Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew: December 17th

What is that thing?
Oh wait.
It's a pig.


  1. She could probably give the losties a lesson on how to properly hunt boar!

  2. Jorge, Nunu is adoreable! I have to ask though... what breed is she? If I had to guess, I'd say chihuahua and doberman mix, but it's not like I'm an expert or anything.

    Sorry if you've posted about this before, I haven't been following that long.

  3. My Jack Russell has exactly that pig, except that he emptied it of all its stuffing within the first 20minutes of owning it, and now plays with and carries around just its "skin". I am happy to see that the one pig dog toy design can provide hours of fun in both stuffed and un-stuffed form.

  4. Hey there -- I think I am posting this to the wrong blog post, but I hope you get it anyway. I was just looking at the "Dude" montage on YouTube, when I stumbled upon a series of LOST paradies in which you get killed in EVERY one. They are hysterical and in the first one you are offed by Darth Vader -- what a way to go!


  5. Nunu seems so fierce, a ruthless predator eating a poor pig. She could have done this with the rats!! LOL

  6. well now we know nunu's not muslim or jewish..

  7. Hi Jorge. Longtime follower of the blog, first time commenter. Did you see that is running Hurley's Best Moments?

  8. Huntin boar already? You should have named her Locke.

    ok that was lame.

    It doesn't matter what she's chewing, she always looks adorable. .... you should have named her Kate.

    ok i'm done.

  9. She is so beautiful!! We have a Yorkie named Nano... because he is so small, well, now he is 7 pounds.
    When he was born, he was the runt and we didn't expect him to be much more than 4-5 pounds so we gave him a "little" name. His full name is: Nano Bytes Shewbridge.
    He is the love of our lives, as I am sure Nunu is the love of yours.
