More plants have popped up.

By the way I think I figured out a way to fend off the snails while still keeping my garden organic and pet safe.

Yes the box is upside down. As I was shaking the stuff around I ended up squeezing it and the pellets started falling out the bottom. Now I just use the bottom as the spout.

It seemed to work so I have replanted like crazy.

It's really been a close out on the seeds I own because I know I'm going to be moving next year.

The seedlings look FANTASTIC! It makes me a bit jealous - you are planting your garden just as ours is coming to the season's end.
Do you know where you'll go when you move stateside?
: ) P
I took a picture of a huge snail just the other day and put it on FB... I have only lived on Oahu for year (military), and didn't realize there were snails here or that they got that big... My 5 year old daughter said it was "cute"... not so sure about that! LOL
Your garden is looking good. I can barely keep my flowers alive as the sun is beating down on them killing them off no matter how much I water them. I am in constant war with the sun here....
We solved our slug problem here in Florida with a bowl of beer. It has to be a bowl or deep plate that is low enough for the slugs to climb into. Fill it to the top with beer, which slugs love, and they will climb in, have a party, get drunk and drown in the beer. What a way to go! (I'm serious, this isn't a joke!)
Yeah, snails are awful and plenteous on O'ahu. YUCK! At least my Yorkie isn't eating them - or toying with them. I still nudge them out of my yard though, just in case.
It makes me sad to see you say "...because I know I'm going to be moving next year." The end of something great is coming.
You have developed quite the green thumb! Unlike myself who because of my academic pursuits I have a brown thumb.
Thanks for the picture Jorge!! You're the man!
I dont think that third one is going to grow, that is how ours started to look before we had to abandon them :(
I've used beer before too, and it works like a charm. I mean, if you gotta go, you might as well go out happy!
You moving makes me sad because I know it's the last year of "Lost".
I grew basil this year but keep forgetting I had it. I still ended up using the old dried up store-bought basil from the dusty jar above the stove. Then I'd go outside after supper and go "D'OH! Why didn't I use the fresh stuff?!"
Finally it grew so big and went to seed and I got tired of it so I put it in the compost.
At least snails are pick-upable. I've just got slugs.
Have you tried attracting frogs? You can make a hiding place for them by putting a piece of a broken flowerpot in your garden -- something with enough curve that the frogs can spend the day underneath it.
That must be hard for you on several fronts; you're finishing up a series that you've obviously loved working in, and you will be moving out of a place that you've called home.
While totally sympathetic to the above, I'm also jealous because autumn is nearly on us up here and we're winding down our gardening. You can garden year 'round, can't you?
I love your garden posts! I'm starting an indoor container garden, and I was thinking of trying out the aero garden, but I want to give it a try the old fashioned way and see if i can do it more cheaply first. I love pictures of your beautiful plants and harvests!
You can also used something called "diatomaceuos earth" (probably misspellled...). It's basically ground up crustacean shells -- they're very microscopically sharp, and cut up the skin of soft-skinned things like slugs and snails.
Hi! Cool blog...just stumbled on it. I'm thinking about starting a garden but I live in Phoenix,AZ so I don't know how possible that will be. Do you use seeds or or buy young plants for your vegetables?
You played a lot of Plants vs Zombies. Now you're using up all your seeds.. Is there something you're not telling us? Is there a zombie apocalypse on the horizon?
I am sad that you'll be moving, That means Lost is really over and everyone has to move on. I don't like moving on. It makes me sad and I will miss Hurley.
wow, quite the green thumb..
put out beer for the snails and slugs..then salt them..
"I know I'm gonna be moving next year." Aw, man. That just made me so sad...
But what if you have snails for pets? Then it's not pet safe any more!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Hi Jorge. I am from Argentina so I haven't got such a good english xD I have something to tell u. I love your blogspot! The photos are really good. I see u have a beautifull dog and that u love insects xD Well i'm waiting for the final season :D. I hope u to understand what im writting and I would like u to answer me something but I don't know if u use to do it. But it would be so nice :) Bye Jorge!
If you have any basil, thyme, dill, or other kitchen herb seeds left, I'll take them! ;o) I am planning a new, little kitchen garden. I need more freshness in my cooking!
Your garden looks prolific and well cared for! Enjoy!
My favorite way to kill slugs and snails is with beer. Once a week, I'll pour beer into a shallow bowl or pie pan. Set it in the garden and in the morning, it will be full of drunk, dead snails and slugs!
How fabulous! i'm grEEn with envy! Have had my garden beds sitting empty for a whole year now X:-( That's it! i'm buying sEEds!
~Thanks~ for the inspiration! X:-)
But hey even if you move you'll still hang out in bloggy worlde right??? (Even though we'll DIE without ~Lost~)!!!
Man, your garden is cool! Why you don't try grow pumpkins for Halloween on your garden??
Ah, yes, if you want that these huge snails don't eat your garden, I advise you - put there some scarecrow!!!
(like here: :)
Jorge, I don't know if you have a DS or not, but there is a game Gardening Mama that you might like. It you've heard of Cooking Mama, it's alot like that (except without the cooking:) It's cool, you get to mix fertilizer and plant bulbs and stuff. Plus the lady on the game has a really thick asian accent, which is really cute! You should check it out.
I hope you continue to blog when you move to your new home
Instead of using beer to kill the slugs, you can also use yeast mixed with a warm sugar water. It works just as well, and is a little cheaper.
This reminds me that I should get started on my fall garden. I have one of those Aero Gardens too, didn't do so well. I hope yours will be better than mine was!
I have an AeroGarden too, and I love it! I started out with the herb kit, and once they had grown to adulthood, I even transplanted a few of them into soil. The basil I transplanted is now about 3ft x 2ft! I am currently growing cherry tomatoes in my AeroGarden. Let us know how the AeroGarden is doing, won't you?
P.S. Who thought that something off an infomercial would actually work, eh? Also, I hear that AeroGrow are working on strawberry kits for the AeroGarden... Yum!
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Have you thought about staying on Oahu and doing the commute when jobs come up? I left years ago-sold a Honolulu radio station to pursue radio station ownership opportunities on the mainland and have been sorry since...Just got to the point of being able to start negotiations to trade a station permit I have in Florida for one on Oahu. I can't wait to get back-never even changed my 808 cell number-- Anyway-thats my five cents worth--here's an idea: Why not buy one of the off the air low power television stations in Honolulu and do "Jorgevision"? It could be your conception of what TV ought to be.These low power stations cover the Island and are nowhere near the type of money one would think that they sell for. Anyway-best of luck whatever you do and where-ever you go.
Dude, you just earned even more "cool" points for being a gardener.
Now we need to get you set up with some good hot pepper seeds hehe.
So would you recommend these? The Aero Garden I mean. I was growing some basil and mint and a couple other herbs outside but they died eventually =(. That whole super cold winter thing usually puts a damper on the outside plants. I don't have enough room for all the pots and dirt and stuff inside, but I was thinking about picking some of these up. I understand if you can't respond with all the followers...but I was really wondering since I don't know anyone else that's tried them.
I tried to grow parsley and basil this year, the basil plant is pretty big now, the parsley barely grew at all, I chucked it last week
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