I got this letter.

Here's the picture.

Wow. I mean I get that he drew Nunu, I talk about Nunu all of the time. But how did he know about my Unicorn and Flaming Sword?
And if he drew this for me, what kind of picture did he draw for the BEST character?
Thanks Jed, it's a sweet tribute.
World is realy full of strange people......
This draw is a bit.....embarassing!!!!
A BIG HALLO from Italy!
P.S.: I think you are the best caracter of lost but i can give you only my best congraturation!!!!!
Wow, what a bizarre draw! :P
BTW, the second best character? Well, the best one only can be Kate...I mean, Evangeline Lilly...I mean..Well...bye bye
Wow is right. I have no problem with nudity in art, but not sure of the reasoning behind that choice here. I'm guessing you won't be framing it for the living room?
And, not related to this post at all I also came across this book about Halloween that might interest you:
Hilarious! I think that image of you is now going to be burned in my mind for quite a while. LOL Now every time I see you on LOST, I'll be thinking about your stallion unicorn and blazing flaming sword!!!!
By the way... Hurly is only a fictitious character on LOST, and although among the top, not my absolute favorite. But you, Jorge, are my favorite actor on the show, and that's real life!
All that's missing is a heavy metal tribute song.
Excelent! a flaming sword! Your fans really smoke a loooooot!
That's awesome! You put that above the bed, is where you put that one.
Wow! Just shows a more "colorful" side of you. Love Nunu on your shoulder, your faithful sidekick.
Looking forward to "LOST" starting up again but sad to know it will be the last season. You've always been my favorite character. :) Did you see "FlashForward" the other night? I found a "LOST" Easter Egg in it--about 6 minutes into the show as they guys are driving under an overpass is a billboard on a building advertising "Oceanic Airlines" as having a "Perfect Safety Record." I taped the show knowing I wasn't going to be watching it live and had to rewind it to see if it was really there. Wonder what else I missed. Hmmm....
Going to miss you folks! Please keep us informed on where your travels will take you next. Hawaii will miss you as much as you'll miss it, but the Aloha Spirit will always be with you, Jorge.
3 artistic comments-
1 you are naked
2 riding a rainbow colored unicorn
3 holding a flaming sword
Is this person inferring something???
Hey, you made Fark. Will be posted to the showbiz tab on 11:52 am EDT.
LMAO! Second best character.
I love the drawing. The artwork is amazing and I love the concept.
Naked you on the back of an angry rainbow unicorn, brandishing a sword of fire and your side-kick, Nunu. The concept is so bizarre that it does a 180 and crosses the line back into logic. Of course! It all makes sense now. Jorge would totally do that!!
That's wild! I like it. It's umm...a bit bold, but I like it. It's really imaginative.
Celebrities get all the cool stuff!
I think this artwork was strongly influenced by Dan Lacey's Naked Obama Unicorn series lol
LMAO That was great. Thank you so much for sharing, Jorge.
Yea...Wait...Who does he think IS the best character?!?! :) That's very cool - I like you flying around on your unicorn....Protecting us all with your flaming sword...while naked! Totally awesome new super hero.
Wow. I never pegged you as a waxer.
Best. Fan art. Ever.
I must have this picture framed and hangging on my wall...
I like that the artist even captured your missing sneaker...
: ) P
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Here I thought seeing NPH on a unicorn was odd. This, is....um....interesting. I'm an Illustrator, I cna't fathom doing that to someone. Alas, art is, hard to define.
Thanks for sharing, I needed a laugh.
So awesome/hilarious/wrong that I had to publish it over on Geek Force Five. Thanks for sharing!
that's creepy. I would stay away from this person if I were you
Hilarious! Ha ha, yeah, cool.
I also ask myself what kind of picture did he draw for the best. Ha ha.
Bye, Jorge.
"By the way... Hurly is only a fictitious character on LOST, and although among the top, not my absolute favorite. But you, Jorge, are my favorite actor on the show, and that's real life!"
