Monday, November 16, 2009

Sorry about the Spammers

I'm working on the problem. I'll have to see if I can try approving comments. I don't know what the workload will be if I do. But maybe I can enlist someone to help me with it.

We'll see.

Oh I found one more kickball picture.


  1. amazing pics!!!!!
    hope you resolve spamming problem soon!
    i cannot help you, i'm a layer, not an IT specialist!!!!

    have a nice day!
    Andrea from Italy

  2. I'll do it! I'm a 1st year Politics student so I have A LOT of free time...

    Pick me, go on...

  3. Nice pic Jorge :)

    Saludos from Spain! ^^

  4. amazing pics!!!!!
    hope you resolve spamming problem soon!
    i cannot help you, i'm a layer, not an IT specialist!!!!

    have a nice day!
    Andrea from Italy

  5. Nice action shot! It doesn't matter who won, as long as you all had fun! (oh dear, I'm turning into my mother...)

    Hope you find a way to deal with the butthead spammers without creating a ton of work for yourself :-)

  6. This local looks awfully familiar to me. Is this on Maui or Oahu?

  7. Aloha Jorge,

    i found this in the net, maybe it helps:

    PS: I´m waiting on a review on your Aerogarden. Since you posted it i´m planning to buy one too, but i read some bad reviews. So now i´m waiting what you are saying after some months using it.

  8. Heck if ya need a hand sign me up! I hate spammers just as much if not moreso than you id love to help ya shut em down.

  9. Aloha jorge!!! I have one idea! not about spammers's very interesting!!! Write me please your e-mail, that I could write you my idea! I think you will like it!

  10. Cool action shot! Looks like so much fun. :)

  11. I know this would be a hard one, but if you switch formats to Wordpress, you can get Akismet, a free anti-spam program. It works great!

  12. You are going to have A lot of reading to do reviewing your comments. Hope that goes ok for you :)

  13. So if I leave this comment and you approve it, can I then create an "Approved by Jorge" badge to put in place of the "Save Second Base" badge now that October is over?

    I know, I know way too much time on my hands....

  14. Moderating comments isn't too bad, just get on once a day and approve and reject all at once. I've had to take that route myself.

  15. I love Kickball! I don't think I have playing since elementary school...

  16. I had a dream about you last night, Jorge. It was *ahem* THAT kind of dream. This is mildly embarrassing to admit it to you, but who else would care?! LOL

    : ) P

  17. If you're not in love w/ Blogspot, you could try Wordpress w/ Akismet as a spam blocker. You can also moderate all comments from new people while enabling comments from people who've already had an approved comment. You can import all your past blog entries and images to a new WP blog, too. Switching to WP *really* cut down the time I spent dealing w/ automated spam. I'd be happy to help if you want! (meganlouise at gmail)

  18. I looked it up and now I believe it really is a sport!

  19. spammers/hackers ruin the internet :( Thanks for blogging, its fun to see what you do.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. That looks like a mighty kick coming up! Though if it was me, it would be the precursor to me falling flat on my face...

  22. :D Kickball looks like fun. I'm glad to see you, cast and crew having a good time.

    (((((HUGS))))) <3

  23. I'd be more than willing to help you out Jorge. I know how much of a pain in the butt they can be ;)

  24. That's one heck of a large kickball!!! Please tell me you didn't miss.

  25. (Raises hand)

    I can help you sort the spammers if you like. I would be most happy too Jorge! M-F 7AM - 3PM

    Its a big deal to approve every comment so good luck!

    I was excited for a second thinking i was going to be the first to comment...

  26. I've never seen kick ball played with such a huge ball. Is there such a thing as regulation sized kick ball balls and if so, is this ball it?

    Balls used in kick ball in my area seem to be those red rubber balls used in dodge ball.

    Sorry about the trouble with spammers.

  27. Spammers suck, but you do your best :) Nice action shot. Did you make it to base?

  28. Hi Jorge,

    Sorry about the trouble you have been having with spammers.

    I am a big fan of you, your blog and Lost and would love to be able to help you out with your spam problem.

    I develop websites and blogs for a living and could set you up with a sweet blog running WordPress with some custom software to eliminate comment spam.

    You don't have to post this comment to the public I just thought it would be a faster way to contact you than through the mail.

