Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Rat Incident. Part 2


  1. hahahaha, again! this screams are very funny... you should make a joke to her with a fake rat definetly :D

  2. As funny as that was to watch, I'd probably react the same way. haha

  3. OMG! Sorry Beth, but this video is hilarious!

    Years ago there there was a friend of mine who sat on an office toilet in Chinatown. He was reading the sunday paper, when he heard and felt a splash under him. It was a very large sewer rat that came up the pipe! He screamed like a girlie girl and ran out with his pants still around his ankles!

    So be careful if you go to Chinatown! By the way, you saw the video in the Advertiser today with the rats jumping around on the food?

  4. HAHAHAHA how long was Beth standing on the table?
    Very funny : )

  5. OH MY GOD, HOKU! that is the worst story i've heard in all my life. now i'll never be able to relax while i sit on a toilet.

    oh my god. holy hannah. that is just gnarly. oh my god.

  6. The videos are funny, but a rat in the house isn't. I would freak out too. Especially after finding the rusty old rat trap!

    We had a couple Norway rats in our backyard last winter, feeding at our bird feeder. I freaked out enough about that! We no longer feed the birds... or the rats.

  7. did she make you take her to a motel till the rat was caught?
    that's too funny..

  8. I didn't think anything was funnier than the first video! I can't wait for the next installment in the series. lol

  9. Please. OMG! Don't show it if you catch it! That was a humongous hole it made! I would never be able to sleep. Poor Beth!

  10. My 2 yr old was screaming w/ Beth, in the same pitch as I watched this. :)

    Thank you Hoku, I'm always terrified there will be something in the toilet when I sit down. Lovely.

  11. I hope Beth has come off the table by now. I have this image of her standing there for days, while you bring her food and water.

    Hilarious video, but i feel for you. The rat broke into your house! For that, it must die painfully.

  12. She must have been on the table a while, 'cause she changed clothes in the end.
    Hey, there's a lot of photos on your fridge. Anything worth sharing here. You know someone is gone to take a still image of them, magnify it and clear the image up just to see what's hidden there. Many of your followers her ARE LOST fans. ;)
    Nice home, by the way!

  13. Man, she's gonna live on that coffee table from now on, isn't she? I would too!

  14. I love these videos Jorge. Keep them coming. You should make a whole season of those. Beth is great, love that high pitch scream.

    "Oh my God!"

  15. That's great! Jorge, JJ would be proud of you the way you shake the camera! ha ha

  16. Eehehehe! Did she ever get to sleep that night?

    I also have that same reaction sometimes... but with spiders! :P

  17. hilarious...but I'd be doing the exact same thing.

  18. I hope we get to see the rat. Poor Beth is freaking out and I really want to believe that she saw something. Can't wait for the next video.

  19. I love these, but I hope the last video results in the vermin being caught for Beth's sake.

    Maybe you should invest in a cat. A few years ago we had a mouse problem and one night I woke up to see the pest scurrying around my bedroom. I was so freaked that I hopped from the bed to the doorway and locked it in. I threw my cat in there with it and there was a 5 minute fight to the death.

    Good kitty.

  20. I do the same thing when I saw roaches in my old apartment (city living). I climb to the highest point and just shriek until my boyfriend took care of things. 99% of the time they were dead already. Its a chick thing.

  21. Very funny! Though it's good you didn't think of a career behind the camera ;-)

  22. Thanks for the morning giggle. Beth, you are a doll for letting that get posted and I think you should pull a rat prank on Jorge and film it!

    : ) P

  23. Poor Beth. I feel your fear with every scream .. I feel so bad for you.

    These videos are hilarious though, Lol.

  24. Name the rodent "Carol Ann" because it "goes to the light".

  25. ahaha!!! you just should call my grand-dad xD He is a rat-trap expert, believe me ^^ Hope you gonna catch it, poor Beth ^^
    I use to scream like this but for spiders xD

  26. Okay, I absolutely love that Beth mistook Nunu for the rat. LOL!

  27. Man, what is it with your house and uninvited guests. Freshie and crunchy dead geccos, drunk strangers and now R.O.U.S.'s (rodents of unusual size).

    Best part was the story of her mistaking the dog moving for another rat.

  28. They make great pets. I'm just sayin'.

  29. Strasberg, Adler, can you reverse the "Method"?

    If so, maybe you could invite Terry O'Quinn over to remedy the problem since his character has experience as a "ratter" and knife thrower.

    Thanks for sharing "The Incident" Jughead might be overkill in this instance. Can't wait for the next episode. Fills a void waiting for Season 6.

  30. OMg that was one of the funniest things I have ever seen!!! (Sorry Beth) And I love it more cuz I'd prolly be in the exact same position as her with my hubby making fun of me and trying to get me to scream even poor.

    Poor Nunu being mistaken for a rat *hugs*

  31. I'm sorry but that was funny!! Poor Beth, she would probably never come off that table!!

    Did Nunu chase it? You were laughing at her, by the way. lol

    Besos, you guys.

  32. Hoku OMG~~~Beth was right! Now I can't sit on a toilet in public without feeling weird, either. Eeeewwww~~~

  33. That is the greatest video ever...I love your blog, but this is the best. I had a bat in the house, but no way to video my terrified wife. Poor Beth

  34. What a great boyfriend you are for trying to find the rat for Beth -- even if you ARE laughing at her! Beth, not only would I be on that table screaming with you, I'd be making a run for the front door so that I could scream in the street!

  35. If I had a rat in my home, I think I would always ask myself, after removing the critter, "Can I ever EVER get this place sterilized properly again?!?"

    Beth is hilarious, but I feel her pain. I always wonder about sitting down on toilets after that fake story about the dude on a plane getting bit by some deadly spider. Even if it wasn't real, the suggestion alone sets my nerves on edge.

  36. I love your rat-detecting stick that you made...very crafty! :P
