Friday, December 18, 2009

Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew: December 18th

Oh yes. My pants.
What happened to those pants?


  1. I would imagine you find all your clothes have tiny, tiny holes in them!

  2. those are pants? I hope they're pajama pants...........

  3. Go NUNU Go NUNU,

    Chew chew, Nunu Nunu,
    Dad's an actor,
    Nunu is his pet.

    Nunu likes to chew,
    While Dad spends a lot of time wet!!

    Nunu is a cute little dog.
    With ears bigger than her head.

    While dad is at work,
    He doesn't even have a Bed.

    Chew Chew Nunu Nunu,
    There's one thing I would bet.

    Swallow that stuff your chewing on.
    And Dad's gonna take you to the vet.

  4. Nunu ate them!

    ( *eyes the pattern* Those are pants? )

  5. Jorge,

    Just saw a new promo for Season 6 with polar bears falling out the sky and leaving bloody streaks on the building that they hit on the way down. Interesting, to say the least. Can't wait until February!

  6. I'm surprised you have anything left for her to chew on.

  7. What happened to those pants?

    The alternatives are:

    a. She ate it
    b. Only chewed, chewed, chewed...
    c. She dressed it
    d. She peed on it (or something else)


  8. Jorge,

    What a talented dog Nunu is, letting your pants out when you need them.

  9. I am really enjoying your Nunu advent! hehehe :) The look on Nunu's face is always priceless...
