Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Rat Incident. Part 1


  1. It's like "Paranormal Activity". But with a rodent.

  2. We have small rats too (I live up the hill from you on Lanipo) they mostly stay outside and in the crawlspace under our house but sometimes get in the walls and freak out my roomate.

    the worst was when I opened the grill and one was eating the charred hotdog that fell through to the bottom. he ran out a hole and we havn't seen him since we left out a bunch of the rat poison traps.

    good luck getting rid of your 'visitor'

  3. Dying laughing. That is exactly what I would be doing, while making my husband go "find" it. LOL!

  4. Lol i´d freak out just like the girl, even with cokroaches.

  5. Wow - she sounded just like me when there are cockroaches present. :) Thanks for giving me a good chuckle after a long day!

  6. I would be screaming, whilst trying to locate it with a baseball bat in hand . . . I live on Ford Island and if I see a rat here, I'll just freak!

  7. Wow!
    you could fil the movie:
    "blair rat project"


    realy funny!

    a big huge to Beth!

  8. Can't wait to see part two!! I know I should be laughing, because we all have something that scares us.

    But that freak out was hilarious :)

    On the upside, judging by the hole, at least it's not a R.O.U.S.

  9. Maybe you can train Nunu for been a hunter dog, but be careful the rats don't eat her :)

  10. This is the best video ever. I'm so impressed with your ability to not laugh at Beth :)

  11. loool, i read about the "incident" at beth's blog. She didnt wrote that you made a video, great!! :) cant wait to see the other parts.

  12. LOL
    We had rats in our musicstudio and after using a lot of venom they were gone for about 3 months, but now they are back!
    Hopefully you guys have more luck with it : )
    But the video is funny as hell hehehe

  13. ahh poor Beth, I would be right up on that table with you Beth. I like them as pets (when I was young) but not running loose in the house wild lol

  14. OMG, that is the funniest video! How cute is your lady? :)

  15. The only good kind of a rat, is a dead rat.

    Poor Beth! Be careful to keep that ugly rat away from little Nunu, too!

  16. Found this on the might help.

    After trapping, murdering, and discreetly disposing of exactly 50 rats and being rat-free for the past two weeks, I learned today from a painting contractor working next-door that the best rat poison is.....Coke. According to the contractor, rats are not able to burp, so when they drink the coke, their bellies swell up and the rats die. He also recommended smearing peanut butter
    on a D-Con unit and setting it out in the woods next to a dish of Coke. Rats are attracted by peanut butter, eat the D-Con, drink the Coke, and obligingly expire.

  17. hahahahaha...that's awesome. I can totally see a similar exchange happening between me and the SO. Get it! but don't get too close! but get it! good luck in your 'hunting' ;)

  18. Thank you for making my morning. I was laughing so hard I was crying. Good Luck!

  19. That's so funny! But - i would be doing the same thing!

  20. I used to hear my chihuahua JoJo go downstairs at night and snack on puppy chow. I became very confused one night when I heard him munching, yet felt him sleeping soundly beside me. Turns out we had a rat. When we found its nest, we also found many of JoJo's long lost favorite chew toys! Good luck.

  21. Just too funny - though in Beth's defense, I know it's not funny at all when the vermin show up in your home.

    One word of advice - until you find the little guy, be sure to check your shoes before you put your feet in.

    Really. I found out the hard way.

  22. The rusty old rat trap? Classic! You just can't make this stuff up! Unless you did :).

  23. Ah...the traditional struggle of man versus unbridled nature in its rawest form.

    Of course, we've learned a lot from "Tom and Jerry" cartoons.

    You're going to need a large mallet and some over-sized firecrackers and skyrockets.

    Go get 'em! Show him who's the boss!

  24. I feel Beth's pain! We had a rat in our kitchen one that decided to eat a package of tortillas we had. NEVER a pleasant feeling knowing an uninvited guest is present. Fortunately, the exterminator put an end to that not-so-little problem. BLECH!

  25. Ah...I think Beth's reaction is normal. You kill that dirty rat for her and you'll have points for life! Her hero.. the saga continues.... Can't wait!

  26. ahahaha.. thanks for the good laugh.

  27. Oh poor Beth! I would have been doing the exact same thing!

  28. :D OMG for real??? LOL! This just made my day!

    Beth is adorable give her big ((((HUGS)))) for me.

