I saw this carrot in the store today. I'd never seen a carrot with two points so I had to buy it.

Don't know what happened to it to make it grow like this. All I know is that trying to eat it was a big mistake.

Truly the world's most dangerous vegetable.
Women will just love that!
(Of course because it's double healthy...what'd you think...)
Wow. A chickenfoot carrot.
Really? didn't see that never before? it is a very common thing but the sellers of carrots only sell the normal ones. They thing that genetic monsters usually are not attractive or not "trustfully" (does it exist? jajaja) to people.
What about the pineapple?! Or is that a fruit. Pretty damn dangerous though.
jajajaj que manera de reirme jorge xD!!!!!
El vegetal mas peligroso del mundo xD!!
Hello from chile :D
Oh, well, here in Texas all our carrots look like that.
Ok, just kidding. I like how the veggie that's good for your eyesight looks like it's taking out your eye. Nice.
Mutant veggies!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thats toooo funny! :-)
Looks a little kinky! :-S *GiGGLeS* xx
I thought carrots were meant to help you see in the dark not blind you. Be careful my friend...as I always say the 5 fruit and veg a day thing is just a government plot, for what I'm not yet sure, only time will tell!
Thats a crazy carrot!
There can't be two characters with eye patches. That's way played.
That's the letter "Y" brought to you by Jorge's carrot. (Sorry, made me think of "Sesame Street" for some reason. I'm in touch with my inner dork today...LOL)
Jorge, you are always so funny..!:D:D:...
Greetings from Czech Republic;)
Several years ago, I worked at a camp in Canada where we got these bulk shipments of veggies... Our carrots were of a normal length, but 3-4 inches in diameter. Seriously! Really hard to reconcile mentally, and usually I ended up gagging when I thought about it too hard. (We'd slice them into cute little carrot sticks so that the campers never knew the difference.)
You could poke both eyes out at once with that! Deadly!
Maybe it's a secret water finding stick. I could think of another use for it, but it would be crass....
Next time, wera safety google!
Next on LOST....
The theorists would really puzzle over that picture. Mutant plants on the island? Nuclear testing?
You're silly.
Lost this week!
Too funny!
I think it's when they hit something like hard patch of dirt or a rock and go uh oh have to get around that.. and split. At least mine that I tried to grow came out like that all the time.
13 days. 13 days we wait. And you give us a two-pointed carrot.
I love you really, Jorge.
Clearly that carrot is a spawn of Satan.
Loool, that is truly wierd..
In a cool way. Loool, I would preserve it for later eye poking :D
hello jorge!! I've been reading your blog and found out that you like fan art, drawings of yourself and stuff (here http://dispatchesfromtheisland.blogspot.com/2007/09/fan-art.html)
let me tell you Im a graphic designer and I do portraits, I may not be great, but I've done many many and even my friends have one of each at their houses lol
so, it'll be a pleasure to make one for you, I'll start searching for a good pic of you to draw and start doing some drafts, or if you want send one to me. let me know jorge :)
regards from argentina!
we should pull it apart like a wishbone tonight
LOL, Jorge and everyone! Maybe it was crossed with a ginseng plant, they get two "legs" on them too.
You have to watch out for those carrots. A first you think its giving you the peace sign, and in reality its giving you the European 'up yours'. I wouldn't be surprised if it's French. Arrogant and haughty those francophone carrots.
I can't believe how loud I laughed when I saw that picture!!!
Lleva cuidado. Te vas a sacar un ojo. Las zanahorias son muy traicioneras.
You are a nut and I love your sense of humor~~~~please tell us sometime where to find you for interviews, stuff like that so that we can see you!!
I can't WAIT for Thursday!!!
Love you!!
To you and yours~~
That second picture made me laugh pretty hard. Thanks for that!
I always told my parents that vegetables are not good for you. You have finally proven my point! I am forwarding your post to my elderly father with a big "I TOLD YA SO!" (35 years later, I win!!!)
Too bad this carrot wasn't around when I needed it... LOL
this had me dying for a good minute!
There's a mutant bunny going hungry somewhere tonight. I hope you are happy now.
Post more blogs!
Thanks for the laugh Jorge! Your wit is what I love about your blog.
I'm stunned. I think if I didn't know you were on a very successful tv show, I would think you had way too much time on your hands.
But I still love to read.
ckalt! that's terrible
now I forgot what I was going to say...
That looks like a chicken foot. You should get it together with the pork belly (and nipple) you got, and create some sort of Frankenstein monster animal thingy.
All I could think of was "You'll shoot your eye out" from A Christmas Story
Fra gee lay
Sooner or later, somebody always puts an eye out.
Hey Bonni, if you read this I might be able to explain the giant carrot. Here in Nova Scotia there are farmers who grow their carrots in a sort of peat bog area. The ground is rich in natural nutrients and there's lots of water so the carrots grow huge. One carrot will supply the side veggie dish for a family of 5. I love them because it means much less peeling of veggies in food preparation. Usually the odd shaped ones get sorted out and other farmers buy them to feed their cattle. Cows don't have the same problem with eye-pokage when eating carrots as some people do. ;-)
jorge you are too funny. i know i can always count on your blog to give me a little chuckle at work.
i wish i had a potato like that, because i like potatoes better than carrots :P
Hello Jorge,
Is a girl Italian sfegatata fan of Lost. You are formidable.
If you want to explain what has happened to the carrot of photos, live in the country and I often cultivate. Well, simply grew underground divided by a root balled that has separated the two roots, and so has become so strange.
Congratulations on your blog, I know very little English but I find it really amazing.
See you soon.
Hola te escribe Anibal de Buenos Aires Argentina, ya que no se nada de ingles, te escribo en español jeje un abrazo y aguante LOST! pasate por mi web http://WWW.LAPATERNAAAJ.COM.AR
This is surely a case of Vitamin A gone bad! And coming up next on "When vegetables attack..."
I remember growing up we had a garden and every once in awile we would get carrots or other produce like that. I have no idea how it happened.
It's the vegetable version of the hand from Adams Family!
Adolesence is going to suck for that carrot.
This reminds me of Nude Carrot Man
Enjoy! (yes, safe for work)
...and I just realized Nude Carrot Man is also from Hawaii. The mutant Hawaiian vegetable theory must be corect! :)
Assassin carrot!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Ratted out by D-listed....lol
Have a good one!
Now I know where those pretty purple trees are from in "What Dreams May Come"! I was just wondering that two days ago!
Cool garden, btw! Love the purple flowers too.
Lol I wouldn't eat that...
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