Friday, September 11, 2009

LA Paparazzi

A bummer about the paparazzi when you've been traveling for a while is
sometimes you run out of socks.


  1. FIRST! come to my store and you can have some socks Jorge!

  2. Socks are overrated anyway. Wear flip flops and you'll never need them!

  3. My very cool teen surfer son and all his friends wear those low ankle socks, and you could never tell they were wearing any socks at all. So maybe the paparazzi will be none the wiser, Jorge. You've just made a fashion statement!

  4. Why? Do you throw them at the paparazzi?

    Actually, that's not a bad idea... store socks in with old sardine cans and fill with sand. Add an old-fashioned sling shot and PRESTO! Instant paparazzi deflector!


    : ) P

  5. Where you lose your socks??

    Manufacturer (or firm) of your sneakers, is ASics???

  6. at least we know you don't wear dirty socks, lol.

  7. Jorge,

    Socks? Who wears socks? I've found that in university most students and faculty wear sandals. I have also found that if people are going to wear sandals they should cut their toenails!!

  8. Really? They care about that? How stupid. I will never understand Paparazzi. Once saw them climbing the fence and up the trees at the Paul Mitchel estate. Don't know who was staying there, but the paparazzi sure was excited about it. lol I wonder if they were parked in boats in the water too. lol Only time I ever saw that in Hawaii.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Jorge, you're always draw to unusual and economical items.
    Universe Ltda. offers some whimsical but expensive furniture.

    Scoll down and check out "Drawer style rest" and "Drawer accordion",
    It probably make You smile.

  11. Somehow, I think the paparazzi is a wee bit more focused on
    who you are,
    what you're doing,
    where you're doing it,
    will the photo be optimally salable.

    Then again, it may socks,
    or lack of,
    as a fashion statement.

  12. You run out of socks but you know your feet stink when your socks run out on you!!

    haha! I kill myself. (insert rolly-eyed smiley here)

  13. the guy next to you has a fabulous hat

  14. Surely that's a girl, but still nice hat :D

  15. Oh it a new trend, and soon everyone will be doing it!

  16. i have a similar kind of shoes like yours, Hurley :-) Oasis.

  17. LOL! Well, you look great, with or without socks! 8-)

  18. Jorge, did you see "the numbers" on the "VIVA" interview? They wrote all of them wrong!

    They said: "13, 5, 9, 20, 12, 7"!!

    If you want, you can check it out on my blog, I put an image!

  19. Word on the streets is your originally from San Juan Capistrano area, next time your back home you should hit San Clemente and pick up a nice pair of Rainbow sandals. Then when you run out of socks you can sport the flip flops.

    I'm a problem solver.


    ...i is for ira and thats me
