Monday, November 24, 2008

So Ono

Last time we were in Kauai we stopped here for a burger and we knew we'd be back. Plus they had dummies to feed. 


  1. hahaha, that cock with the tamaytah just cracks me up

  2. I think I've been there as well. Do they serve teri-burgers with a pineapple slice between the burger and bun? "so ono" is right!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. By any chance would you like to do a review on things to do on Oahu...We are going there and would love to know where to eat/ or things to do from a local vs the tourist things. H

  5. Would that second photo be the first time you've played with someone's cock while at a restaurant?

  6. Awww how cute! That rooster has such nice colors. OMG! The one of you feeding that cat! How sweet!

  7. Ono Char is the best. It's always my first stop in Kauai after getting the rental car. Did you try Tropical Taco!! Yummy!

  8. Feeding "dummies" is how we ended up having 11 cats at one time when I was a kid.

  9. I must say that you guys calling random animals "dummies" is possibly the cutest thing ever. I use that word a lot, and my friends make fun of me because I am so serious when I use it. Like, it takes the place of my other favorite (although more derrogitory) word, which starts with a "c" and ends with an "unt".

  10. Hey, I used to live very near that restaurant.

  11. awe...those cute lil' dummies!

  12. WOW i see your really into animals. check out my cats Blog,lol. since i have been battleing with this cancer,doctors,drugs and not feeling good i have not updated in a while. will update soon,just got to get more pic's. check it out.

  13. Cool! just went to sci-fi channel and lost is on now,lol. and the (Dave) episode is on,awsum!

  14. jhuuumm... plus dummies to eat :P... yummicrazy chicken and fried cat!... oh i hope my dog never read this because she will never love me and barking againg.

    Ok this go for all: This is really the blog of jorge garcia?

    Sorry for my english im from argentina :/ (we speak spanish)

  15. Kitty!!

    Okay the rooster is weird but my dog eats chilli peppers so I cant really say anything.

  16. Lotsa dummies out at Bellows (Waimamalo side) this past weekend...those brazen birds would walk right into our cabin! Then again, could've been my fault for feeding them soda crackers & Doritos....

  17. Jorge,

    The sexual overtones in this blog are obvious even to my pedantic mind. A cock and a pussy...Hee Hee!
