See, I like to eat a lot of exotic food.
Actually we've been trying to make the last roll last because we got these coupons from the grocery store. So I refused to buy it without the coupons which I had been forgetting over and over again.
So I finally grabbed all five coupons and bought the required packs of toilet paper for the discount.
When I was checking out, the cashier only scanned four of the coupons I gave him. I told him that I was pretty sure I gave him five coupons. He didn't believe me. And he had already shoved them into the slot in his drawer, so he couldn't even check without a manager to open the drawer for him. I tried to explain to him that I would not have bought a fifth pack of toilet paper if I didn't have a coupon for it. (No one needs to buy that much. Not at once.)
So he called for the manager to open his drawer. And we waited. Now by this time there were people starting to line up behind me. The cashier apologized to them for the delay, but I knew SOMEONE in that group was thinking that the "guy from Lost was haggling over $1.00."
Which I was. But I knew I was in the right. The manager opened the drawer and there were five coupons in there. I got my dollar.
Now was it much ado for so little return? Perhaps.
But I just want to say in my defense: Safeway started this.
They gave me the coupons to begin with. I was perfectly happy paying full price for my TP until I had their coupons stuck to my fridge. Mocking me. Daring me to pay full price.
it's a good thing too cuz i had way too many mushrooms at lunch today
Good for you, Jorge, for sticking to it! Although I would have laughed if I saw a tv star buying all that toilet paper and fighting over a dollar.
I know...it's not the point...BUT....dude, you can afford to pay full price. I'm sure ABC pays pretty well.
Just kidding....NOT!!! :^)
Way to go - stick to your guns - doesn't matter if you are the guy from LOST - a dollar is a dollar and heaven knows you EARNED your dollars! Some of those scenes can't be a piece of cake!
That is so funny! I am the same way. If I know I have a coupon at home, I won't buy it. Now do you know how many times I have looked in my pantry for that one item I "thought" I had bought only to remember why I didn't and get so mad at myself that I just didn't spend the extra $.75 and pay full price so I had it! LOL
YES!! Using that toilet paper will be so much more satisfying and meaningful now!! WAHOO!!!
You and Bethany are made of so much win. How much do I love hearing that Jorge Garcia uses coupons like every other normal personal alive (well, OK, except for me because I'm too lazy)?
Now every wipe will be a wipe of victory!
what happened to "the customer is always right?" sheesh
I like that you got a nice variety. Can we expect a full review of the benefits of Aloe & E versus Ultra? :D
Is that puppy toilet paper?
Victory is so sweet! Love to hear that $1.00 means a $1.00 to you. And I love that you use coupons like "the rest of us"!
To the person that said "you can afford it":
Are you serious? I have family in the entertainment business, and they make quiet a bit of money. They go to Costco and use coupons just like any other family. What you're suggesting is pure arrogance. Not everyone with money to spend is so arrogant that they walk around throwing money down on things they could get on sale just to say "oh I spent 200 dollars more on this laptop than buying it at bestbuy because I'm rich and I can do things like that"
Pure stupidity, is what that is.
Jorge: More power to ya, If you're right, you're right, and that's the point.
eh, whatevahs, you didn't save the coupon all that time so you could pay full price. How annoyed would that leave you?
P.S. you can NEVER be overstocked on doo doo paper!! If the shipping companies on the islands ever threaten a strike, doo doo paper is the first thing people stock up on!
Well, Jorge, at least you didn't make the same mistake I did. Like you, I had a coupon for Cottonelle and I was CAPTIVATED by the TP they had with little snow flakes. Living in Pittsburgh, I thought it was so cute, a little wintry themed TP.
Fast forward with six weeks of horribly cold winter and snow, and dammit if I'm STILL going through those snowflake TP rolls. At this point it's like they're mocking me and my sister has blamed me for the record cold temps. Like my snowflake TP has some divine control over the temperature...
I'll be running out of TP and will use my coupon like you but no more themed TP, that's for sure!
Hey, don't ever feel bad about saving some change. I know first hand how small change can have a big impact on your life...
