Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tonight's Pumpkins

Evil clown. (a.k.a. clown)
Skeleton in a top hat holding a shiny needle. (I have no idea why.)

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Look what I just got from the Plants vs. Zombies people!Thanks guys. Still playin'.

2 Days Before Halloween

And Safeway totally jacked up the price of their pumpkins.
Last week I paid 39 cents a pound.
But today they're at 79 cents a pound.

Kind of a d. move Safeway.
I'm just sayin'.

For My Next Pumpkin


This is my first time using different shades on a pumpkin. I went too thin next to the eye so now it looks like he just woke up and he can't wipe the gunk out of his eye because he has no arms.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's Carving Time

Last Sunday was our second annual pumpkin carving party.
The turn out was great.
Mmmm I like the way it feels inside.
As people finished their Jack-O-Lanterns they displayed them in the graveyard.

Mike Tyson
Ninja (The little pumpkin is sliced in half.)
Michael Emerson did the one on the left in this picture.
This is the happiest pumpkin.
Beth carved this lantern one.

And this one's mine.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Favorite Song This Minute

As I was catching on some Tiny Desk Concerts I was reminded of these posts after seeing The Tallest Man on Earth performing.
Eef Barzley "I Wasn't Really Drunk."
I liked his album LOSE BIG (Especially the song "The Girls Don't Care") so I thought I'd check out the older stuff.
It's from 2006 but it's my favorite head phone song right now. It's on every playlist I take on the plane with me.

BTW I started labeling these posts as Favorite Song so people could look back at other favorites. It's only three so far but eventually it will be a nice little collection.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Got a Gift In the Mail Today

And the thing came in a veritable Santa's Bag!

Here you can see the game I got next to the bag it came in.

So far we've had so much fun with the bag we haven't even opened the box yet.

Long Time No See

Man! It's been over a week since I've been here.

I was checking out some comments on my last post.

I've added word verification by the way in hopes of slowing down the spammers.

I'm not quite ready to review comments before they post just yet. But let's see how this works.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Got Halloween Fever

I'm getting amped for Halloween this year.
I bought a bunch of decorations and I'm still buying more.
I'll show you how I do the yard when it's done.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear Jenny

I think you're "cool enough."

I'd love to write you back.

If I only had your address.



Monday, October 5, 2009

Hotels: There's Always Something

Whenever I stay in a hotel there is always something odd that attracts my attention.

At first you might think it's the red Snow White and the Seven Dwarves' mirror mirror on the... pole? (Which by the way also doubles as a television screen on the back side.)

But no. What drew me was the random black hand in the middle of the coffee table.
What's that for? Is it just decoration or should I have him hold something for me? If he was near an outlet I'd charge my phone on him but he is not.

Then again perhaps they just put the hand there for our amusement.
To pose with for pictures.