Most graves had some kind of skull head in front of it.

This piece is our favorite.

Ever since we saw it in SkyMall we knew we needed this guy for our Halloween decor.
I also created a "Pepper's Ghost" effect.

I learned about it in a book called How to Haunt Your House.

I did this by reflecting a cardboard cut out that I made from pictures I found online

onto a piece of plexiglass.

And we also had a few scattered ghouls hanging as well.

Holy cow Jorge! That is one freaky yard. Did you have any Trick or Treaters?
Nice, too bad halloween is only once a year. If you like Plants vs. Zombies, you will love a game called "Castle Crashers"
Wow! I bet kids thought that was cool. :)
Thats awesome, I wish people in the UK liked Halloween as much as america does, I haven't seen anything like that over here :(
How cool is the "Pepper's Ghost"- Effect. Amazing. I have to try this out.
I have to agree to Rachael. Its the same in Germany. Nothing here this year. Seems Halloween dies slowly here... :(
I hope you scared the crap out of a bunch of kids...it looks terrific.
That look so awesome.
Pepper's Ghost is how they do the ballroom at Disney's Haunted Mansion!
Your creativity is stunning. Not only are you a terrific actor, but you can do your own FX too! I loved the Pepper's Ghost imagery.
I'm glad you don't near me during this time of the year because I would be totally freaked walking by your place on Halloween! Awesome job! Did you have any trick-or-treaters around your place, or were they to afraid to drop by.
You are the king of halloween!
As far as terrifying lawns go with horrifying decorations that I usually stay away from, you actually did a pretty good job. And that pepper's ghost idea was pretty cool!
I like it cos it's subtle....
What a fantastically spooky graveyard! And thanks for the Halloween decorating tip!
Holy smoke, Jorge!! You went all out. Your yard is terrific.
I love it! That plexiglass deal is really neat! Enjoyed your pumpkins too.
That's fabulous and quite spooky ..the grave yard..
Aloha Jorge!!! You have so many ideas about Helloween!!! I am Happy that at you was really Happy Halloween!!!!
Somebody asked you "Trick 'r Treat"??? Your "Pepper's Ghost" effect is so crazy and interesting!
Jorge I make in a first time pumpkins!!! and I carving you. look here( what you thing about it???:
Please response me!!! I hope what you will liked my Halloween's pumpkin!!!!
Wow! I'm very impressed. I love Halloween decorations, maybe even more than Christmas decorations. Though I don't think I've ever seen a house decked out quite like that!
Excellent! You are so creative! Thanks for sharing.
Very awesome! My girlfriend's family puts a lot of time into doing up a Haunted House just for Halloween, so I appreciate the effort involved. Frightening!
:D Awesome hologram/ghost trick!
Here in Louisville, we have a street called Hillcrest Ave. that decorates like this for Halloween!
I love Halloween! You had a GREAT take on it. Congratz. Loved the Pepper's Ghost.
WOW!! You guys went all out! Did you scare the bejeezus out of any kids???
My boys would be so jealous, so I won't show them the pics. Can you re-post this next year at the beginning of October to remind me to put a graveyard with ghosts in my front yard? My boys would be so happy and think I was the best mom, evah!
The one that's your favorite...a Whole Foods where I live had that guy chillin' out in some fruit. It was the only Halloween decoration they had, too. Freaky.
WOW Jorge! That was SO awesome!!! I LOVE your house all decorated! :)
Kick butt! I bet your house is the most popular haunt in the neighborhood! That's awesome to see how much fun you guys have with the holiday.
Holy - were kids scared or what??
Do you watch The Mentalist? Pepper's Ghost was semi-featured in the most recent episode. A guy used the Pepper's Ghost effect to try to scare another guy, then panicked and killed the other guy when he feared exposure... glad you didn't end up killing anyone! (Though if you did, I suppose you wouldn't admit that on your blog.)
Awesome job...FREAKY!!!! what was the reaction from the trick n treaters?
On Halloween, every time my 4 year old nephew saw a decorated house, he would get so excited and yell "JACKPOT!!!" Your house was definately a "JACKPOT!" I love the ghosts.
Omigod! My daughter wants you to adopt her! Lol! She LOVES Halloween!
Wow you went all out! It looks so good. I bet it looks super spooky in person. Sweet!
Hey! you should work on your own limited edition range of Halloween yard acccessories...for next year. Get Yellowdog Grannie to invent a name for you.
All the cool ghouls will want them.
Have you seen the film Two Hands ...
you would love the opening sequence.
I LOVE that garden zombie. I even had a picture of it on my blog in one of my posts. A post about zombies naturally.
This is amazing, I love how well done everything is. Halloween isn't celebrated much in Denmark, sadly. Hope you had a great evening.
too spooky for me.
but well done... looks like you realy enjoy it all
Your yard looked great and your death bed skeleton inside the house looked cool, Jorge! It was wild how well you were hidden in the shadows while Beth gave out candy! I'd LOVE to decorate my yard and house like that for Halloween! Too bad it's only once a year, too! Thanks for the great photos you post for us and for your blog in general, Jorge! You're the greatest!
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