So, I'm in college, therefore I never have money. But, when I'm lucky enough to scrounge together enough coins, I can feed myself. It was a tuesday (long class day) and I forgot to eat before I left, so I stopped by Carls Jr. for a famous Star. It's like $3.79, and I'm prepared to pay it all in coins. Not even good coins, nickels and dimes man. So I get to the window, hand over the coins, but a bunch of them drop on the ground. Embarrassed, I quickly open my door to grab them. (The next few actions happened simultaneously) 1. Automatic seatbelt that won't save your life grabs my neck and yanks it up. 2.Car was not in park, so the surprise of the neck-yank distracted my foot, causing my car to jerk forward. 3. Man at the window probably holding off a laugh, having a very hard time.
I've never gone back there to this day.
So, Jorge. Whenever you feel like you're holdin' up the crowd for some small change, just remember, those coins could change your life someday.
A few years ago, I was at Krogers with my brother. When we arrived at the checkout, he asked the cashier if he was buying enough toilet paper for that amount of food. I tried to pretend that I didn't know him.
You have a tiny trash can on your counter. That's cute!
I can't belive, the guy from Lost was Haggling for one dolar!!! Jejeje
I like the dog of cottonelle "little vincent"
Kiss from spain
I think the fact that you still count your dollars is just one of the ways in which you're still a "regular guy" which is, of course, why we love you so much :) It's good that you haven't gotten complacent about money etc.
I am a stickler, too, when it comes to this! It's all about principles and fairness.
I wouldn't have blamed the guy from "Lost" for holding up the line and haggling over a dollar. I would have been too busy trying not to laugh at all the TP....and anticipating another poop blog (please no more poop blogs? LOL)
Pam ;o)
Of course you waited for your dollar! It's the principle of the whole thing! I'm lousy at remembering my coupons... but I'm a Charmin girl anyways :)
You kind of remind me of my grandma. She's Chinese and really cheap.
I'm a fan of Charmin Ultra Strong, though I find the idea of anthrophomorphic cartoon bears reading newspapers and using TP somewhat disturbing.
I'm not sure if that means I prefer unwiped realistic illiterate bears, but the TP is pretty good.
I would have been that fan just waiting for you to check out so I could get a picture with you and your toilet paper. Tee hee.
The grocery store irritates me. Especially the one near my house. They never take down their sale signs. Last summer chicken souvlaki packs of 8 were on sale for $4.99 so i picked up 2. They are usually $9.99. When I went to check out they came up as $9.99, I told the person it was on sale for $4.99, so they send someone to go check it out. They came back saying there was no such sign but I saw something in the guys hand. When I went back to check myself, all the sale tags were gone! He totally snagged them! I would not have picked up 2 if they were not on sale. It was very frustrating.
"On the next TMZ..." Haha!
I would have done the same... but wow- that's a LOT of TP! I would have assumed before reading that someone's front yard was in jeopardy.
I agree with the person that is expecting a review of the different kinds of toilet paper. I usually just get the plain old stuff, though. Also, I've got some cottenelle coupons myself, but I'm waiting for a sale to use them. :-)
Jorge have you heard of a Yahoo group name FREECYCLE. We have it here in Columbia MO we have one of the largest group in this internationl website over 5000 members just in our town. Could you look the site over. and let me know what you think. All things given must be offer for free. The computer I am writing on is a Freecycle item. Now the reason I post this now even the TP Doo Doo paper I am using came from Freecyle. NO it was not already Pre used, just Free...
Don't feel bad, my husband would have done it too. When he knows he is in the right it is a point of pride, especially when someone tries to say he was wrong and he KNOWS he is right. It has led to many an embaressing day in line but its well worth the satification of being correct!
Here is a web address for HI groups, great site for a person with a mine for value and recycling.
See, that is just being assertive~~~and smart.
You ever read The Millionaire Next Door? Or whatever, you remember it I'm sure.
Lots of people that live lavish have no money because they show it all and spend it all for show.
The folks that really do have some money will save it and it's those people that you will never guess are worth that much.
You go, Jorge.
