Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm Melting! Melting! Oh What a World!...


  1. today i just saw the first episode of Lost Again in AXN....


  2. UH DUDE,

    WALK AWAY FROM THE CEMETARY.. JUST WALK AWAY.... DON'T LOOK BACK.... DON'T EVEN WONDER WHATS THERE.... JUST WALK AWAY DUDE. walk away....walk...................away...........................

  3. I used to carve them middle of oct. and by halloween they were black and moldy and stunk to high heaven..i just read today that if you soak them in water after you have carved them over night, they will last longer.

  4. oh nooo....
    but the graveyard still rocks!

  5. Honestly, the melting sort of adds to the look. Happy Halloween Jorge and Beth!

    : ) P

  6. yeah, I wanted to carve one with Diamond Head in the middle, but I heard they melt super fast out here, The VOG and lack of trades probably doesn't help.

  7. wow, that was quick! Of course, my daughters pumpkin disintegrated before we even got it carved. Oh, thanks for the "hi" over in my land too btw!

  8. I think that moldy wrinkly pumpkins add to the spooky feel at Halloween. If you dont want them to mold to quick, next year rub some vaseline around the cut edges.
    Also, if you have one buy your house with a real candle in it, sprinkle some cinammon inside, its smells like pumpkin pie.


  9. aaawww not fair!! But I do agree, it looks like it belongs like that! (and at least that spot of lawn will be nice and extra fertilized!!!

  10. I know it's not eco friendly (sorry) but maybe you could preserve some of your pumpkin art work by using a plastic/styrofoam pumpkin. (Assuming you can find them in your neck of the woods!) I think the newer ones are able to be carved. They have them at Michael's where we live.

    Thanks for sharing the spooky graveyard (although that picture makes me glad we can't yet transmit smell through the computer!)

  11. I love your pumpkin carving pics, Jorge! You & your guests are a lot more creative than I would be! (Probably why we don't carve pumpkins!)

  12. a shame that these artworks dont last longer! ;)

  13. Isn't that the tree the drunken man sat in? :D

  14. Ok, so I'm not the brightest bulb (yet I'm a professional scientist..go figure) but do you carve your pumpkins in Hawaii or California? It's strange to even imagine pumpkins in Hawaii or California (at least for me it is strange..). It DOES add a sort of creepiness...

  15. There is a possiblity to save those that are only "mostly dead". Take a big bucket of water and soak your Jack o lanterns overnight, and they shall live to see at least another day.

  16. I hear on Halloween night, all the dead pumpkins rise from their graves and haunt any gourd graveyards. Beware.

  17. The Great Pumpkin is gonna be pissed that so many of his children died such a horrible death on your lawn. No candy for you. :)

  18. I just looked back at last years pumpkins (awesome!) and the build-a-gingerbread house party. Are you guys planning on doing the gingerbread party again? :D

  19. When I was a kid you couldn't get pumpkins where I live, so we used to hollow out big turnips...rubbish

  20. It looks very frightening, your yard for a time became a place for the "deceased" pumpkins ...

    Jorge, I want to ask you what you put into this purified pumpkins - candles or not?

  21. For what your need - Word Verification here???

  22. Love the pictures of the pumpkin carving party you posted the other day. Unfortunately the day after appears to have not been a good day for Beth's pumpkin lantern. :( Doesn't matter where we lived--CA, NC, or HI, we always did our pumpkins the day before or right after school on Halloween so they would still look good and not stink too bad. Bugs like the pumpkins, too, so we ended up composting them in the corner of our NC house's yard with our ever falling oak leaves and had really good growth in that part of the yard. Enjoy Halloween!

  23. Dude,

    Thats what you get for living in a tropical environment! Move to Canada and you have a refreshing fall breeze to keep your pumpkins lively.

  24. We've had our uncarved pumpkins out on the door step since the beginning of the month. I'm not going to carve them because I think the bottom will fall out of them when I try to move them.

  25. Hey Jorge,
    I heard that if you rub the inside of the pumpkin with lemon juice, it makes the pumpkins last longer. That also works on your wiener too.

  26. AAH!!! its soooo cooool the cemetery Jorge!! in Spain we dont really celebrate it, but i love this kind of partys, ur lucky!! can i go to ur party??? hahahaha :D

  27. I've heard that soaking your pumpkins in a bucket of beer is effective. You must first ingest a bucket of beer yourself. Then it is Mushy's turn. It doesn't help to preserve them in any way, mind you, but I find it eases the loss.

  28. Happy Haloween Jorge & Beth

    Love your Haloween pumpkins and graveyard set its really cool,

    We dont celebrate haloween in Ireland like you do in America, Maybe we will dress up tomorrow seeing as we are in hawaii for haloween this year {ps i have'nt dressed up since i was about 5 years old! im 32 now....oh what fun!}

    Have a good one,


  29. I love the melting one - that's too clever.

  30. Hey hey.

    Regarding 'melting' pumpkins. We only do one or two a season and to make them last we spray all the nice orange surfaces we reveal with an antibacterial spray - I think Lysol is our current selection. Doesn't last for ever, but the anecdotal evidence strongly suggests a much longer 'non-melted' existence.

    Stay JOLLY!
