Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cool! LOST just got nominated for two People's Choice Awards

Favorite Drama and Favorite Sci/Fi show.
Foxy got a nomination as well.
You can vote here.


  1. Too bad all those write in's for Michael Emerson and Jorge Garcia didn't work :(

  2. Guy's I wish you good luck!!! I of course will vote for you!!!!!

  3. I've been voting already because I wanted to make sure Star trek wins for best movie. And of course LOST for best show :D


  4. already done ! :) I wish you the best luck !

  5. I'm gonna vote right now ;)
    Good luck, man!

    and oh, greetings from Barcelona!!

  6. I voted, thanks for letting us know :)

  7. Only 2? WTH is wrong with people!? ;-)

    J/K That's terrific.

    I'm off to vote. I hope they allow Canadians to vote.

  8. I agree with Alisha. The write in's have no chance. There should be a list with all the actors on it or no list and every one write in who they like. The list is very unfair. Only the lead actors are on it and it says favorite actor not lead actor. I mean how many times can you type Michael Emerson or Jorge Garcia as opposed to clicking on a box that says Fox. No offense to Fox intended but if you and Michael had had a box to click on things would have been different. Same goes for O'Quinn and Holloway and a couple others.

    Not fair at all.

    I did vote for Lost though!

    Thanks for letting me vent. : )

  9. Jorge,

    Can I vote twice, or even thrice?

  10. Voting Done! Sooo, now that we are on the cusp of losing Lost, I hope that J.J. has something up his sleeve to fill the void after it is gone. I had issues after Alias, now Lost....what.to.dooo?

  11. Just voted for you guys. I hope you win. I wish you got in the category of comedic actor, I would have voted for you.

  12. Congrats!
    Thanks for sharing the good news!

  13. I will vote for the nudist's choice awards, when those come around.

  14. voted!
    thanks for the link
    good luck LOST!
    good luck FOXY! love you

  15. I'm sorry, this comment doesn't relate to the post (though I did cast my vote for Lost!), but I came upon this online today:


    Jorge! You must tell us more about this shoot, you lucky guy!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Voted! Can't think of a more deserving guy than Matthew Fox!

    Love your blog Jorge! I've seen photographic evidence of you and Foxy shooting new scenes together! Can't wait to see the finished product! You two rock on screen together! : )

  18. This doesn't have anything to do with the post (although I did vote!)...just wanted to say I loveyour blog. A friend just told me about it and I spent all of my work day yesterday reading through it. Thanks for making my day that much less sucky!!!

  19. I voted for ya - good luck, Lost is awesome!!

  20. congratulations!

    ALSO -

    i just saw your fashion editorial with Christie Brinkley in German Vogue and it made my whole day. really beautiful shots featuring one of the people i find most awesome...that one with the hair is going on my desktop.

  21. Jorge, I voted but there was no Sci-Fi catagory... sorry.

  22. To all the people that are asking about where to vote for the Sci Fi category... it's a text thing. The People's Choice link on the original blog post has a link once you get there ... but If you send a text to 24475 and write "vote" they will send you a text back so you can vote. There's like 5 or 6 categories... and the option to vote for LOST for best sci-fi is in there. (and yes, I know this 'cause I did it ;p... what? LOST is the only tv show I watch, I am not going to let that kind of love go to waste!)

  23. YAY! voted! hope you win guys!
    I'm really happy about Foxy too!

  24. I voted in the nominee batch...You ARE my favorite lostie, but I wrote in for Terry...
    I can't wait for the last season!!
    Keep up the great work!

  25. Jorge I put one vertical widjet for Vote!!! Look in my blog!

  26. Awesome! Just put in a vote; hope LOST wins!

  27. Voted!
    Let´s see if the fans are still with Lost or if they are now more into Heroes (bäh)

  28. Nice! Let's vote guys! =D

    Hugs Jorgeman!

  29. i just want to say a huge THANK YOU to the AWESOME JORGE. i sent him something, and in return (i did not even ask), he sent me a handwritten thank you card (plus a very cool autographed photo). man, who else does this? a talented actor who cares about his fans, and a tremendously kind, all around thoughtful person. love the blog. love the blogger.

  30. Cool and congratulations. You all deserve it. I am totally addicted to Lost, and that's because all of you do such a wonderful job.

    Just out of curiosity, Jorge, what are your favorite shows? Have you ever been a fan of a show the way some of us are fans of Lost (like speculating on what will happen, obsessively re-watching episodes, etc.)?

  31. Dude,

    I miss your posts. You must be working awefull hard on the new season of Lost. Considering I Am a Lostaholic. I will wait patiently so for u to drop us little hints. Oh wait you can't do that can you. Well we won't tell. TRUST ME.

  32. Be banished, evil spammer! >:-(

  33. That's great. Though, I am not a fan of those awards.
    Thanks for the link Jorge.
    Lost and Hugh Laurie for the win!. Too bad Terry, Josh and Michael weren't on the list.
    Saludos desde España.