Oh, and I am a loyal Cottonelle fan. lol
Must either be the texture or the puppy in the commercial. :-)
And you gotta either be an under or an over fan. I'm an under type person.
You were in the right. I work at Wal-Mart, and as a cashier, I would be happy to wait, cause then I could talk to a celebrity, especially one from my favorite show!
I totally get it. It's not the money, but the principal of it all.. though more money is always good :)
Good for you Jorge! It doesn't matter that you have the money, point is you were right. I've met quite a few wealthy people who have done the same and that is how they stay wealthy.
You should also invest in purchasing some flushable wipes. Health tip I heard from a doctor that keeps you clean and fresh!
I second the wipes, not because I'm concerned about Jorge's hiney hygene but because they work.
Sometimes it feels like a gremlin left a peanut butter sandwich in there no matter how clean you get with dry paper, and they're just the sort of thing to remove a gremlin's abandoned sandwich.
I so would have done the same thing. And I have. A dollar is a dollar and in this economy - everything counts.
well we are all people...people who play on TV deserve coupons (and justice) like the rest of us.
This reminds me of a comment I heard about a famous greek singer "she buys her meat at the Supermarket and not the butchers (i.e the butcher has quality and is expensive). Can't she afford it?". What is up with people and famous people...I don't get. We are all people!
take care
peace and love
Brilliant story!!!! But, what we're all dying to know is what colour TP do you like best? Purple, green or blue? Did you get one of each colour or are there more? The Aloe one looks particularly good:)
I think regardless how much you make, knowing how to stretch every dollar is a skill that should be taught in schools! If everyone was thrifty and careful with their money the economy probably wouldn't be in such a mess today.
I say good for you Jorge. My family lived in poverty for years and even though we're doing a bit better now and making our way paying off our medical debts, our family is still really frugal - unless I get a deal or discount on something I won't buy it!
hi Jorge
I agree with you 100% on the coupon thingy.
I was in Walmart yesterday and bought a large size bottle of my favorite body lotion and had a $1.00 off coupon. Gave the Cp to the cashier (with several other coupons) and her register kicked out my coupon with a printed slip of paper that "no way is this coupon going to work as I did not but the item." Well I did buy the item, double checked all the info to make sure and even the clerk thought it was correct. But how can you argue with a piece of electronic equipment that has no brain?
so I caved to the machine age and did not get my $1.00.
PS I am going to try the coupon at another store. THEY shall not defeat me!'
There is nothing in this entire world more worrisome than knowing you're almost out of TP! And Safeway isn't the most wallet friendly store, especially in Hawaii...ever think about Sak-N-Save??
PS, Cottenelle is like wiping your bum with a cloud!!
I have haggled with cashiers over that very coupon just because I printed it out online! That you demanded satisfaction just makes me grin all over myself. Good for you!
a penny saved is a penny earned:) Well done:)
Good for you. Score one more for us coupon-wielding, have-to-stock-up, TP buyers! I'm the same way and my kids think I'm crazy, but I have to have LARGE stock of TP in the house. (Using coupons, of course!).You never know what could happen when you run out. Glad you won the coupon fight. You go, Jorge! Say hello to Bethany and NuNu for me, ok?
I had to show this to my hubby! He laughs at me for using coupons and haggling about it! Now I've proven to him that I'm not alone!!!!
I would have done the same thing-Who you work for and how much your income is has nothing to do with the principle of the issue. Good for you!
You were right to stand your ground. The cashier shouldn't have shoved the coupons in the drawer so quickly. Yeah, they're trained to move the lines along fast, but common sense out to kick in somewhere, not to mention customer service skills.
I'm also with the "One can never have too much toilet paper" crowd.
This was definitely a justified holding up of the line. :)
I totally agree, it's the principle of the thing. You have a coupon, you redeem said coupon, you save $1.00.
I even clip coupons for .25 cents for a roll of Bounty paper towels.
Stay human Jorge!!!
Wipe that smile off your face!
:-) Hee Hee
"You gotta fight...for your right...to POTTY!"
