Thursday, December 3, 2009

Nunu Advent Calendar of Stuff She Likes to Chew: December 3rd

A purple ball thing with legs.

Whatever it's called. This is clearly not its best angle.


  1. thats fab - you know NuNu reminds me a little of Stitch from the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch, in fact that was set in hawaii - are you sure NuNu isn't really Stitch?
    greetings from a very chilly Aberdeen in Scotland

  2. I forget what they're called but they make fart noises... our dog chewed his legs off.

  3. It may not be the toy's best angle, but that is the cutest angle of Nunu ever! Oh, the ears!!!

  4. I wonder if this is one of those wonderful toys that makes a squeaky noise when Nunu chews it. they can be a lot of fun.

  5. Ha! I can see your inflatey hole, Mr.Ball.

  6. Jorge, I have to thank you for the HUGE smile these pics of Nunu give me here in Michigan. Life sucks beyond belief here right now and I'm having a hard time getting in the holiday spirit. But your posts and that dog are freakin' hilarious! I'll look forward to seeing you both each day until Christmas! Thanks for the cheer!

  7. Dude, you have the cutest dog ever.

  8. This is going to be a great Nunu calendar! :-D

  9. Due to the angle and indecent exposure of the ball, I think your top choices for what to call it are 'Lindsay Lohan' or 'Paris Hilton.'

  10. We have that exact toy too and my dog Cooper absolutely loves it. He broke the squeaker in it somehow but it doesn't matter to him. He keeps squeezing it.

  11. Try getting her a Kong toy - fill it w/ peanut butter or other treat (they make this weird aerosol meat stuff...ew!). My dog goes NUTS for his. It's like doggy cocaine!

  12. I think this feature may have just catapulted you to best blog evar. ;-}

  13. oh look..she snagged a flying purple people eater..

  14. Hi Jorge! When I took Spanish in high school 11 years ago the name i choose was "Jorge" and like you, I was also born in Nebraska haha. Has the season 6 trailer came out yet? thanks bud, see u next season...Jay

  15. My oldest LOVES these toys they are called "Good Cuz" and there is another that is "Bad Cuz" that have devil horns. They have a fantastic line of Cuz toys -

    Sparky has had his Bad Cuz for 4 years (when he was a puppy) - it has no horns, no squeaker, no legs and is 1/2 ripped down the back but it is his *favorite* toy by far.

    Nunu is so adorable - I'm loving these posts!

  16. Essjay beat me to it. That, my friend, is called a Cuz.

  17. We have the bad cuz for our yorkie.
    best toys ever!