    And no matter how nice the house is, critters are always bound to show up some where some how. You've already shown the "gecko problem" before.

    ((((HUGS)))) for all.

  29. Aww it's just a rat, nothing to freak out about.

    Fill in the holes where he's coming in, that's all. Don't put poison or traps down cos, as well as being really cruel (and dangerous for Nunu), it won't solve the problem. If there are holes then there'll be another rat along to crawl through them soon enough.

  30. oh killing a rodent when you have a little dog is tough. I have a little Min Pin and had a hard time killing the darn rodent without risking my dog's life. (didn't want my dog to eat the poison or the rat that contains it)

    I found this tip. Take a paper towel tube place it on a counter.(or if it's a huge rat get a tube from wrapping paper and cut it smaller) Make sure that more than half the tube is on the counter. Put peanut butter on the end of the tube that will hang over the counter. Then place a tall trashcan under the tube.

    The rat will be attracted to the peanut butter will venture into the tube and as it hits beyond what hangs over the couter will fall into the trash can.

  31. H aha! It's looks like one Scared film!!! And I like this- "to be continued"! ( you need be write there - " watch only on ABC ;)

  32. I just looked at beth's blog, and nunu must not be much of a rat catcher hehehe

    maybe if you get a cat?

  33. Our home in Paris is like 200 years old with supposedly underground tunnels and passageways, so very much like the film "Ratatouille"...once a little mouse made his way inside and my husband lured him into a shoebox with a piece of French cheese and then set him free in the Parc Monceau. So perhaps Hawaiian rats like cheese as well?? Worth a try...

  34. I'm sorry Beth, but I had to laugh!

  35. Not only would I be on the table with Beth, I'd be asking to have a bag packed so I could stay at a hotel till it was gone :)

    Hope you guys catch it soon!

  36. I seriously wanted to stay at a hotel that first night but Jorge wasn't having it. I think he likes living with rats.


    i think is "the black monster".
    Poor little mouse, the mouse trap nooo. Don't use it.
    But that woman was so afraid.
    Have you found it?

  38. Dude, this video is absolutely fantastic. Pure quality. And I agree with the other poster who said it's like paranormal activity with a rat! HAHAHA!

  39. This is the same Beth that found it amusing to leave a large spider for you?

    I'd be the exact opposite. Rats suck, but don't freak me out. Spiders on the other hand... ACK!!!

  40. Could that "rusty old rat trap" have been left way-back-when by a time-traveling Jorge Garcia in a failed attempt to shorten this newly-acquainted rodent's stay at your household?

  41. This is the funniest thing I've seen in ages. The rat trap had me crying... obviously a very effective tool!

    And rats don't bite! But who am I to say anything? I'm afraid of spiders...

  42. It would have really been funny if Jorge put his hand on that ledge and got his finger snapped by the trap! Of course he would have been in pain and might have fell, but it would have been funny...

  43. First time commentor. Enjoy the blog :)

    Where I live in Australia we have Antechinus which are indigenuous marsupials that grow to the size of and look a lot like rats.

    My cat occasionally brings one into the house. (So much for cats providing vermin control...)

    They are bluddy hard to catch as they can jump the height of a door in the blink of an eye. Hence sometimes being nicknamed 'marsupial jumping mouse'. (Mouse my ****!)

    They freaked me out (initially) but males in the house more so. Good thing my tetnus shot is up to date.

  44. In Beth's defense I have to tell you about my first experience with a rat. I was married to husband #1 and he wasn't home one night. A rat(actually it was a field mouse, but it looked like a rat) came into the livin' room so I got his .45 from under the couch and I shot it. No more rat...teeth, hair and eyes everywhere, but no more rat! Don't y'all just love Texas justice!

  45. i laughed so hard the first time i had to play it again to hear what she was saying..oh that's just too funny..she should live in texas we have rats bigger than that cute little dog you have..hahah

  46. Ha, Rusty old rat trap on the ledge. Didn't see that coming.
    I'll be checking the spoiler sites to get a heads up on what happens in part 2.

  47. Oh MAN that was funny! Poor Beth. I'd be up on that table with her probably!

    Don't underestimate the little buggers: I had one at my house once and let's just say it ended up in the dryer! Aaaah! Yuck!

    Thanks again for the laughs-

  48. Bahaha. I'm sorry That's hilarious. The screaming and standing on a table.