No matter if the consumer is rich or poor, coupons should always be utilized when the opportunity arises. And I'm comforted to know that you opt for the 2-ply variety...single-ply is just downright unnacceptable!
You know, they say that food just tastes better when you get it at a really good price. I'm sure there's a saying like that for toilet paper, but I'm not going to venture down that path. :-P Feel free. :-)
Cashiers have done the same thing to my father, forgetting to scan a coupon. They're obviously not paying attention to what they're doing, but are focused on doing their job as fast as possible.
I'm surprised! I didn't know that well paid actors would bother using coupons! Neat!
OK, I hate to be a bummer (no pun intended), but Cottenelle is one of the worst papers for your skin. They bleach the paper, and then treat it with at least 40 different chemicals to make it soft and leave a smooth film on your privates. I once met a gynocologist who told me the reason so many Americans are suseptable to infectious diseases down there is because of the chemically treated paper products we use. Try natural chlorine free paper instead.
That is cool. I know that my Aunt's sister was happy to know that you use coupon's because she loves the show and also uses coupon's all the time! :) My mom is a big fan of your show. :)
Hollen Christensen
I'm soooo glad to see that you use coupons! I have always said that if I ever become famous, I will still be wise with my money-sounds like you are too! I love how down to earth you R! Call me thrifty, but YOU Rock!
Hey there Jorge!
I hate to break it to you, but you are not the only one who buys that much TP cause you have a coupon...LOL...I do too! I should send you pictures! I have a whole case of cottonelle right now..and about 20 rolls that wont fit into the case...
SO anyway since I see you like coupons i wanted to send you to my blog...
Right now There is a post how to get more free TP from Kroger--don't know if they have a Kroger on your beautiful Island that you are on right now, but I am sure green with envy that i can't be with you I am freezing my toes off here in Ohio!
Thanks for the smiles about the TP
I KNEW I was in love with you but this just makes me love you that much more. I love that you use coupons!!! I buy that brand too but only when I have coupons.
Woohoo! Celebrity couponing...that's so awesome!
This post makes me love you that much more. Thanks for the laugh!
I was just about to blog about my large purchase of Cottonelle too!
Kind of eerie how parallel our lives are, Jorge. I bet after your large TP purchase, you were "wiped" too.
Well, when you're on a roll, you're on a roll. (Dad joke--couldn't help it). Just fell upon your blog via Cakewrecks today--thanks for sharing!
Even though it was just 1$ you were right!
Truly a man after my own heart. It's the principal of the thing. I made my hubby go back to Sonic after I ordered extra cherries in my cherry limeade and they didn't give me extra cherries. My hubby just wanted to forget it, but I told him, no way. They charged me for them and didn't deliver. What's up with that?
This reminds me so much of Jim Gaffigan's little moment he had with toilet paper from his, "Beyond the Pale" routine. If you haven't heard it, you'd definitely appreciate it now.
I totally would have held up the line too! It's too hard to remember your coupon in the first place (I always forget mine too). When I go to that much trouble for my dollar, I better get it! :) You rock.
With the cost of everything in Hawaii being ridiculously more expensive than state side- damn straight they better redeem your coupon!
Yay Jorge, I would have done the same thing...it's the fact of the matter, not the dollar! Now every time you wipe, you can do it with a smile on your face, hahahaha!
Ha ha ha, as a hardcore couponer I got a thrill out of this post! Good for you for making sure the cashier did the right thing - stores can be so snotty about it! Just wait until the first time you get FREE toilet paper.. or 15 bottles of free shampoo/conditioner.. toothpaste.. we have a small stockpile!
dude, my blog is actually http://www.savingincincinnati.wordpress.com
I suck without my morning caffeine in me.
Jorge - that could've been a lot funnier (for me, at least) if you'd delivered a thundering "Do you have any idea who I am?"
Haha. Sometimes it just feels GREAT to be right!
hahaha too funny! Go you for sticking to the principle of it.
New Zealand
This is great. You're totally right, though. What if stores ripped everybody off for small amounts and weren't called on it? It *is* the principle of the matter.
