Last Sunday was our second annual pumpkin carving party.

The turn out was great.

Mmmm I like the way it feels inside.

As people finished their Jack-O-Lanterns they displayed them in the graveyard.

Mike Tyson

Ninja (The little pumpkin is sliced in half.)

Michael Emerson did the one on the left in this picture.

This is the happiest pumpkin.

Beth carved this lantern one.

And this one's mine.

you didn't mention the huge werewolf game afterwards! you should def write a blog about that game.
Wow, those are really impressive! Thanks for sharing, and a happy Halloween to you!
These are GREAT! I couldn't carve, cos my hands are so hosed, so I drew ours. (on the face book page) Our big party is T-Bird Tuesday- the tuesday before thanksgiving cos everyone is still in town and we have a dry run of thanksgiving at a magician's house here in Vegas. LOTS of stuff to chow on. I'll have to blog on that sometime!
Always love seeing your pumpkins, Jorge. Those are some pretty impressive pumpkins! I think that Michael's is my favorite, though yours is definitely the most impressive with all its complexity.
Dude, that looks like such a blast!! I am a big fan of those pumpkins that look like they threw up their innards all over the place. I think i am gonna do one of those this year!
We don't usually do that here in MExico, but since I saw your Goya; I have been wanting to do one.
The group pic is soooo small; I can't see anyone in there :(
I've been waiting for your awesome pumpkin post.
And, as usual, it's awesome and makes me want to get some pumpkins to carve right now!
You are all so creative! i like Beth's best!
WOW!!! Those are awesome!! I love that you have a carving party, what a neat idea :)
I LOVE Halloween at your place. What fun!
What a blast! im sure you had a great time. I dont like carving too much-I get really itchy from the pulp. I do LOVE eating the seeds though-do you?
very nice!!!
That is awesome! I just don't understand how I lost my invite! ;) I still have to buy some pumpkins for my girls. I keep forgetting it's Halloween with it being so hot here. I heard the patch in Ewa is very hot and dirty... Not a good mix with a one year old! Blah! I can hear the screaming now!! Guess I'll be buying ours at the grocery store!
that looks like so much fun. my favourite one is the vampire with the bat in the back. and i knew you would be inspired by zombies vs. plants ha!
i mean plants vs zombies ha!
My husband usually carves a Batman silhouette and a puking pumpkin (which has all of its insides coming out of its mouth). The neighborhood kids LOVE it! Everyone gets a good laugh at it.
They're all boootifully done!!
wow!! these are amazing
That looks like so much fun!
They look fabulous... I envy you, we don't have that tradition... at least it's not so spread out...
You have the BEST Halloween every year!!
WoW! You guys really go all out! X:-o!
Those are very impressive. Looks like a lot of fun too. Sadly I missed out on picking out a really good pumpkin early enough, but next year, I'm definitely going to try my hand at this.
Super-awesome! I like the "simplicity" of the ninja...might have to do that :) Thanks for sharing!
i loved it!!!!!!!!
It looks like you all had a great time! I can't wait 'til I have a house and can do these sorts of things. I will totally be stealing you pumpkin carving party idea! It's great to see friends spending time together and having fun!
This looks like so much fun! And your friends are a creative and good looking group. What a great idea.
These are awesome. What fun!
that looked like loads of fun!! I love Michael's. I also like what looked like a Jack Skellington in one of the pics.
I too would love to hear about the werewolf game =D
Oh, and I forgot to add - that graveyard ROCKS!
Your "Carving Time" is really cool thing, and I would like to take part in it, your cemetery reminds me very much Plants vs Zombies!!! This is a good idea! And why do you make this party now, but not on Oct. 31?
I would also like to organize such a party! It's a pity that in my country is not Halloween, but I think this is not a problem.
Jorge, I want to ask you what you put into this purified pumpkins - candles or not?
I love carving time! Having a pumpkin party is an awesome idea. I look forward to your pumpkin posts.
Such awesome pumpkins!
Wow - great again!
hahaha...Someone made Hurley into a pumpkin pattern at http://www.pinkraygun.com/2008/09/24/free-pumpkin-carving-template-hurley-from-abcs-lost/
