As I mentioned before the Costa Rican trip was sponsored by AXN.

Part of the week's events included a live chat with people all over South America.
It was a full hour of typing pretty much trying to answer as many question as I could.

I also did the typing myself so there were probably a lot of typos as well.

I know it looks like I'm good at it with my fingers all in the right spots but I'm not.

I did pause for a second to take a picture of that really loud cicada featured in the third video in my "rooster" post here.

And then it's back to the typing.

Jorge Beacon
So tell us what your favorite question was, and how you answered it:)
I love how accessible you are to your fans. Perfect typer or not, it's way more genuine when you're really responding.
I love how after you take the picture of the bug, two other people go over there to take pictures and video too. lol
Poor Jorge:
Promoters:"Yes, come to our fun time party we are having for you!"
Only upon arriving, he was forced to type for an hour and then make sneakers in a sweat shop.
Promoter:"These Hurley sneakers will sell like hotcakes!"
Jorge:"I'm thirsty."
Promoter:"Quiet, Mr. Lost!"
Hi Jorge!
I'm Jose Luis from Spain. I write you to say you that I love Lost and I think your character is one of the best of Lost.
In spain Lost is for the 5th season in the 5th chapter "el principito" (the little princes).
Excuse me for my poor english but in spanish schools the level of english is poorest than my level, so imagine what is the level. jajaja.
well, see you soon on TV. ;)
Thanks for all!!
Do you happen to be, live chat with the Costa Rican rooster!? They are probably so sick of you, but with one way, they is a good singer and at the same time you can made one salat with him . They are nutritious ....:))))
Yeah , why dont you tell us your favorite question?
Did you see this????
It's a game ( ) where you have to shoot only the death characters...if yo do it right you win this awesome poster of 96 lost characters...I don't recognize them all...
your a good kid
You are a trooper for the cause (being a good sport)!
Jorge podías también poner alguna entrada de tu blog en castellano que raíces no te faltan¡¡ bueno me encanta tu blog, siempre nos dejas una sonrisa ;)
You need a typing slave!
Hummm... but...
had some favorite question? If so, tell us!! =)
It's always good to mention the sponsors ;D
hahha! At least you look like you know what you are doing :) That's pretty cool that you did all the typing yourself!!
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