Friday, August 28, 2009

Sweet! Look what came in the mail!

Someone sent me pictures of this clay modeling project that she and her friend did.
There's more on her website.
For those of us who don't read Hebrew I poked around and found the lost stuff here.


  1. Jorge,

    It kind of reminds me of Davey and Goliath. Yes my parents made me watch that show. Hey you don't suppose Vincent is actually Goliath? Then who is Davey? :P

  2. Goliath - daaaaaaayyyyyyveeeeee

  3. Those are fantastic...great job :)

    However, I noticed that Desmond didn't make the cut. Desmond got hosed. :/

  4. Haha! Chang looks uncanny! I love the grumpy old man "get off of my lawn" look that Locke has.

  5. Can you get Lindelof & Cuse to remake an entire episode in claymation? I want to see Claymation The Incident just before the Season 6 premier.

  6. I wish I had a complete set of LOST clay characters to play with (snickering)...I can think of all sorts of scenarios our friends might find themselves in... "Oh, no...Mr.Bill!!!!"

  7. At first glance I thought it was a chess board. They should make a chess board with LOST figures... I'd just need to learn on how to play chess then...

  8. Haha, that's wicked! I did something similar to this for a school project back in high school. (That was with the cast of Seinfeld, but had LOST been out at the time I TOTALLY would have done you guys!)

  9. How awesome is that !!??!! Very cool !

  10. LOL! Those are brilliant. I followed the link to the Lost portion of the site, and if you go there you can see a Ben figure, too, which is pretty funny. (I also hit the "Translate" button that popped up on my screen and, well, let's just say I wish I spoke Hebrew, because I don't think she was saying what Google said she was saying.) ;) Thanks for sharing!

  11. they should do a littl claymation film..ha..pretty cute

  12. In the second picture that Hurley figure looks like he's looking into John Locke's ear like he can see daylight from the other side! :D

  13. :D Awesome! I wish I was that creative. They took great pictures.


  14. excellent work.
    if you're in need of new things to laugh at on the interwebs, follow us at
    sorry for the shameless plug, but i think you might appreciate it.

  15. I think you just made someone's day...

  16. beautiful staff, but tell me dude this could be some spoiler of the new season? i mean the people we see, Daniel Faraday, Juliet, ect.

  17. Yes, indeed, it looks very cool! I try do something for you!

  18. Hey Jorge,

    It's Yaron, one of the people who created this plasticine project (together with the one-and-only REVITAL FALKE)...
    I just wanted to thank you for publishing our project in your uber cool blog! We really enjoyed creating it, and we're excited from the fact that you think it's awesome...
    So once again - thank you so much, and LONG LIVE KING HURLEY!!!!!!!!!

  19. HELLO!!
    Thankyou SOOOOO much, Jorge, for showing our project!
    (yes, I'm the one who did it, Revital)
    I'm so sorry I haven't managed to do the english translation yet (i know the googl translation is not that good) - but this is my facebook-
    and you are welcome to ask me any question over there,
    and in here :
    you can see the whole project!
    thank you!

  20. It makes me want to go buy Plasticine.

    I like the way they nailed the stubble of Jack's perpetual five o-clock shadow. His non-growing whiskers are but just one more miracle of the Island.

  21. I love the monitor with Dr Chang. And Juliet in the red shirt....*weeps*

    Very cool!

  22. Wow, that's super-cool! What a neat project; I wish I could create something like that!

  23. i wish you guys could see it for real. i keep it all in my place. if anyone of you guys comes to israel, tell me and have a picture with the project :)
    see, like that:

  24. haha thats so cool! u have so many cool trinkets!

  25. If I have any spare time I'll try to translate some of it for you. I'm amazed that you were able to find it - I speak and read Hebrew and had trouble navigating the page. :)

  26. Awesome! Those are as cool as the LOST figurines by Charm City Cakes. :-)

  27. Awesome! Those are as cool as the LOST figurines by Charm City Cakes. :-)

  28. That's cool! My son and I created a LOST board game during his summer vacation. It was a lot of fun.

  29. Those are cute!

    @Beena- Oh no you didn't use a Mr. Bill reference. lol

  30. That looks so cool! Those must have taken forever to make and get just right! Very impressive.

  31. coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!

  32. That is fabulous!

    When you get a chance check out the awesome LOST Literature display at this Library:

  33. soooooooo cool!
    Yaron and Revital- congrats! i LOVE this project, you are so talented.
    Jorge- how great of you publishing it here.
    but hey, you are great with everything you do

  34. thankyou kerenl! I'm just going to exhibit this project in a cool exhibition in Israel. If any of you happens to be here around, come and say hello...


  35. Revital- that'll be so great, seeing your work "live"
    please let me know when and where and i'll try my best to coem and see the masterpieces :)

    good luck with it!

  36. Where do u live? the opening is very soon - November 3, in Herzelia - Israel. here's the facebook event -

    but i'll love to exhibit it abroad as well, i wish to get an invitation and a flying ticket!!

  37. Revital- any chancee you'll have another exhibition? i missed that one (and i live realy close...)

  38. you haven't missed it yet - it's open till Sunday. Write me to my mail and I'll guide u.
