Sunday, November 30, 2008

Consumer Test Results: Topsy Turvy

Okay I know I said I was going to wait for the fruit before I made my decision on the Topsy Turvy.
But look at this picture from my earlier blog.
Notice my "control" group. Those are the pots lined up against the wall. You can barely make out the plants poking up over the edges. 

But look at them now.
Some are almost as tall as the ceiling. 
And they're even blooming. 

Now look at the Topsy Turvy plants today. 

They've definitely grown. 
But I have to admit...
These are some of the sorriest tomato plants I've ever seen. 
So why am I even bothering with Topsy Turvy?

Well I'm not anymore. 
And neither should you.

Thank you, problem solved.

I knew it was something simple that I was just somehow missing.

Maybe you can help me.

I've been trying to go through the itunes help pages as well as other help discussions online to figure out this problem. It has to be something I'm missing. But this is my problem:
When I'm in itunes checking out the podcasts I've downloaded, I click this icon to get more of the description. 
This window pops up. And I get it. So far so good.
Now, how do I close this window? 
There is no button on it for me to push and when I go to something else, even if it has no description, that damn window stays right in front of everything I'm doing until I quit itunes completely. 
There has to be a way to close the window right?
A little help here?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody

I must say, I made a pretty mean pumpkin pie.
Sorry Noon.
None for you.
Ok maybe a little.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hello my name is KUBRICK

Yes! My Kubricks are here.

This Bearbrick is pretty sweet. 
He's among friends.

I'm pretty excited about these toys.

Now we're in the annals along with Planet of the Apes and the Sex Pistols.
And they make a nice display. 

I just have one question about the packaging:
Why is the Hurley silhouette holding hands with the Sayid silhouette?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Driving around in Kauai

We drove up to Waimea Canyon. The "Grand Canyon of the Pacific." Not a bad view. 

How can it be clogged? We put that sign up. And that sign covers everything anyone would possibly try to flush. Ew! What the hell is that?! A toy car?! Damn you kids!

I guess it goes here.

"Put me in your blog" the guy behind the counter at Hanalima Baking said as he handed me a crab roll. 
Now, I've never had a crab roll. I'd never think to order a crab roll. 
However the guy ahead of me DID order six of them. So that was a good sign.
And I have to say, that next time I'm in Kauai, I might have to get one again. 

Monday, November 24, 2008

So Ono

Last time we were in Kauai we stopped here for a burger and we knew we'd be back. Plus they had dummies to feed. 

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Somebody lied to me.

This storm was supposed to last for about four days. At least that's what I was told. Here we were battening down the hatches only to find a lovely sunny day today. Now look at this. These clouds look much less rainy. And here this satellite picture shows the clouds missing us completely. I'm smiling now because as I type this, I can hear the rain starting to come down. Oh wait it just stopped.


Back in March when "Foxy and I shut down the ranch" a tradition started completely under my nose.

This tradition was feeding random stray animals and naming them "Dummy." (Although now we've been using the word Dummy for everything and everybody, especially each other.)

Kauai was full of Dummies this trip. First we saw this bird at breakfast drinking from the creamer cup. It was cute. We'd never seen a bird with a milk mustache. And then another flew to the table and started eating the syrup that was stuck to the outside of the pitcher. (Which is why we had eggs and no coffee.) I tried to snap a picture with my phone. It didn't come out very clear. He blends in well, look on top of the syrup.

But I saw there were a lot of mouths to feed so I left them a little of my breakfast. 

Then we had a nice dinner at Tidepools. And they had this Koi pond full of Dummies. 
They went nuts. Sometimes you'd see one koi jump out of the water further away. It looked like he was trying to distract the other fish and disperse the crowd. The best part was when we threw in a scoop of mashed potatoes.

We liked this hotel so much we went back for breakfast. At breakfast the Dummies actually helped bus the tables. 

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good Day To Stay In

Man it's coming down hard. And we're smack dab in the middle of it.
This rain is so noisy I have to keep turning up the TV. 
Nunu keeps shivering and trying to crawl between me and the couch for warmth. 
And it looks like it's going be like this for a while. 
Well, something's got to make this place green. 

This explains why the work schedule I got changed as soon as they delivered it. I'm thinking we'll be in the studio this week.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Surprise sink

This is great! I took these pictures in a movie theatre one day. I wanted to post them as "not something you want to see in a movie theatre." 

But lo and behold, I had no idea that this theme would return and re-inspire. 

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kauai Today

It's a lovely rainy day in Kauai.And I can't stop eating these peanuts.