Monday, November 17, 2008

Kauai Today

It's a lovely rainy day in Kauai.And I can't stop eating these peanuts. 


  1. Jorge,

    When I was a kid I used to love to eat peanuts while chewing gum, I thought it was cool having chunky gum. Later I saw the Simpsons episode where they were talking about great products that Homer thought should be on the market..yes peanuts and gum! Great minds think alike.

  2. I heard it rained over 8 inches in 24 hours!!!

    Guess another AD "wet day"? haha!

  3. My girlfriend lives on The Big I in Volcano and says she woke up to thunderstorms the other day which is pretty odd...and they have alot of VOG from the volcano...but its still paradise:)

  4. Garlic flavored peanuts??? *grabby hands* GIMME!

    And that's a beautiful picture of Kauai...I'm in Tennessee presently, and it looks NOTHING like that. :)

  5. That is the great thing about Hawaii, we have lots of strange but ono (delicious) treats here! I love those peanuts! I also like putting li hing mui in my beer!!!

  6. Jorge,

    I have only posted here a couple other times. However there is not one part of your blog that I haven't read. I log on at least once a day to see if you have posted. I just love your blog. I like real people and you seem to fit the profile. You have opened your personal life up to your fans and have a heck of a sense of humor and we love you sharing it with us. However, Dude, You put yourself out there. As you know we live in a world of all kinds of people. When you put yourself out there you are taking a risk. If you get through your life as an actor and this crap is the only crap you have to put up with you will be luckier than most actors out there. Keeping it real... becomes harder with success. I wish you luck with your quest in life.
    Peanuts are good, Macadamia nuts are the best!!!! LOL.

    Oh and please would you get to work allready we are all tired of waiting for the first of season 5 to get here.. so for your fans could you speed it up a bit???


  7. We recently moved from Oahu to lower Alabama. I would love to be in rainy Hawaii right now :(

  8. Gorgeous pic (no, not of the peanuts)....


    My deprived little Kansan heart just went pitter patter. off to google

  10. I would take a rainy day in Kauai over a sunny day in Kansas ANY time. Heck, I'd take a rainy day just about anywhere other than Kansas.

  11. Jorge, Be happy, we just got snow and ice last night and this morning it was 16 degrees where I live in Michigan. You should have seen all the cars in the ditches.

  12. Garlic flavored peanuts? I never even knew those existed. And I thought Cheddar Beer Kettle Chips were odd. I wonder if they sell Garlic flavored peanuts where I am? I'll have to look into that.

  13. Those Chinese peanuts are great...the salted ones I buy at Longs Drugs are kinda crunchy.

    Hey, here's something you & Bethany might enjoy checking out...Shiba Inu puppy cam! Cute!

  14. While I love a rainy day, I'm a little uneasy about the garlic peanuts.. I think that would have to be a try-before-you-buy kind of snack for me. XD

  15. Garlic flavoured peanuts - Bethany I feel so sorry for you!!

    I'm a dental hygienist and I have a recommendation for you, Bethany - buy your man BreathRx toothpaste & mouthwash - best thing to knock out garlic breath I reckon!

  16. The peanuts may have an added benefit of warding off vampires as

    Great photo of Kauai!

  17. Japanese Peanouts are Awsome...
    Have you tried "Yoko"..
    they're like a swwet peanut.

    nham..nham... delicious!

  18. i would just sit in that chair and throw on some Martin Denny and relax until the sun went down!

  19. Mmmmm, garlic!

    I just sent the kids off to school with their hats, mittens, and winter coats. Blech!

    I was in Kauai years ago and loved it. (Except for the rain.) I wish I could go again. Maybe after I become a nurse and make some money. Hee Hee.

  20. Hey, well at least you're in Hawaii...I'm stuck in the Canada, not complaining, where it has rained all November and the one day it doesn't snows!!! Haha :D

  21. Hey Jorge,

    Love your site, thanks for all your posts... Rain has also come to our "high-desert" area, but with a high temp. of only 41 degrees. (burrrrr!) I'll take your wet-stuff any day, wanta house-swap? =o)

  22. I love the rain. Right now I am addicted to white fudge covered oreos. Bad things!
