Thursday, September 10, 2009

Costa Rican Wildlife Explorer: Eyelash Viper

Okay now here's something that was close enough to get a good picture.
There were two just sitting here.
Apparently they don't move much because our guide knew exactly where to find them.


  1. That's so cool! You seem pretty close to that...

    Thanks for always sharing these things with us, Jorge! Love you!

  2. It is a bit spooky but...interesting :)


  3. Hey Jorge,

    I've been following your blog for about a year now, I just never bothered to sign in.

    Are you still in Costa Rica? I thought you were back in Hawaii.

    PS: there's a 'k' missing in your blogpost ;-)

  4. Eyelash made them all look like females :D

  5. cool. we didn't see one of those. we saw a fer de lance, though. in planning for our trip my 6 and 3 year olds loved looking up the animals they'd probably see there. the ones they were most concerned about were the fer de lance snakes and the bull sharks.

    when we were hiking through corcovado nat. park my 3 year old girl let out a little scream. a fer de lance snake had just crossed the trail in front of her. the story quickly evolved to this, "I was walking along and saw a stick. I went to pick it up and realized it was a snake." she is a hoot.

    keep posting your animal shots. we are gradually getting some of ours up at

  6. hahaha I agree Loreathan they look like females! Hey are they dangerous or something?
    (It's been about a week since I've found your blog! I enjoy your creative posts!)

  7. Hey Jorge you growing a tache for any special reason?
    I cant quite place who you remind me of with it.?

  8. Their eyelashes, were painted or not!?

  9. hei dude, but what strange kind of animals there are on the island
    where is someone that lies in the shadow of the statue? :-)
    Tell me one thing: watch this video
    was the bird the monster or "the other"?

  10. Um, yeah. Seeing your picture is close enough for me, thanks.


  11. Good Lord, I hate, HATE me some snakes!!! But these guys are actually cute. Their eyelashes make them look a little cartoon-y.

  12. Goddamn "emo" has spread to snakes now too, I see.

  13. :O Eeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!

    With a name like viper I wouldn't want to be so close to them like that. But then again, who am I kidding. I got a picture of George bear with a rattlesnake in a garbage can.


  14. Jorge,

    I suggest we name one Adam and the other one Eve. Darn you know Adam is SOL!

  15. there is a group of HEART OF TEXAS SNAKE HANDLERS here and they have rattlesnake sacking contests, they walk thru them barefooted, they get in sleeping bags with them and then crawl out without(hopefully) getting bit.they put on shows to show people how to act when they are around rattlers in the wild or in their yards...they also do stupid stuff like kiss cobras on the head...texans gotta love em..

  16. Nice! Awesome, but... it's not dangerous? So close of your face!

    Hugs Jorgeman!

  17. They are vipers. Vipers by definition are venomous. Why are you so close to something that could sink its fangs in and kill you in an instant? One is supposed to AVOID vipers. I suppose he showed her a fer de lance, too?

  18. You sure they're not super glued? Lol!

  19. Hi Jorge,

    I stumbled on your blog while researching Costa Rican eyelash vipers. I am headed to Costa Rica in two weeks to do herpetological photography and eyelash vipers are my main target. I kept looking at your picture thinking how familiar you looked, but I didn't put it all together until I read the comments. Keep rocking man, and BTW my wife loves you!

  20. Oh, awesome, I just realized you found these in the exact same place in Costa Rica that I am headed to.
