Sunday, August 30, 2009

Costa Rica: Tabacon Hot Springs

So the resort we stayed at in Costa Rica had these natural hot springs. Water flowing through these pools heated to piping hot temperatures by the Arenal Volcano.

It was hot. Too hot for me really. I don't even like my baths that hot.

Here's me incognito ducking through the hot springs.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Costa Rican Wildlife Explorer : Howler Monkey

Another find on the side of the road was these howler monkeys.

Okay. We're looking at that little black blob in the middle.
Two black blobs with tails.
This one's hanging by his tail.

Oh well, this is what they look like up close.
How 'bout that. Even my picture of the pamphlet isn't clear.

By the way, howler monkey males? Got white nuts. Honest look it up. Keeps them cool. The nuts, not the monkey. He's wearing all black for goodness sake.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sweet! Look what came in the mail!

Someone sent me pictures of this clay modeling project that she and her friend did.
There's more on her website.
For those of us who don't read Hebrew I poked around and found the lost stuff here.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Found it!

Sometimes you move stuff around to look for something and cover something else.
It was on the desk all along.

I can't find my bluetooth!

But I know it's here somewhere, because it keeps connecting to my phone and disrupting my calls.

I've narrowed the signal down to the kitchen and living room. And I also moved the garbage can out of range to make sure I hadn't accidentally tossed it.

But I still don't know where the **** it is.

(As you can see it's starting to frustrate me.)

So close. And yet so far.

And here I was all proud to have caught up on my fan mail.
When I discovered a familiar looking bag sitting on a chair.

Back to work.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Costa Rica: Bug Lover's Paradise

The entrance to our room had a constant array of exotic insects. Each one unique in it's own way. I don't think a single bug was repeated in the bunch.

This guy was huge (as long a my middle finger) and he sat on the wall for the entire trip.
I would try to push him with a stick but he wouldn't budge. Just threaten me with those pincher teeth. He was not afraid of me whatsoever.

There also was this gigantic grasshopper (Correction katydid).
This is my foot to give you a size reference.
I also saw lightning bugs for the first time. They were crawling on the window one night. Pretty cool but too hard to photograph.

I amazed that I really didn't get bit by mosquitos until I returned home to Hawaii. But in Costa Rica we did take extra precautions because before we travelled we saw that "Monsters Inside of Me" special on Animal Planet which scared the crap out of us.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Costa Rican Wildlife Explorer

So as reported in previous posts you don't even have to leave your hotel in Costa Rica to see exotic wildlife. Well just taking a short drive around the vicinity you can come across any number of wild animal that you would only see in a zoo.

A good tip off is if you see people pulled over taking pictures of something, chances are they spotted something cool. Remember look both ways if you're crossing the street.

The first thing we saw on our drive was a three-toed sloth.

Can you see it? Probably not. But if you look in the middle of the picture. That blob where the branch meets the tree? Three toed sloth.

Here's a picture that I lightened up a bit on my computer.

Now I'm going to zoom and crop to get a close as I can.

Okay. I admit it's not much of a picture. My little point and shoot camera makes a better record that I was there than a picture of what I saw. But still it was a pretty cool thing to see.

Basically what you're looking at is this.
This picture comes from my fold out guide to costa rican wildlife I picked up at my hotel.
I'll be using this thing a lot because my pictures are all pretty much like this.

By the way here is the official pic of the coati.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Beginning of Lasts

Today I filled out my start paperwork for LOST for the last time.


All I'm Going To Say Is This:

I read "LA X."
And it's pretty freaking exciting.

Costa Rica: Looking for a Handout

Every morning at breakfast these guys have figured out where to go for food. They are called Pizotes or Coati. They are like raccoons. They hang out on the side of the kitchen at the hotel's restaurant.

One of the waiters told me to give them some fruit.
I wanted to get one to eat out of my hand but I heard one waiter say to another under his breath, "They're going to bite him."
So I just tossed the papaya to them.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Then off to Costa Rica

From the Bahamas we flew to Costa Rica. AXN the network that runs LOST in Latin America had a special Lost event at the Tabacon resort and spa. The place was sweet and we were totally styled there.

The resort is set at the foot of the Arenal volcano.
Of course our view of the volcano was more like this.
Oh wait I'm pretty sure I have my own picture.
The clouds and fog never cleared. We never got to see the real thing.
But boy could we hear it. Every now and again there would be what sounded like a plane landing at the airport. That was actually a small eruption of hot stones from the volcano. Apparently rather than spout out molten lava the volcano here spouted hot lava rocks.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Atlantis: Extra pictures

These are my last pictures of Atlantis.
The Throne.
This is the water slide that goes through the shark tank.
Our inner tube got stuck here.

My Favorite Song This Minute

Is "The Gardener" by The Tallest Man on Earth
I find myself playing it over and over again.

*Thought I'd start sharing this kind of information

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Atlantis: The Show

So the reason for going to the Bahamas was the show I did with the Band From TV.
It was a lot of fun.
I sang Mustang Sally.
Joined in on the hook of Devil Went Down To Georgia.
And sang "Shake Your Tail Feather" with Bob Guiney for the encore. It was a good night.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm DIG-gin' Atlantis

There is an exhibit at Atlantis called The Dig.
It gives you a better look at their huge fish tank as well as cool "artifacts" of lost Atlantis.

Part of it is this strange steamy room that as a bunch of old looking scuba equipment. It also opens up to the gift shop.

I think it's supposed to look like the men who were here may have been devoured by the piranha. Or eels.