Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So close. And yet so far.

And here I was all proud to have caught up on my fan mail.
When I discovered a familiar looking bag sitting on a chair.

Back to work.


  1. Woohoo I'm first! Loving your work Jorge. It's all about the fans for sure.

  2. And the really weird thing about being first, working in the whole fan thing, of which I am. The probability is that your gonna read this, now thats just equally trippy and awesome! Double woohoo!!

  3. That is awesome that you keep up with your fans!

  4. Hi, dear Jorge! I'm third! I send to you a letter too. Have you seen a letter from Jenea- it is me!!!
    I send a letter for you on april 25, but I still don't recieve a answer. please, write me in blog!

  5. I sent you a letter last year and you answered it. I like the way you listen to your fans. LOST has been a great experience to you (I hope) and it is a great show to us. We fans will miss it when it wraps up this year. Mahalo to you (as they say in Hawaii).

  6. You actually answer fan mail? That's so great! Good for you for appreciating your fans:)

  7. When you stop receiving fan mail, is the time to worry. Thanks for the blog and being "real".

  8. jorge, awesome jorge.
    i would like a blog that says
    a) your funniest piece of fan mail
    b) your freakiest piece of fan mail
    c) your favorite piece of fan mail.

    i think it would make a great blog. :)

  9. I dont send fan letters. maybe I should start?

  10. I agree with Marla, tell us something about funny fan mail :D

    (i will write something to you.. i wanted to invite you to my degree party, but it is in Italy and you are busy with all that LOST stuff..)

  11. I won't add to your pile of fan mail, it seems like you have enough of it to keep you more than busy, so I figured I'd post a few things here, just so you know:

    (1) Your character on Lost is one of my favorites, and I love that Hurley isn't a "typical" hero. You play him well.

    (2) It is refreshing to find out on your blog that you're actually intelligent, interesting, nice, and funny in real life -- not just when writers put words in your mouth to say on screen. It's great when good people become successful.

    (3) I feel bad for celebrities who lose a lot of their private, personal lives because of their jobs (the media has gone way too far), but I also get annoyed at celebrities who don't acknowledge that their success is somewhat dependent on people being interested in them. You seem able to strike a balance between enjoying your life like a normal person, while still making your fans feel appreciated and involved.

    Best of luck in the rest of Lost and your career afterwards.

  12. :D I like Marla's idea too.
    :) And of course I'm curious if you got mine lol.


  13. it's pretty awesome you answer your fan mail at all.

  14. I really appreciate your diligence. You sent my wife a signed photo for my 40th birthday in January - my friends are so jealous! Love your work Jorge - hope you find the last season of LOST as rewarding as any of the past 5 - here looking forward to your "DUDES" in 2010

  15. I've never written a fan letter to anyone (no offense), but I am a fan and as a fan, even though I don't write letters, I certainly appreciate that you are so very attentive towards yours. Thanks for that.

  16. I love getting mail! Imagine all the weird crap people send you!

  17. i dont think any of us feel bad that you are back to work on the best show in the world! been dying to work on that show for the past few years...this is my last chance!!! i hope you have a wonderful season. i love following your fun blog. we get to vicariously learn about the in focus parts of life. thanks

  18. I guess the first word that you said when you saw the package was...

    *drum roll*



  19. Seriously? It is nice that you even try! I am glad you feel compelled to keep up with it, it shows you are a good man. Does anyone else keep up with theirs? I never thought stars/people on TV would write back.

  20. Do you really reply to all your fan mail? I mean personally? If so that's very cool. I remember writing to Kylie Minogue when I was 10 and all I got back was a letter from one of her 'people' I was sooo disappointed!

  21. I think that is great that you pay attention to the fans. That makes me a fan.

  22. how sweet, you answer your own fan mail...your a good kid..

  23. I hope you realize how much it means to fans that you care enough to read their mail and even sign things and send them back. It means so much. I understand you and Michael are the best about doing so. Your fans will stick with you wherever you go whatever you do.

    God bless,
    Pat T.

  24. Jorge,

    You totally rock! I was just listening to Metallica "Nothing else matters!"

  25. You must be glad to be "home"
    and sleep in your own bed.
    Hope someone has watered your plants in the huerto.

  26. At least you read your fan mail!!! I am so impressed. I can tell you that every fan who has ever sent you fan mail who reads this post of yours is going to be thrilled to death! Much love, Jorge!

  27. I just want to say that I think it's awesome that you actually read/respond to your fan mail. You rock!

  28. Oh very nice! You are awesome! Great person, big talent... Very nice with your fans.
    I intend to sends you a letter too.
    Sucess always Jorgeman! =)

  29. Ooo, I think I see mine in the bag!

  30. These are the letters you answer to your fans? I can't believe it!!
    And you are so.. how could I say... a good boy, doing all your homework!

    Maybe I'll write too asking for a foto or something... ;)

  31. Awwww. You're so good to your fans!! 8-) (And I have the autographed picture to prove it; thanks!!)

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. wow, now i will finally send a fan letter too! =)

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  36. I love these tag thingies. Gives me something to write about when I think all the rest of my life is boring. :)
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  37. I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely enjoying every little bit of it :) I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. Please visit my Please visit my blog when you have time Please come visit my site Reality when you got time.

  38. Jorge, I got my autograph from you and want to thank you so much for taking the time to do this for your fans. Sorry, I had two stamps on it and looks like you had to add a 17 cent one. I am sorry, but appreciate it as I didn't know it wasn't enough. Thanks again and you are the best. Love the photo.

  39. Boy, I am really glad I am not famous. I *hate* going through stacks of mail. But good for you for being so kind to your fans.

    And yes, I love your work on LOST and can't wait to see your next project.

  40. of course i am planning to send you a couple of letters....

    i will keep it fun and exciting though unlike all those boring white and yellow envelopes! :)

  41. Aloha Jorge....

    You are the coolest Dude!!

  42. It's so wonderful that you take time to read your fanmail. :)

  43. Thank you for answering your fanmail. I wrote to you and when you responded it totally made my day. I now have it framed. So thank you for taking the time to respond even when you are tired of answering it. Your making a lot of people out there happy. Thank you :)