We just had out 4th annual pumpkin carving party last weekend. So much fun, isn't it?!
We served the BEST pumpkintinis at ours...although sharp objects and alcohol typically don't mix, it was all good.
Happy Halloween :)
You guys are so creative with your pumpkins! Love them!
OMG! That is so awesome! I love your pumpkin and the smiley ones the best! :)
How long did these take? Some of them are very detailed! I am lucky if I can make it look vaguely face-shaped!
They look so cool in the graveyard as well, very spooky!
Those are some awesome pumpkins!!
holy crap sweety..those are terrific. which reminds me I have to carve mine tonight..I'm making cupcakes and brownies for trick or treaters..I'm dying an old sheet brown and wrapping around me and wearing a halo...I'm going as A HOLY SHIT.
I want to know about the werewolf game! Looks like a blast. My husband, kids, and I all had a pumpkin carving party on Monday night. We did Halloween music, and candy. We even had a special visit from our local sheriff to inform us that he had caught our phone stalker:)! The kids were excited to see a cop, and I was relieved. A Merry Halloween to me;)
I love that you and Michael are such great pals that he comes to your Halloween carving party! You both are just awesome!! Love the lantern by Beth.
Those are great! I love the one you carved. How'd you do the ears? Did you just carve out pieces of pumpkin and attach them?
you're such a kid. what a amazing quality to have.
sounds like an awesome party. i must've lost my invitation in the mail.
Super duper cool pictures of all these pumpkins Jorge! I love it! You are fantastic!
I love your pumpkin carving posts. they are so much fun :)
Mike Tyson is scary!! No really.. he IS!!!
Those are some great pumpkins, Charlie Brown. Did Michael Emerson plan on have a Saw mouth on his? ;-)
I've been waiting for the pumpkin carving post. I love the finished pumpkins all lit up out in the dark! WOWEE!
wow...thats real art!!!
Props to all involved - looks like you had a good crop of pumpkins!
P.S. Where is Charlie Brown?
and the winner is...
the pirate`s ship!!;)
We have a graveyard on the front lawn every year so points for getting those tombstones to stand up straight! Our stones sort of sway in the wind no matter what we do. Nice scary trees too. You're going to have a hard time beating this next year when you have moved on.
I love, love, love Jack Pumpkinhead!!!
Oh happy day! I checked the blog and yippeeeee - IT WAS PUNKIN DAY!!! Loving the graveyard! Thank you and all your fun friends for sharing the Halloween joy with all of us!!!
Wishing you a fantabulous Halloween!
Thanks a bunch!
The Jack Skellington is awesome! Who carved that one?
That looks like tons of fun. :D
i miss going to stuff like this. i miss cooking/eating all the seeds.
halloween is sofa king awesome.
:D Awesome!!!!!!
Great job everyone ((((HUGS))))
Some one made a great pumpkin tribute to cake wrecks too. Check it out.
Will you make it all the way down here to read my comment? I understand why there aren't larger versions of some of your pix, but I'd love to see larger versions of a couple of these, say for example the group photo. Thanks.
Love the pumpkins! However they don't last long in Hawaii. Ours are already dead. Maria and Ariana, my girls were so sad that their pumpkins wouldn't be lit on Halloween night :(
Monique Mariona
I really like the ninja
Yea!! I love it when y'all carve pumpkins! Did Josh and Yessica and Java get to be there? I couldn't tell from the picture bein' dark and all.
I would love to go to a party like this. You are the best host.... futzi
i love the pumpkins!!!!!!!! Can i go can i go can i go????!!!! xd the one with the boat its so amaizing..
Wow I love the pumpkins you guys did such a great job
Just saying that Michael Emerson's pumpkin is appropriate.
All of these are amazingly awesome, and that shot of them all together is just inspiring-looking. I love, too, how Michael Emerson did that jaggedy-looking one; seems to fit Ben's personality well. I think you've started a fantastic tradition!
Awesome! Very creative.
this is a very belated comment but I've finally had time to sit down and read! That 'lantern' one that I believe you said Beth did--with multiple columns of diamonds and circles--the moment I saw it from a distance I thought of Daleks from Dr. Who!
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