I wonder if someone behind you *was* thinking that Hurley was haggling over a dollar (or someone who looks a lot like Hurley). Would have if it were our small towns. I live in WV and when Matthew McConaughey was here filming We Are Marshall, our local newspapers reported what toppings he likes on his Subway sandwich.
Thank you for giving me something to look forward to every week, BTW. My huband and I are totally hooked on Lost, and I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog (link from cakewrecks.blogspot.com) to tide me over on non-Lost nights.
I love it, Jorge. I use coupons and I always say, if I won the lottery, I will continue.
Now I know why I have always been on Team Hurley! It's not the coupon, it's not the dollar, it is the principle. What if they made this mistake with someone else who didn't bring it to their attention? You da bomb!
Hi Jorge, you had me laughing cause my family always gives me a hard time about causing a hold up in the line if the cashier tells me I did not give them a number of coupons that I am sure I gave them. We I shop the employees know I will be checking and getting my 1.00 back every time. Love ya Jo
I think this is hilarious :) Giving more money for the same product is never a good idea - no matter how much money you have!
Dude, if you need a loan, don't hesitate to ask
Oh Jorge! Hunny! You have NOTHING to be concerned about.
I'm known as "Da Q~Pon Queen" and get tons of stuff for FREE after coupons...
And part of my stash that I share with extended family, friends and donate....
Is toilet paper!
No need to diss on me folks....
If you wanna be a hater....be a hater. LOL
My dolla'z saved are spent enjoying things and time wiht my great hubby & kids!
ILOVEADEAL told me to do it, thaz ALL I gotta say! hahah!
Take out the spaces...
552 rolls....Charmin baby!
hi! i'm new to your blog (and a big fan) and i just have to say i love how you use coupons AND i love how much i laugh when i read what you write. :) thanks so much for being so entertaining and for bringing so much to the lost cast. :)
You go Jorge.I LOVE using coupons and saving money.It's nice to see that you do the same.
Saving is saving no matter if you are a celebrity or not.
If you want to check out www.refundcents.com it is a great source for saving money.If you decide to subscribe just tell them I sent you and I will get a credit.If you need more couipons let me know and I'll send you some.
Just respect money. And the hard work that goes into earning it. It's that simple. Some people just could not afford that extra dollar.
Oh my Jorge I love that you coupon!!! Now ask me how to get that SAME TP for FREE next time! :)
Good for u! It's nice to know that celebrities want to save a little coin!
Off subject~been to Giovanni's Shrimp Truck lately? Heard it was your fave! My husband & I spent the entire month of May, 2004 in a little town called Hu'ula on the North Shore(5 minutes from La'i'e)&
we ate there quite a bit! Hot & Spicy is exactly that! Whoa!
Just wanted to let you know that you have very good taste in places to get THE BEST SHRIMP!
Can't wait til the next episode of LOST!!! Keep up the great work!
You should have bought the 4 packs instead, then you would have gotten them for free!
I am the same way. It is irrelevant if you can afford it or not. If you're owed a dollar, they should give it to you. And why pay full price if you don't have to?
You are such a hoot!!! I just found your blog and you've been my favorite LOST guy since the beginning (so far, I'm up to season 4 at abc.com). My whole family says "dude" all the time - even the three year old and it must come from me because I'm the only one who watches the show.
BUT I had no idea you were so funny in real life too. Your writing is hilarious!
I'm the Queen of Coupons so I totally stand behind you with that ordeal!
Of course you waited for your dollar! Does good sense leave you the instant you become famous? Of course not! It doesn't matter how rich you are, it's just silly to pay more for something than you have to. Dollars add up!
Hey Jorge
I work for the company that distributes those coupons. I just got a ton of new Cottonelle coupons. I'll gladly pass 'em on to you!! :)
So glad someone else knows the joy of Cottonelle! It's the shit.... literally I guess. ;)
That Aloe & E Cottonelle would totally impede any necessary burnination that would need to occur to keep peace in my house.
Coupon or no coupon, Cottonelle is the BEST.
So cool!! Just because your on TV doesn't mean you can't use coupons!
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