So I got to go to the Emmys last weekend.
It was fun.
Here I took a picture of myself on the red carpet in the shadow of the giant Emmy statue.

This is what it looked like inside the Governor's Ball.
The colors reminded of the "It's a Small World" ride.

Suddenly I found myself alone with Michael's Emmy.

But just as I made my move Burky appeared out of the darkness.

Also... and I'm not sure how this happened.
But over the course of the evening I lost all three buttons on my jacket.
See here's me at the beginning on the red carpet.

Clearly there are buttons.
And here is me riding back to the hotel and not a single button on the jacket anymore.

congratulations to michael emerson for his win :)
i can't believe this is going to be the last season. if you don't win something next year, there's obviously some sort of conspiracy afoot.
Loving the colors!! Hope you had a fantastic time!
Looking forward to the final season in a bitter-sweet kind of way!
I hope Lost and you win something next year.
And congratulations to Michael Emerson, he's good :)
The button mistery, another mistery for de island (?)
Lindo traje Jorge!! :)
Saludos desde Argentina.
...and you had how many cocktails???
You & Beth looked super all glamed up! Hope you had fun.
Give M.E. a big bear hug for me. I'm so glad Lost got a win!
That is mysterious.
Was so great that Emerson won. You deserve an Emmy too for your fantastic work!
I bet it was a leprechaun, they love buttons.
F*cking leprechauns.
I was super happy for Michael Emerson!!!
is he always that serious???
Buttons are over-rated. That's why I wear a zippered tux to all the award shows.
your posts never fail to crack me up. You are so naturally funny, you don't even have to try.
Dude! Its one of those time travel phenomenons! Your buttons will show up in another week - along with a guy name pierre chang holding a rabbit! mmmmm Hosenfeifer.
I meant hasenpfeffer! Should use the spell check more often. :P
Thank you so much! You doing this makes us "bottom feeders" actually feel like we were apart of some great thing... this is just wonderful! You are amazing!
I was soo happy for michael emerson, he is so not like ben...thank the goddess.
hmm, missing buttons..
button button who's got the button?
How fun --- and myterious.
Did you see how many buttons Burky had at the end of the evening??
Watch ebay. Maybe your buttons will show up.
did you look up that giant Emmy's dress?
I think that Burke dude cut off your buttons!!
You're dressed nicely but with those sideburns, you look like you should be in a 19th century period piece
Sorry 'bout that. But it turns out one celebrity tuxedo button can go for as much as $5 American dollars on Ebay. And now I own season 1 of Lost from
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Love the blog, love to read of your adventures --
You look great, Jorge! It looks like you had a blast.
I was so happy Michael Emerson finally won his Emmy for Lost.
Did you two get any pics together? I'd love to see them!
I watched the Emmy's for the first time in years. I was excited that Michael Emerson won. I am a huge LOST fan.
My daughter, Maria, was on set the last couple of days. She was one of the "Others Child" She had a blast. So many memories and stories she now has!
Come on, Jorge. We all know where the buttons went. It was all of the crazy fan girls that couldn't keep their hands off of you.
jajaja amazing Jorge!
About de buttons, it was de black smoke! jajaja
see you in TV jorgito!
In the shadow of the [Emmy] statue...
Hmmm... the curious case of Jorge's buttons. :)
I hope it was a rented tux.
Man, I want congratulated to michael emerson too!!!!
Jorge!!! Finaly, your letter from Hawaii "went to the "em My s".
Enter here;) That you think about it???
I saw this and it made me think of you!
ha...I love it!! Standing in the shadow of the giant Emmy statue....Awesome.
I don't know which is funnier...the "LoST" buttons, or you LiBeRaTiNG Michael's eMMY.
You'Re a FuNNY GuY! You MaKe Me LauGH...I'm just sayin...
You really deserved a nomination for season 4 in my opinion, that being the season in which you gave your most emotional and heartfelt performance.
Nice pics Jorge, and I hope you get an Emmy next year. Something tells me you're going to get a chance to do some great work this season. I think you did a great job in the scene where you had to mourn Charlie in Season 4, shoulda got an Emmy for that. The last pic looks like you may have had a few, way to party it up dude. And you even lost your buttons! LOL!
so sorry you lost your buttons. it had to be the work of the devil(s).
So handsome! You and Emmy are meant to be. We were happy to see you but we thought that red carpet lady was kinda rude to you and Yunjin.
Also- can't they think of anything to ask you besides "What's going to happen?"
You looked very handsome at the Emmy's. I saw you with Carrie Ann on the t.v. guide interview. That was ridiculously rushed and I must say I was a little bummed that she didn't give you more time. The buttons were on then but where was Beth?!
LOST better win best drama next year!!!!!
Hi Jorge
from So.Calif.
Loosing buttons , hummmm, have you been hanging out with Desmond too much. :-)
Great awards show and saw you on the Red Carpet with Sun. You looked very handsome! You so deserve on of those Emmys.
hey...i've been following your blog for a few months now and really enjoy it.
would you mind checking out a video me and my roommates made? i promise it's entertaining. and if you don't like it, well it was only four minutes of your life :O
Hello Jorge,
I found this picture, you and Bethy on Emmy, very elegants! =)
Sucess Jorgeman! Hugs!!!
Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I'm not trying to be lame or anything, but you really are a fan-fueled actor. You recognize the people that admire your work and invite them in to enjoy the little things (and the big Emmy things) of your life. So thanks, sorry if this is a bit deep, but thanks. You're pretty great.
Your an arty geezer.
I bet you could make some cool buttons yourself....
Mírale que guapetón y sonriente ;P
The button comments are hilarious.
Just discovered your blog through someone's blog list feed. Glad I popped over.
What lies in the shadow of the Emmy Statue?
AH. So that's where you have been. Partying in LA. With all those LA people.
We missed you, the island missed you. Welcome back....
And tell Michael... congrats on his win. Like he said, he got the role of a lifetime. And so did you I think.
Enjoy the islands for the rest of the time you are here. ALoha.
Lol! X;-)
Oh and (Ps) Congrats to Michael (He's fab!) But just for the record i think you deserve one too!
Wow, lookin' good, Jorge! Such a cutie you are!
I see a mini web series: the case of the lost buttons...dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn
Where are the buttons?? Island's fault... xDDD
Thanks for showing those photos, they're... they are... ummm curious xD
Congratulations to Michael!! =)
Guapísimo! felicidades para Michael, se lo merece.
I can't believe you took a picture of yourself in the shadow of the statue. Most actors I've read about seem to shy away from their characters in real life and keep the two worlds seperate, but you seem to embrace your characters as much as we fans do. That, to me, makes you one of the coolest dudes in the business.
lookin good in a tux! saw you on Curb your Enthusiasm repeats recently, wicked funny
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I looked for you on the Red Carpet. I would love to see you win an award!! You are definitely a People's Choice shoe-in!
I love reading your blog (first comment here).
Too funny about the buttons! Were you leaning on the table a lot or something?
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