Thursday, August 20, 2009

Costa Rican Rooster

The culprit: Cicada.


  1. LOL, we believe you~that much noise was coming from a wee little bugger, Jorge rilly! JK..we live in New England and the cicadas here are so frickin loud in the summer! They sound like rattle snakes ;-)

  2. the 17 year cicadas in Cincinnati weren't even that bad!

  3. Una chicharra! Jajaja, Jorge espero que hayás pasado excelentes momentos en mi país Costa Rica. Y que nos visités muy pronto de nuevo.

  4. Jorge en argentina esta lleno de chicharras y la verdad es que en el verano nos enloquecen!!! jajajajaja, espero que te hayan dejado descansar un poco!!! muy graciossoooooo

  5. We have cicadas here in NJ too! I have gotten used to them but will never get used to the cicada killers! Go ahead and google that and you will see what I mean! Huge wasps that dig holes in your yard, go and paralyze the poor cicadas then fly them in the holes for the baby cicada killers to eat when they hatch...

  6. Jorge,

    We solved the Cicada problem at my home in Canada. We cut down both trees in our front lawn. Upside = no cicadas. Downside = no shade in the summer or windbreak in the winter.

  7. I think you need to recycle a phonebook on that one!

  8. sound like someone in the next room is sawing a woman in half with a table saw...

  9. In Spain we call them CIGARRAS.

    In catalan it's the same, but with another accent.

  10. OMFG! Please don't bring any of those back home to Oahu! Just as bad as coqui frogs!

  11. Looks like you guys went from posh resort hotel rooms to bug filled jungle cabins in one trip. Good luck with that. lol


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That would drive me NUTS!!! On this end, it sounds like a buzz saw. Despite those crazy Cicadas, I still really want to go to Costa Rica :)

  14. disgusting nasty bugs. hate them!

  15. It's just lookin' for love! (Apparently in the wrong places.) We have hundreds of those things every summer here in Texas, but they don't get noisy until late afternoon/early evening, and they quiet down once it gets dark.

  16. I know you are having a great time in Costa Rica!!

    My brother has a restaurant in Quepos (near Manuel Antonio State Park). Good people and GREAT food.

  17. how did you guys get any sleep? when they come up to Wisconsin i never get a good nights sleep

  18. My God, what level of Hell is that exactly? Person could go nutty in there. Awww, I bet Nunu would be an expert cicada hunter. You could just give her knife, a little Crocodile Dundee hat and toss her up in the general direction of the bug. "Nunu Attack Activated!" (is what you have to yell every time you toss her.)

  19. Hilarious! You know I share your blog on my facebook. People love you dude!

  20. hey who's that in the background in the pink tanktop?

  21. Omg, that is what i would call annoying!

  22. Ah-ha!! So that's the culprit, eh? Or is it the Singing Frog from Bugs Bunny!!

  23. Any bizarre animal noise from the jungle would scare me if I had been on Lost... Might be a scary camera on a stick.

  24. I totally didn't see that coming..

  25. Jajajaja, buenísimos los videos!

  26. Wow- those sound like the fire alarm at my school.

  27. My friends and I are in Kailua on vacation looking for a dinner spot! Any recommendations?! Mahalo!

  28. Ok...THAT'S the most annoying alarm clock I've ever heard!

  29. first of all: sorry for my english ^_^''

    in italy there is a lottery called "superenalotto" and in this days the jackpot is €150million (about 130million dollars)...
    if me and my husband will win that huge amount of money, we are going to do exactly like you: SEE THE WORLD!!!!!!!
    everytime i connect to your blog YOU ARE IN A DIFFERENT PLACE!!!!!!!! ^____^

    Great Jorge!
    ...I regard you with esteem (from it right??? @__@')

  30. I like how sing those roosters! They have a very high note.
    They are no worse, than
    "The Gardener" by The Tallest Man on Earth!!! :)
    How do you think, would they be able to sing with you in duet - Mustang Sally? ;)

  31. I live in the state of Misery (Missouri) during the summer. I know how loud they can be. A friend of mine from Santa Barbara,Ca came to visit and she couldn't sit out on the deck at night she was so afraid of them.

  32. we call them Caty-dids or Jarflies here in NC. Used to catch them in a jar and shake it to make them "sing".

  33. I'm sorry..but that little sucker would be dead by now.

  34. Haha, I think the Costa Rican cicadas in your video woke up the cicadas here around my house (MI)! Hadn't heard from them yet today until I finished playing all the videos.

  35. Ew, I HATE those things! They molt too and then you find these little fragile "cicada" casings at the bottoms of trees. GROSS!!!!!!

  36. ah, yes. We have those here, my son goes out and collects their shells. He has a box FULL of the shells in his room.

  37. The Lost monster's taxicab printer noise reminds me more of cicadas than anything. Loud little buggers.

  38. Here in Chicago, we have cicadas every summer, but every 17 years, we have a plague of them. People in the burbs have to shovel their carcasses off the sidewalk and hose down their screen doors to get them off when they come home from work. The noise is deafening. In the evening, you have to yell over the sound to be heard by someone sitting next to you. Thankfully, that was last summer. I have 17 years to find a new place to live.

  39. They sound so different everywhere! I've heard them in Southern France, New York, Missouri, Arizona...the one's in AZ are so loud that when they get going conversation has to pause....

  40. Thank you Jorge!I've read of these critters, and I've seen photos...but I've NEVER heard them before!!! In fact I was just at a gathering in Oregon, of friends from all over, and a friend from Gifu, Japan was telling us stories of the intense sounds they make, and how insane crazy it can make you!

    Now, I understand! :) Thanks!!

  41. We have these in Florida and I actually got to watch one emerge from it's shell-thingy the other day. It was like watching a bit of the Discovery channel on a break at work!
    Anyway, just a random tidbit. Back about your business now.

  42. I love me some katie dids. They are the sound of summer and I can't imagine life withouth them. I love camping by the lake here in SW MO. And falling asleep to their song is like a lullabye. That must sound hideously prosaic. But I looke forward to their arrival every year.
