Monday, November 2, 2009

My Favorite Song This Minute

I keep singing it around the house.
(Well I keep singing the first two lines over and over again.)
January 12th seems so far away.


  1. Woooooop, second comment! Jorge, I love that! I also love all your Halloween decorations! YOU DA MAN!

  2. You can download it for free from them dummeh.

  3. I love this song, too! It's the first one that I've already heard before you suggested it. I feel hip.

  4. yes i loved their first album...cant wait for this one ;D

  5. I LOVE this song too! Can't wait for the new album. Love your blog by the way :)

  6. Great song, thanks!

    But as SJCGia already asked: What's on Jan 12? Don't tell me that's when they start airing the next season of Lost! ;-)

  7. Okay, saw it now. It's the release date of their CD. I think I'll have it a day earlier :p

  8. thanks a bunch for sharing that link Jorge - I love finding bands to add to my vast collection and tastes =D

  9. "Cape Cod" doesn't leave that soon.
    I'm surprised you got over it.

  10. Just when I thought I got that song out of my head, you put it back in!

  11. This song is funny!!! But I want to ask you; You sometimes listen songs from LOst? Joe Purdy, Ben Harper or other!!! I listen them every day! And I try to play-this great songs on my guitar. Jorge! you know how to play on guitar or other musical instruments??

  12. Dummeh?? lol

    Ok, listen someone on Facebook is commenting today as if they are you.

    If it ain't you, I can tell them!!

    When am I ever gonna see Hurley and the gang again?!


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I liked Vampire Weekend's 1st album, but I'm not too keen on this song, however it is catchy as hell and gets stuck in my head!

    Peace and be well, J.

  15. I have no idea who this band is, but they must be super awesome with cheese if they wrote a song about horchata. After all, it is the nectar of the gods.

  16. What a beautiful song! It does have the unfortunate side effect of making me really crave horchata, though. (Unfortunate only because I do not have a glass of the stuff nearby.)

  17. I'm still lost in the 60's music wise..I go to and listen to golden oldies and I'm happy as a clam..So I'm assuming Horchata isn't like Jimi Hendrix ..

  18. This is very interesting. Very unique, almost kind of sounds beatle-esque. For some reason I had a vision of this song playing during that scene where you raid the pantry in season 2. I think it would have fit the scene better.

  19. Lol! Soundz like your kinda song! X:-)

  20. MaN!

    You must live somewhere tropical.

    Around here, things are slowing down as everyone is gearing up for Winter.

    The only thing I'm cranking up is the heat and some Deftones.

  21. I loooove Vampire Weekend. Thank you for the heads up on a new song from them!

  22. You know that old saying, "You learn something new every day?" Well, this was my new thing. New band for me, and great song and I learned what horchata is and now I want to try it. Thanks. :)

  23. Hey man, I know you're probably not in the mood for this kind of crap, and I feel horrible doing this this way, but I'm very frustrated of trying to think of how to do this, and you seem like a cool guy. I'm a huge LOST fan, and recorded a song about it last year called Lost Without the Gone, and am trying to find a way to get it to Damon. Actually, I wouldn't mind you listening to it as well if you want. So please check it out and pass on the link. It would be the best deed you ever did. It's on my myspace page. The link is If you really don't want to, then please tell me what I can do. You have no idea how much it would make my day. It's the second song down on the page. Sorry about the long ass comment. Hope you like it man, and I can't freaking wait for season 6!!

  24. So, I just decided you are beyond a bad-ass for liking Vampire Weekend. If you like Coconut Records you'd be the bee's knees. If you haven't heard them check em out!