The drawing is actually well done. The different elements are... thought provoking. Like, why a rainbow unicorn, and why are you naked? It must win the award for best/creepiest fan mail ever.
Had that arrived for me I'm not sure if I would immediately hang it on the wall as the best thing ever, or call the FBI from my hiding place under the bed.
Perhaps both.
I'd be more worried about when he saw you naked.
What a creepy draw! :P
Sin duda sos el mejor personaje de todos, porque esta persona dirá que sos el segundo mejor?? mmmm...
Saludos desde Argentina!!
P.S.: OMG! You're naked in the draw!! what was he smoking?? :|
First I thought it was...odd. But the more I look at it, the more righteous it gets.
I want one of me!
jajaja, vaya dibujo!! tranquilo Jorge, no todos te vemos así. Yo al menos no.
I hope this is a season 6 spoiler...
Man, I like this pictures!! It's a really seems like on you!!!!
Thats not unlike a painting of Obama I saw recently on the internet...maybe its the same guy!
Haha, that's great. I bet you get tons of "interesting" mail.
Seriously, I think this could potentially be the last scene of Lost. Hurley saves the island, destroys the smoke monster with his flaming sword and rides off into the sunset on his magical unicorn as Ronnie James Dio's "Holy Diver" blares in he background.
Really, I think that's the only logical conclusion that would make everyone happy. :)
uh, I think Jed dropped a little too much acid during the 60's....
oh wait..that was me..
nice drawing..
so funny! I wonder who the BEST character is?!?
Your appreciation of this image is why my love for you knows no bounds.
With boundless love
That picture fucking rocks!
Thought you might be interested in this article. Don't walk your dog in Kapiolani Park!
I *MUST* have this painted on the side of my minivan.
How nice, what a great Halloween costume idea.
The artist said they have been to your blog so I wonder if they would explain the picture.
I too would like to know who they think is the best character on Lost.
That's just weird.
According to everything that is decent and holy I'm not going to comment on why that Unicorn is making that god-awful apoplectic face.
My husband saw your tribute picture, and now feels he should get a copy as a tattoo. Where do you think it should go?
This needs to be reproduced in velvet and hung over a couch, man.
AHAHAHAHA that is so awesome. the weirdest things crack me up.
Hey Jed, I like it a lot, too. (Not that it matters.)
I laughed out loud when I saw that picture! So dang funny! Thanks for posting! Take care Jorge! Still waiting for those Michael Emerson pics from the Emmy's!
Hi Jorge:
I had no idea you had a blog until I saw a headline about you on FARK. Will look forward to reading it.
Secondly, I have a furry grandson (cat) who is named Hugo Hurley Reyes -- my daughter is addicted to Lost.
Actually, very interesting. Pretty good, I'd say.
Oh god. That was utterly unexpected! Jorge, you're a celebrity, you're liable to get some pretty awesome stuff, but this just takes the cake.
Please tell me you're going to hang that somewhere people will be able to see it. Not to be creepy, but you already showed it off here, so it isn't as if the whole world hasn't seen it by now, anyway.
it does make one wonder who the best character is . . .
Dude, that is the badassiest (hahahahaha) of all badass pictures ever.
But do you really like to ride your unicorn naked?
Awe, I suppose I should have drawn a picture in the letter I sent you, sorry about that Jorge, lol. On the other hand, I did mention that you were the best character. Besides, my stick figure drawings are nothing impressive.
Is it crazy that I want that fan art on a t-shirt?
Also first time reader- first time commenter- long time fan. I had no idea you had a blog until my husband sent me a link to this post :)
Unicorns FTW.
That picture is awesome.
You have always been my #1 favourite character on Lost. You really bring it with your acting and I always want to give Hurley a big hug!
You get the best mail!
Best picture ever! i just laughed so loud I scared the cat!
I can bet that you are going to be getting more these Artistic Beauties in the mail now... you know... like, everyone is going to be trying to 1-up eachother with their cooky-ness and creativity. This definately makes you the 2nd luckiest man in the world! -- :)
I think I'm going to get that as a tattoo.
