Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hey Gang, If You're Going to Send a SASE

It would really be helpful if it was big enough to fit an 8x10.

If you're metric it should be at least 21 x 26 cm.

P.S. Don't worry, I'm not missing a hand.


  1. What if I send you an envelope big enough for your hand? Could I get that?

  2. That is too funny! I can only imagine what you deal with in a day.

  3. If you were to request any ONE thing to receive from a fan that would be the ultimate beacon of awesomeness, i mean, you would frame it because you were so proud...what would it be. You know, just for future reference :) -- and if its art related that helps, cuz I like to draw...:)

  4. Ha! The great photo says it all.

  5. aaaaaaaaahahahahhaha your face was so funny :D

  6. look so sad...are you going to be OK?

  7. When the hell are you going to start shooting LOST????

  8. I think, it would be cool, if you sent to Gang, this photo, where you hold this envelope with your picture!

  9. Hey hurley, when the show finishes and u move back to the mainland(assuming u do) are u going to still blog? and under the same name? or u can change it to dispatches from the hood/burbs.

  10. hey hurley, when the show ends are you going to still blog? keeping the same name?(if u move to the mainland) u can change it to "dispatches from the hood/burbs".

  11. Here's the obligatory Lost reference.

    Obviously not missing but it's Marvin Candle's or the one in the hotel.

  12. Did you get that letter I sent you written on a pair of my Y-fronts? If you did, you never wrote back... *sad*

  13. Phew! Glad the hand is okay :)

    Maybe trim the photo :) hahah!!!

  14. phew, I was worried about your hand for a minute there. Well, they could have been an idiot like me and accidentally sealed the SASE for the return pics. Thanks by the way, for spending your own $$ to send the pics back to me. YOU ROCK JORGE!

  15. Just cut out your eyes and send those. Effective and creepy.

    "What does it mean?"
    "I dunno, man, I asked for a pic and he sent me back his eyes."
    "Is he watching us right now?"
    "Could be..."
    "Jorge's a bit of an odd duck, eh?"

  16. Jorge,

    The frown is classic! I was thinking about asking for an autograph, but I'm scared now!!!!!

  17. Lol, Jorge, are we fans getting you down?

    Can anyone out there recommend a good video game? I'm about through with P&Z, the Sims 3 bored me quicker than I thought it would and I'm frustrated trying to beat Ninja Gaiden. I need a game fix.

    I like RPGs the best, with real time combat, no turn based, but will play anything with a good story line.

  18. dang.. i am glad that wasn't me but now feeling bad that i didnt send a self address envelope! very sorry! I mean $2 on postage for every fan mail..jeepers creepers!
    i am a bad bad fan!

  19. hola Jorge
    Te hablo en español porque no se hablar bien el ingles y pienso que tu me entenderas.Tengo 14 años y quiero decirte que eres mi actor favorito xD.No solo por como actuas, sino por como eres de persona.Espero algun dia poder conocerte.

    gracias por ser asi, bye Jorge

  20. I wonder how big of an envelope I'd need for you to ship Emilie De Ravin to me?

  21. Not yet - a few more days!!! Ahhhh! It's all I can do to not pee my pants!

  22. Have a nice time: when you're there, can you ask them for our £20 billion back!

  23. You probably ate that hand.

  24. Whats a SASE? Hey I was curious if you recieved the Room 23 artbook and trading cards that I made and mailed to you recently?

  25. Am I the only one who had to look up what SASE meant..? Gotta love wikipedia.

  26. LOL! Something just isn't adding up... :-P

  27. Hey Jorge! Want to have some fun with Michael Emerson? Click on my link and see some great high school pics of him acting!!! You'll love it!

    Print one out and post it on his trailer door!

  28. Thanks again for sending me a picture to benefit the Four Diamonds Fund!

  29. Now I feel like an ass because I just sent you an autograph request and didn't send an SASE. :( Hope I'll still get one.

  30. Bummer - you're still being spammed. I have a feeling this post is going to create a lot more mail for you. Good luck!

  31. That rr8004 guy talks a lot of sense...he's a bit repetitive though ;-)

  32. sorry what does SASE mean lol? so i take it we could send you a picture with a large envelope for you to sign idk lol? if so what do we need to include stamps for you to send it back?

  33. I got a herd of cows today..island cows. They are awesome. Some magician gear is coming your way... give beth hugs!

  34. SASE means Self Addressed Stamped Envelope

  35. Hi Jorge,

    Thank you for this blog!

    My wife and I are HUGE LOST fans and are coming to Honolulu on 12/10 to renew our wedding vows. She just surprised me by telling me we are going on a 10 hour LOST tour. I hope these tours don't bother you and the rest of the crew. We're not stalkers, we just love the show!

    Thanks for bringing one of the greatest tv characters to life!

    ps, if you're around, we'd love to take you to dinner.

  36. don't look so sad :(

    glad your hand is ok lol :D

  37. Probably too late to do any good in this case, but I believe you can just cut out the address + postage from the small envelope and tape it onto the front of a large one. Just make sure the tape doesn't overlap the postage. As long as the postage isn't canceled you can use it.

    Might have to add a bit to cover the extra weight.
