So because I seem to be losing the battle against the slugs I thought I'd take part of the herb garden into the house with this contraption.

It's an Aero Garden which is supposed to grow plants hydroponically.
I had wanted to get this thing to grow lettuce for some time. But I opted for the herb garden it comes with in the hopes that if the herbs are there, I'll be more likely to use them in my cooking.
Plus there are no slugs in my kitchen.
Let's wait and see...
Pretty cool-looking! Shame about the infestation though; it seems that you are a candidate for Hagrid's much-used flesh-eating slug repellant... :-P
Jorge, I wanted to ask you - can grew up pumpkin in the room?( For Helluin)?
I just got one a couple of weeks ago after coveting it while working at a kitchen store. After two weeks my basil is only a couple of days away from being ready to harvest. It's awesome!
Is that the sunset from your window? Nice.
That looks so cool! When you get some herbs in, you should make salsa ~ it tastes really good fresh.
I have one as well and LOVE IT! I am growing lettuce right now- it grows so fast! I am so excited that I don't need to worry about washing salad leaves and using a salad spinner and all that junk - just pick and eat!
Forget the Aero Garden, look at the sky in the background. Gorgeous!
I have really seriously been considering getting one of these. I can't wait to see how it goes for you. One word of caution - I read some reviews where people had some problems with the motor (running loud, getting mineral deposits). Make sure you use distilled water, or whatever the instructions advise.
Just try growing a pumpkin in there! You might find a surprising result!
Looks to me like a time travel machine.
The aerogardens are really ideal for growing vegetables. There is a ton of aerogarden pics in our flickr group as well.
Have you tried crushed egg shells around the plants, or copper flashing or jar lids filled with beer(for the slugs, not you)?
I've never seen something like that. wow. is it only for vegetables? you might try with eggs..xD
Wow, that looks great. I have never heard about those before. But looked into it today and will now definitely get one for myself.
Have you tried using shell flower in your garden try food grade D E
if there are slugs in your kitchen, you have bigger problems than you think....Let us know how it works out. I've been considering one for about a year now.
My friend has one and loves hers! She is always trying to get me to have one, too.
She got some Madagascar Hissing cockroaches from a friend who is an entomologist (a bug studier at a university-Purdue). She kept the cockroaches in a cage on her kitchen countertop. At Thanksgiving time the kids at school had to say what they were thankful for and her son said "I am thankful for the cockroaches in my kitchen."
No slugs in your kitchen . . . yet
I've been wanting one of these! Only problem is it takes up SO much counter space. Let us know how it works out....
I am delurking finely.. I have been following your blog for awhile and have been enjoying it! :)
I cannot wait to see how this thing works for you!
For the slugs, have your tried planting marigolds or wormwood? They are supposed to do wonders with bugs and stuff in your garden. :)
Let's you grow things hydroponically does it?????? Don't get illegal on us.... Just Kidding.
I've always wondered about those things. I can't wait to see how yours turns out!
You slay me with all your "As seen on TV" stuff!
Jorge, I heard that if you put a cup of beer out, the slugs and snails crawl into the cup and drown...might be worth a try?
That thing is freaking gorgeous, I'm off to Google it right now....
good call
We had one of these a few years ago. Awesome at first, and the herbs grew like crazy. But then the pump got noisy. Like, wake-us-up-at-5am noisy. Not to mention it light up our entire apartment with an eery fluorescent light. Who knows what our neighbors thought... As cool as it was, we got rid of it because it was just too much of a 'presence' in our small space. :) Maybe you'll have better luck. Or put it in a closet or something.
Pretty sure you're one of like 20 people not using that thing to grow illegal substances.
i have 2 sons in their 40's if they had that they'd be growning some herb too..and im not talking basil or oregano..
I have one and I've grown the herb garden several times now. It works so great and is a wonderful way to have those yummy fresh herbs all the time. :)
Everytime I see these I think of the scene from Back to the Future II when they are in the kitchen and they pull the garden down from the ceiling. Now look...we have them. spooky.
What an awesome idea! Given our short summers here, I should get one of those. Nice! :)
while no slugs, i've definitely still gotten aphids in my aerogarden...
ohh, and stick to the herbs; i remember the salad greens being rather mediocre. the herbs also seem to be missing a little something, but not as much as the greens.
still keep with the garden outside. there's definitely some magic in soil that's missing in the countertop alternative.... mine's currently gathering dust...
Looks like you have a lot of good advice to get rid of slugs. We pour salt on them and they get all fizzy. ick.
Keep us posted. Skymall tempts me to buy one of these things everytime I open it's pages.
Looks like a beautiful view you have there as well!
I got one of those for my mother-in-law and it's the only present we ever got her that I think she actually still likes and uses! They are full of win and delicious herbs!
P.S. My mom used to do the cups of beer around her garden to attract and kill the nasty slug lords and it seemed to work pretty well.
You will love your aerogarden! I have one, just finished an herb cycle and have ordered my lettuce and tomato kits last week. They have an outlet website also that you can get seed kits and supplies for a lot less too.
Whoa that looks so high-tech! Hopefully it works well!
i think it was designed to grow weed! have you tried it? do let me know here.
Hey Jorge,
I used mine a lot at first for all kinds of herbs, but now I exclusively use it for Basil and Cilantro. I made an awesome tomato salad last night with tons of fresh Basil, some good olive oil, a splash of Balsamic vinegar and some black truffle salt. I also thru a little dried rosemary in. You let it sit in the fridge for just a little bit to chill, and serve it with crunchy bread...
Yum yum!!!
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