How long until this shows up as a tattoo on one of those "horrible tattoos" websites!?
It's cool and creepy at the same time.
Can't wait until season 6!
A unicorn with a rainbow mane? I don't think the sword is the only thing that's flaming!!
Hey, I just saw you today at Home Depot! In case you were wondering, I was the polynesian guy with black rimmed glasses trying not to stare too much. Sorry for not saying hello (I'm a bit shy). Anyways, hope you found what you were looking for in the survival accessories isle.
Holy Crap! That is awesome!
Are you really left-handed, or are you just faking in the picture, like Inigo Montoya. "I...am not left-handed!" ;)
I'm frightened.
Wow that's way better than the picture I drew of you: naked with a blowtorch riding a liger...
Está buenísimo, Jorge!
That is just chock full of kick ass epic AWESOME!
Is it a requirement to be naked whilst riding a unicorn? I mean, I get the flaming sword, duh... but why are you naked?
Oooooow!!! Jorgeman!
Nunu on your shoulder... fantastic! Hahahaha!
I agree with Checkie...it's Hurley saving the Island. So cool.
Second best, indeed! The correct answer in proper placement of that image is to have it recreated as a velvet tapestry. Your Welcome.
i find myself coming back just to look at it again.
Ummmm, cool tribute. Nude drawings by a stranger is a bit disturbing....and yet fascinating.
Either way you probably just made this guys year. You better ask around the island and see who else got a nude drawing.
Oh my gods, that picture is AWESOME!!!!!!! :D
Awesome. Somewhat frightening... but awesome nonetheless! :-P
Uh, why are you naked in this picture???
PS. Hurley and Charlie have always been my favorite characters!!
Uhhh, so who's the first best character?? Desmond?!?
GREAT picture though! Fantastic :D
This is awesome. Makes me want to draw pictures like this of my favorite celebrities and send it to them. Like... Megan Fox.
There's some powerful subtext in that picture...
Who is the BEST character on Lost?
I wonder....you'll have to check for similar fan drawings with the cast...
Doggy is NuNU
What is the unicorn called? UnUn?
hahahaha I've love the picture.
I've always wish to ride a unicorn in the nude...
And the flaming sword... hahaa I have no words for that.
You have so great fans!!
Wow, that is just....wow. Well, shows how awesome he thinks you are! And you are most definitely totally awesome!
Ye~harrrr! X:-)
Hi, it is me, Jed!
I am glad you like my drawing, Jorge.
To answer some questions in the comments:
- The rainbow unicorn is rainbow because, really, what other color would a unicorn be?
- The sword is flaming because, really, how cool is a flaming sword?
- Jorge is naked because, really, who WOULDN'T be naked whilst riding a unicorn off a cliff and brandishing a flaming sword?
As someone else said, the picture is of how I hope the final scene in LOST will play out.
The first best character is Vincent, owing mostly to my belief that a big twist will reveal that he was the smoke monster all along or something equally out-of-left-field. I did not draw a picture for him because he is a dog.
your favorite character is vincent.....wow dude.....
haha thats such a cool picture but ur post made it so much better.. jorge u really crack me up
i hope u never stop writing
Come on... admit it... you posed for that.
Sheesh, back to the drawing boards for your holiday presents, I guess now that you have one of *those* already...
That is fekking hi-lar-i-ous.
Guess you and Nunu found your rainbow connection...
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From the scan it looks like it was a commercial art sort of thing. Did it look original to you?
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OMG, this fan art was so simultaneously hideous and wonderful that it made my day! Thanks for sharing it with the world, Jorge.
BTW, did you know that the current issue of Marie Claire magazine has an article featuring a list of cool websites? Your blog was on that list!
Can't wait to see the new season of Lost! You rock!
P.S. I forgot to say that the Marie Claire magazine article that mentions your blog is on page 98.
Have a great day, Jorge!
Great post,Thanks for providing us this great knowledge,Keep it up.
A good blog.
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