Whenever I stay in a hotel there is always something odd that attracts my attention.

At first you might think it's the red Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' mirror mirror on the... pole? (Which by the way also doubles as a television screen on the back side.)
But no. What drew me was the random black hand in the middle of the coffee table.

What's that for? Is it just decoration or should I have him hold something for me? If he was near an outlet I'd charge my phone on him but he is not.
Then again perhaps they just put the hand there for our amusement.
To pose with for pictures.

What a weird stuff...
Weird... and, y'know, kind of creepy.
Haha, that is weird.
LMFAO!!!!!!!! NICELY done, exactly what I would have done.
That's just bad design.
were do you stay at so many different hotels where there is always something weird? I have never had anything like that where ever I have stayed!
You should poke it out of your fly, then sit at the bar and see if anyone notices :D
Jorge, I think it's for jewelry. Like, you can put your rings on its fingers, your necklace in the palm.
It is a weird suggestion, but did you try writing with it?
I only say that because I have seen these sculptures shaped like hands or feathers, that you could actually write with like a pencil. But they don't get black marks all over your hands. Maybe you should try scribbling with it.
I really like your tiny mutant hand pic.
Hey Jorge,
I like the way you were dressed. Where you expecting the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future.
I think it might be a back scratcher - then again the hand is cupped which makes me think it might be for an entirely different purpose!
black and white!! ;)
ROFLMAO!!! Where the heck are you dude? Arn't you in Hawaii filming LOST?
How the heck to you find these hotels?!!
What kind of a hotel is this?
You always find the most interesting hotels!!
I am jealous.
maybe it's for scatching your privates and dont want to get your hand all stinky..
If you were an argentinian, would know that anything that is in a hotel, and is not stuck to it as you should consider as a gift!:D
I hope you brought that "strange hand" with you hahahah :)
The hand is a remote control holder!
Maybe it's for tips! How greedy.
They NEVER have random black hands at the Hampton Inn. Is this what 5 Stars will get you??
It reminds me of "The Monkey's Paw".
What did you wish for?
Congrats, Jorge. You found Dr. Marvin Candle's missing hand.
With any luck, maybe you'll find Brennan's keys and Mikhail's eyeball at your next hotel.
Really, the only response to that hand is, "Thank you, Thing."
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What hotel is this???? Please enlighten us!
Any body part just sitting around in a hotel room is creepy. Funny. But creepy.
We are thinking it is for the TIP! ;)
Happy Fall!!!
xoxo Jenny & Aaron
Jersey Shore USA
Jorge, I just found your blog. My husband and I just started watching Lost and your character is hilarious. I saw on here that we were excited about having 1000 followers, but when I put you in my google reader it showed that 6,201 people that had subscribed to your blog. Just thought you should know, lots more than 1000. I haven't read the whole thing, so you may know, but fyi. We have season 5 of Lost to watch, then I'm looking forward to the new season in January. Looking forward to following your adventures on here.
It's to hold the remote! My mom had two "hands" that were always on the coffee table holding the remotes. :)
Did you 'cup' yourself with it? (I'm only asking what everybody else is thinking...)
No, no.
You take a photo of the hand and then you go home and put it in your hand picture frame and freak people out with the Escherness of it all.
So THAT's what happened to "Thing" (from The Addams family) but he's not looking too well :-/
There's a bit of a Cocteau Beauty and the Beast thing going on in that funky hotel
That is so wild. :)
Weird thing! Nice picture... you with the black hand! LOL
My brother in laws hotel in Vienna had the same hand, but it held fresh fruit. The staff changed out the fruit every day (or put a new one in if you ate it).
Try making wishes with it like a monkey paw.
Oh wait. Maybe don't try that.
Perhaps you forgot to uncheck "Fetish" from your hotel preferences search?
maybe to hold the remote for the tv/mirror?
Man, this lost-black hand, is All that remained by the Seven Dwarves after Snow White is woke up!! :):):)
This hand is suitable for you!!!
that hand is so.incredibly.bizarre.
Not to change the subject, but I found the perfect Halloween costumes for you and Beth!
