Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving on the Big Island

So Beth and I actually had Thanksgiving on the Saturday before because we took off to the big island of Hawaii for Thanksgiving weekend.

The first thing we noticed on our way to the airport was all of the white rock messages people wrote on the black lava.

I thought I saw a rock that looked a lot like an aardvark until we got closer and I realized it was a metal silhouette placed amongst the rocks.

Then we passed the dinosaur.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A leftover from Halloween

We were playing with the camera and taking pictures while we spun a light stick around on a string.
Until it flew off. I recommend you try this OUTSIDE.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Folks!

We had a great day of cooking and feasting.

I'm going to put you to work Kitchen Aid.
I forgot what the screwdriver and can of compressed air were for.
This year we opted to just make a breast instead of a whole bird. It was so good, I impressed myself. I made an herb butter that I spread under the skin. I also skewered a couple apples to it too because it was a little wobbly without the thighs and legs.
Here's a shot of the spread.

And a Virgil's Rootbeer (the BEST!) to put it over the top.
Even Nunu got a small plate.

She's not so into corn.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Favorite Cookbook

I love this cookbook. Because I own this book I will fearlessly buy any weird or random vegetable I find because I know if I look it up in this book I can make it delicious. And so far there has yet to be a recipe that calls for an ingredient that I don't have at the house.

Mine actually looks like this, because I keep the dust cover off.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just A Heads Up On Comments

Hey Gang,

I've changed my settings to where all comments have to be approved.

So please be patient. Your comment will show up.

There is no need to resubmit your comment 12 times.

(That is NOT an exaggeration.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Aero Garden: Because You Asked

It's been about three months since I started my Aero Garden and I guess the word to describe it is:
As you can see the Parsley is just barely growing while the Dill has disappeared completely.
On top of that the two herbs that are flourishing are the two herbs that sprout up like weeds all over my garden, Basil and Mint. And they are totally overcrowding Thyme the one herb I'm really rooting for because I can't seem to grow it in the ground, ever.

I already bought another herb pack which I'll probably start in January. But if that one doesn't yield an impressive bunch of herbs, I think the next stop for the Aero Garden will be the Salvation Army.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sorry about the Spammers

I'm working on the problem. I'll have to see if I can try approving comments. I don't know what the workload will be if I do. But maybe I can enlist someone to help me with it.

We'll see.

Oh I found one more kickball picture.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Don't know who won.

It came down to two teams that were undefeated and I think I left before their game ended.


We had our second annual Kickball tournament with the crew.
It was a big event with about eight teams representing different departments.
Ken, Nestor and me were recruited by the Hair/Makeup/Wardrobe team.

We got our butts kicked.

Really bad.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cool! LOST just got nominated for two People's Choice Awards

Favorite Drama and Favorite Sci/Fi show.
Foxy got a nomination as well.
You can vote here.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Biggest Flake

I found the largest flake I had ever seen in my cereal.
It was so big I had to get a ruler out to measure the thing.
Is there any kind of world record for big flakes?

I thought we might be in the running until I found this.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hey Gang, If You're Going to Send a SASE

It would really be helpful if it was big enough to fit an 8x10.

If you're metric it should be at least 21 x 26 cm.

P.S. Don't worry, I'm not missing a hand.

The Haunting ('63) Even Scarier

So it was Halloween. Figured I'd set the mood with a classic: The Haunting. It's freaked me out many times before.

But this time. it wasn't the ghosts that scared the crap out of me. The main character Nell says she sleeps on her left side because it wears her heart out faster.

What?! Is this true? Why didn't I know this BEFORE we picked sides of bed?
You know how hard it is to switch which side you sleep on (bed or body)?
I couldn't even lay on the couch without thinking I'm slowly killing myself. I was going to have to sleep head-to-toe.

Well that is until I googled it and found that there really was no proven correlation. Crisis averted.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Did I Ever Tell You of the Time

I swam in shark infested waters?
You look at these pictures and think,
"Who would be crazy/dumb enough to get in the water here?"

Well, this guy would.

And I'd do it again.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Again with the Facebook!

Don't be fooled.
If you see a Facebook account claiming to be me.
It is NOT me.

Monday, November 2, 2009

My Favorite Song This Minute

I keep singing it around the house.
(Well I keep singing the first two lines over and over again.)
January 12th seems so far away.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Trick Or Treat

When people came up to the door they could see our Deathbed Skeleton set up inside the house.

We had the place pretty dark with candlelight.
I hid in the shadows while Beth handed out the candy.
You can't see me.
But if I tweak the photo.
There I am hiding in a black cloak.
I was impressed how invisible I became.

Halloween Graveyard

Here's a closer look at the graveyard we put together.
Most graves had some kind of skull head in front of it.
This piece is our favorite.
Ever since we saw it in SkyMall we knew we needed this guy for our Halloween decor.

I also created a "Pepper's Ghost" effect.
I learned about it in a book called How to Haunt Your House.
I did this by reflecting a cardboard cut out that I made from pictures I found online
onto a piece of plexiglass.
And we also had a few scattered ghouls hanging as well.