    You can look me up: (business site) (personal site)

    I'm not not a stalker or anything, just a normal guy who wants to help someone who has brought me and my wife a lot of fun times the past few years.

    josh byers

  29. hey I didn't notice any, but hopefully you don't think this is spam. Your on the bottom, but it's funny:

  30. Aloha Jorge!

    Your blog is fantastic - I enjoy reading it. I live on Oahu at Sunset Beach and run a virtual assistant company ( I'd be glad to offer my services for free, if you need help moderating the comments.

    Warm Regards,

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Hey Jorge, keep rockin' the kickball! Good job on adding the word verification to comments too!

  33. Glancing through the last few posts, seems like spammers are still getting through. What a pain in the rump.... I blog through wordpress and use a tool called akismet that blocks all the spam. Have you ever considered switching platforms?

  34. Hi, again, Jorge!
    I responded to your post much earlier today, but now see you haven't gone through your comments as yet.

    Why let the spammers ruin it for you and all of us who adore you and your blog? By changing anything you normally do, you've let the bas#@*&rd spammers win. Everyone I know who has a blog, myself included, has had some cheesy spam every now and then. And most of us just roll our eyes at it. Don't let them win, and don't change!

  35. Hope you can get rid of them. By the way, it's amazing to see you playing shoulder to shoulder with Richard Alpert... I mean, Nestor Carbonell.

  36. wow, looking at the comments of the last few posts i'm surprised to discover not a lot of people have heard of kickball before. weird. i hope you had fun!

    i wish i could help with your spam problem too somehow, but i can't think of a thing i could do except simply not spamming you myself.

  37. I'll help you!

    Of course, I can see I'm not the only willing reader. :)

  38. Um, I don't understand the difference between spammers and just regular commenters, judging from these comments. I wonder what category you would put Petra's comment into? Or would that be Beth's job;)? Anyway, I hope you know that I like your blog as I seem to comment no matter what.

  39. HAHAHAHA! I just realized that the "blog owner" gave approval to the dream comment. Total guy thing to do:)

  40. btw - i really just want to go kick around one of those balls now...looks like much fun and reminds me of 4th grade!! :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  41. Disabling hyperlinks in the comment options may help. Most spammers want to be able to put their link in there so they are automatically disallowed. It's been some time since I've messed with Blogger but somewhere in your dashboard should be an option to turn off hyperlinks in your comments. People can still type in http addresses, just not the cool blue links I like to use so much.

  42. yah, them spammers are a pain in the ass..i'm taking off my allowing anonymous comments as they keep getting on and trying to sell me something to make my penis bigger..and i dont even have one.

  43. Jorge,

    I hope you kicked the crap out of that ball!

  44. Those of us who read regularly recognize the names of those who post back regularly- you and beth are the focus and we avoid the sales pitches...they tried to ruin your myspace stuff, glad you're not giving up the blog..

  45. jorge,

    i also had THAT kind of dream about you. you know the kind.

    in i, you were dressed as abraham lincoln and sitting down for afternoon tea with mother theresa and sasquatch. ooooooooh, it got me so hot. wink, wink.

    ah, it's good to be the admin of the your blog's comments :)



  46. Hey Jorge, just dropping by to say hi. That flake was awesome FYI.

    Heard you play Xbox live. I know you probably have 1000 people begging for your gamertag. So that said, i'll give you mine.


    If you wanna add it, awesome. Otherwise i understand. If you wanna shoot me yours, my email is

    take care dude..

  47. I have no idea what kickball is but it sounds like fun. It so cool that the cast and the crew are hanging out together in their free time.

    and perhaps you lost the game, but I bet you were the best looking team on the field ;)

  48. Great!
    Never knew Hollywood stars could play great sports.
    Well, aside from the Kellogs tiger, that guy Woods.

  49. Hey, Beth, since Jorge is making you do the admin, you're the one who needs to know this. I created a blog last night and couldn't find an option to turn off html tags so my suggestion isn't going to help you. I didn't want you getting frustrated looking for an option that doesn't seem to be there anymore. My info is out of date since Blogger's change over. Moderation is the only suggestion I saw on Blogger's help page.

  50. yay! Beth is the admin of your blog now! Thanks Beth! Your doing a fabulous job! :)

  51. Just thought I'd let you know that I've had a blog over at for almost two years now and I've NEVER had a problem with spam. I've gotten plenty of spam comments, but wordpress has built-in spam protection (Akismet) and the spam never actually gets published on the blog.

  52. EPIC pic dude, please tell me you kicked that out of the park? haha

