Thursday, October 22, 2009

Long Time No See

Man! It's been over a week since I've been here.

I was checking out some comments on my last post.

I've added word verification by the way in hopes of slowing down the spammers.

I'm not quite ready to review comments before they post just yet. But let's see how this works.


  1. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like I should be able to click the images to view them at full size.

  2. Good luck! I hope this helps a bit with your spam. The price of fame, I suppose.

  3. I like word verification; it makes me feel creative. Word of the moment: unkou.

    Some people may think word verification is "unkou," but it's "kou" with me!

  4. I think it's usefull. Good idea! =)
    Hugs Jorgeman

  5. Damn spammers will getcha every time.

    Glad to see you back around these parts!

  6. Hi Jorge! I am very glad you're back!

  7. You will be participate in the Justin's new “Sketchbook” or not???

  8. We have missed you guys~~~~hope you and Beth and Nunu and Elmer are doing well. lol

    Oh and I can't WAIT for Lost, I have been in withdrawals. :-)

  9. i thought you had got 'lost'..sorry i couldn't resist..
    spammers suck..I had to literaly delete one of my posts because it was spammed, for over 30 times...

  10. Hey Jorge. Seen you at the Royal Hawaiian. idk if you were upset that i tried to take a pic with you. if i invaded your space i apologize. im sorry. i hope you see this post. :)

  11. Jorge,

    Smart move on your part! Next add spell checking - my spelling is atrocious. Did I spell it correctly? :P

  12. Missed you for some strange reason I keep coming back. From an old lady. Probably close to your mother's age

  13. I for one appreciate the word verification. I usually click the box to receive follow-up comments, and it's been rather annoying to see so many spam messages in my inbox. So I for one am glad you made the change, thanks!

  14. I'm pretty excited to see your decorating, too! I'm too lazy to do my own.

    Word verification: nanonts--the sisters of Nunu's mother.

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