This is a weird looking hotel, care to tell us whose it is? After you have left, of course. I like weird. Weird is good.
but you put it on your hand?
you frightening me!
Put it on during Lost shot, so if the "other" attacks you, you can frighten him, or it, or whatever is that damned black smoke monster.
Hi think you are the best between the male characters.
Tell me one thing: is it possible that Christian that appear in the episode 5 of season 5 is "the other", the antagonist of Jacob that takes Locke's appearance?
I've seen that he had a different kind of shoes instead of a white gym shoes; and then when John explained what Richard said to him to take back who left the island (Jack, Sayid, Hurley, Kate and Sun), that is to day, he respond that is called "sacrifice".
What do you think? Thanks.
p.s. i think that the explosion of the bomb caused the reset, that we'll go to see in the season premiere ;-)
by and live long and prosper \V/
but still funny.
Maybe it's for tips...
oh my gosh i LUV IT!
wouldn't someone steal it?
What kind of hotels do you stay in??
Going to see Michael Emerson do a reading in NYC in Dec. Heard you were at the Babar reading with the Honolulu Symphony. Any chance you might talk about that on here. I would have given anything to have been there!!
Know what's really scary?
Thinking about what all the previous room occupants did with that hand before you stuck it down your pants...you stuck it down your pants, right?
...you stuck it down your pants....
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jajaja. Veo que cada vez te lo pasas mejor en los hoteles! pero la mano da miedo, mucho miedo... por cierto Jorge ¡qué pelos llevas! jeje. Te lo digo con cariño ;)
Un beso desde España que te queremos un montón.
It's so weird. Today I saw your mysterious twin or doppelganger at the university were I study. It's so creepy- he looks almost exactly like you. Next time I see him I'm gonna ask for a photo so you may see it for yourself. You don't have any relatives in the north of Sweden I guess ;)? Take care.
Jorge, I'm assuming you gave the ok to have your likeness drawn into Angel: After the fall issue #26. here are the two pages you appear in.
can you tell all your fans how this came about and if you didn't know I look forward hearing your reaction.
:O OMG they encased THING from the Adams family in that carbon stuff from Star WARS!!!!!! He must have given Darth Vader "the birdie".
OHHH, so THOSE are the upgrades that I'm missing out on!....meh.
Whoa! Let go of the hand, man! The Terminator is searching for it!
You do wanna live, right?
Then come with me...
P.S: The hand doesn't look like a fruit holder AT ALL. It looks like something you'd see in a porno film...to, y'know...
Give it the old yonk? No?
I think you're supposed to put a pebble in the middle of the hand, then try to snatch it. I bet that each room has a different body part, too.
Hahaha! I love your pose with the hand! Where do you stay that there's always something weird?
ha...that last picture made me laugh so hard, I cried. Love your sense of humor!
What is Google Wave?
ha ha
The mirror/tv thing is weird too. It looks like something out of the new video game I'm playing, the Sims 3. Wait, Jorge, that's the answer, isn't it? Lost is a video game! Or is it reality itself that's the video game?
You and your hand have really weirded me out, dude. Shades of the Matrix.
You stay in some weird hotels, man
it looks like you have acquired Dr. Doom's hand...
Did you tell them you needed a hand? What an accomodating hotel!
nice hand, well I a Lost fan (whatever) , your character hurley is relly funny, I think (like many others) Lost is the most great tv show for each one character but hurley is the representation of real friendship.
well is nice can send this mesaje,I be waiting for final season.
well my englich is so poor yet I hope you can undertand .
see ya
Best picture of the year!
I ran across this today and since I've decided you're a gamer friend, (hey, I like Lost but I love the virtual world,) you've got to check this out.
Alice and Kev, a Sims story.
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Wait so, what was the creepy mirror for??
The mirror is also a TV. It's the Mondrian hotel in LA. Nice hotel!
Nooooo! Don't touch the monkey paw!
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Buahahaha this reminds me of my hotel experience... last time on Hawaii they forgot to put our reservation on our last name... so we had totally diferent last names LOL...
...well, that's not actually funny, they returned to sender my boots which I ordered on Amazon... since there wasent anyone by that last name in Kahala :/...
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