Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear Jenny

I think you're "cool enough."

I'd love to write you back.

If I only had your address.




  1. We may not know her address, but I have it on good authority that Jenny's number is 867-5309.

  2. More proof that you are da bomb. Stay well.

  3. aw, sweet, a potential stalker ;) I wanted to give out her phone number myself, looks like Colin beat me to it :D

  4. Ahh you're very nice. And fair play Jenny. She has good stationery.

  5. Jorge,

    Only on your blog would we get references to a Tommy Tutone song! And as sad as it seems its also on my iPod.

  6. George, I'm outside your living room window!

    Joking... I'm in England!

    Or am I!

  7. So.
    Isn't it cool? It's like you're famous!
    Oops, you are.
    I was comfusing you with Jorge RIVERA.

  8. I wholeheartedly back...
    'a back to posted letters' renaissence

  9. Jorge, you are such a nice guy.

  10. With a Jesus card that says "deliverer me" ... I'd think you're cool too! lol

  11. Address it to: c/o Jesus Christ.
    He is all knowing, he'll know the rest. ;)

  12. I hope Jenny is not embarrassed that you showed her letter to thousands of people. But if she is and she reads this comment, I want to say, don't be embarrassed, Jenny. Now the world knows that Jorge thinks you're cool! (Many of us - his fans - think so, too.)

  13. Aww, she forgot to give you her address, maybe she'll see her letter here and write to you again.

  14. Jenny does not know send letters?



  15. You are a sweetheart.

    Hope you guys are doing great.


  16. LOL @ Colin's comment!

    What a nice guy to post this so she could see it!

    I want to know where she got the stationary from. Way cool.

  17. Seriously, you're the best. Keep up the awesome.

  18. :D Awe how sweet of you to post an acknowledgment since you can't mail back like normal. Rock on Jorge!


  19. well at least you'll be able to tell if she actually reads your blog now

  20. Got to say my husband and I thought about you at the grocery store last night -- we found cherimoya and decided to buy one! haven't tried it yet but we keep calling it the "Hurley Fruit" :)

  21. Very cool! You are too sweet! I bet you even read all the comments on your blog too!! That's awesome!!! I love how you can still connect with your fans!

  22. This Jesus is very much seems like on the figurines in wich Charley put and hide the drugs! Ha ha ha... Maybe this letter is from Nigeria!????? :o)

  23. Hey Jorge..if Jenny ever writes you back..can you ask her where she got the Jesus stationery from. I think it is so cool!!!

    Jesus rocks. And so do you!

  24. I guess in the age of e-mail, Jenny assumed the mere sending of the letter would provide you with the ability to respond.

    Or maybe she thinks you're psychic.

    Either way, very cool of you to write back on your blog.

  25. I agree with Katherine - Jenny has great stationery. 'Deliver me' - LOL!

  26. Some people are probably thinking, "What a nice guy."

    I'm thinking, "Whoo!!! Someone got a new scanner!!!"


  27. you rock! love your blog. love LOST.

  28. I just took a closer look at the postmark and it was sent from San Francisco. Maybe this will help out a little more... only if Jenny does read the blog comments. I love Colin's answer, too. Thought of that right away :)

  29. Well played Jorge, It's great to see someone in your position be so responsive to fans like this. Between this and your postings at the fuselage someone might think you're just a regular guy. Nice to see someone down to earth in your business.

  30. That is so cute! Well, since she said she will be writing you more letters, she might be playing hard to get and won't give you her address for a few months.

  31. Wow! I can't believe it!
    I guess that a lot of people have told you this but.. I am a total freak of Lost and I love your character. Hurley rocks!

  32. Did you just see Zombieland in NYC? We thought it was you and went over to tell you of the strange coincidence of having had dinner next to Ethan last night... If it was you, very disappointed you were so rude. If it wasn't, your doppleganger wasn't nice. Either way, see Zombieland. It's great.

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  35. Jorge,

    You totally made my day! I can't breatheeeee.....



  36. dang dude ... i mean i wanted my letter to stick out but i didnt expect you to blog about it!!! (blushes) you are so awesome! i am at work.. i cant concentrate now... i am passing out... just kidding...well maybe...

    the comments are cool...i will have to check and see where that stationery is from...



  37. HeY!!

    JeNNY wrote on your BLoG!! MaN!! That is actually really cool!!...Hi, JeNNY!

    GReaT!! I will have to find a really CooL way to write you a letter....HHHMMM....JeNNY is 1 up on me, though. I don't know where to send it...

  38. Jorge keep your eyes peeled for another note soon! I will send me address this time for sure! (wink wink)

    For anyone who still may be interested in the stationery... i got it at cute lil shop here in san francisco called therapy or check out this link....


  39. Wish I was that Jenny. But hey its a cool name and cool stationary. And I wouldn't mind coming to Hawaii and meeting the cast of Lost.

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  45. Hi Jorge/Hugo

    Love LOST so much, Hurley is one of my favourite characters.I am from Ireland and in Honolulu at the moment and would love to meet you and maybe catch some outdoor filming if you are filming over the next 10 days. Its the best show ever made! I love your blog! :-} Your the best Jorge, you seem like such a lovely person.

    Alison & Adrian xxx

  46. jenny, i love your letter and your stationary, you seem really cool. How nice is Jorge posting your letter hoping you will see it. I love LOST too, and always come to Oahu, hoping i will see some filming, I am here now and this will be my last time till next year when season 6 will be finished :-{

    Take Care

    Alison x

  47. Ok i just have to say that i am still so super excited that you posted my letter on your blog Jorge!!


    i love telling everyone how zuper cool you really are!
