girl totally lost control.

  33. I'd be very tempted to sue the landlord for non-disclosure.

  34. That is one of the funniest things I've seen EVER! I had tears! hehe It also freaked me out at the same time thanks to Rats out on the farm our grandparents had{{shiver}} :) Thanks for posting!

  35. OMG That poor thing (Beth, not the rat)!

    We had a similar encounter a couple years ago (ergh, I think I am gonna throw up just thinking about it). Snakes, spiders, bugs, gremlins I can handle, but I will lose my crap over a tiny mouse, much less a rat. Like have some kind of mental break kinda lose it. I am just glad my husband didn't have a video camera. ;)

    I think I might have had to move after the second time. Seriously.

    Now if you will excuse me, I now need to go put some shoes on.

  36. She is the cutest thing ever! hahahahahahahaha I could not stop laughing! Specially in the part where she is so scared but still had time to straighten up a tuperware or something in the kitchen. LOL!
    Best wishes from Venezuela!
