If you want ANYTHING. Write it down.
It doesn't matter if it's something you want in your career, your relationships, your way of life. Write it down.
A lot of friends spend too much time trying to get it right before they write it down.
Screw that! Write it down. In pencil if you want.
Tomorrow you can throw that paper away and write something new down.
I was going threw old "career notebooks" and I found three separate statements:
-I want to be a part of a good ensemble television show.
-I want to book a job on location.
-I want a house in Hawaii.
So write it down. Don't sweat it. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting it out. Once you do that you are already on your way.
Good luck.
Write the things that one think it's very reassuring. I always like it, even if I'm the only one who would read it. However I don't use to throw these papers. About what I want, for example...
ReplyDelete- I would like to travel to certain places of the world, to know more than only my country. For example, I would like to travel to Africa or Australia.
- It will be nice to have a house in Hawaii :P But by now I resign to one day have a comfortable house in a place that I enjoy living.
- And I want to learn english and one day be able to speak it very well! (it's difficult to write what I want to tell on the comments >_<)
ReplyDeletesoy una fan española de lost
que sepas que aqui nos teneis con el culo prieto para saber que pasa en la cuarta temporada
hacemos quedadas entre los colegas para verlo y dentro de poco mi compañera de piso y yo haremos una sesion intensiva de la tercera temporada que ella no ha visto,
nos la bajamos de internet pero esque aqui en españa la emiten tarde y mal (malos horarios, la dejan de hechar a veces, tardan mucho desde que sale en usa hasta que la emiten aqui....)
bueno un saludo y a ver que os depara el futuro
por cierto ¿de donde eres?
I agree that a person can get too caught up in the "how" and not enough on the actual doing. I'm sure a lot of actors/filmmakers (or whatever) spend their time thinking about their career and not enough on creating it.
ReplyDeleteIt's like sitting in front of a canvas and never beginning to paint because you're not sure where to put the first stroke. At some point, you just have to slap some paint down and correct as you go.
That's pretty cool that you wrote that stuff and then it happened.
I love that you said that. I've heard that more than once before within a short period of time, so I will write things down asap. How cool that you found those notebooks. Thanks for the tip, sometimes you just need that extra push =D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great advice Jorge.. I wonder why something so simple seems to be so hard.. Guess I will try it and find out..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThat's pretty awesome advice. It's the first step in visualizing yourself acheiving those goals...
ReplyDeleteKinda like Locke teaching Walt to throw the knife. "Visualize it in your head first, and then do it."
1. Become a Neurosurgeon.
ReplyDelete2. Have a great wife.
3. Live Life.
4. Play Bioshock on Tuesday.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTo Visit the Grand Canyon.
ReplyDeleteTo Visit the Grand Canyon.
To Visit the Grand Canyon.
The things that i want.
ReplyDeletemake the next google, skype, blog, iPod, ... sensation
Work not more than 4 howers a day and have the chanse to be with my family and give them the things i didn`t have and some of them still don`t have
Fly in space.
Jump from a airplane.
Have right now all the 48 remaning episodes :).
work 1 day with the lost crew (like that is going to happen)
and die with a smile
You totally rule.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, some of us are just afraid to write it down and get it out there. :(
I'll work on it though...
Congratulations Garci'a for its work. You he is an excellent actor. I am Brazilian and I admire you very. It always follows thus in its career. One more time congratulations. I wait that my “English” has understood, forgives.
ReplyDeleteGustavo Calçado Ferreira
Hmm... Good point. Thanks bro. I've tried similar stuff like the big sign hanging over my head now that says BE A WRITER but I keep not doing what it says. Also tried a journal but that was just random daily spam. Not goals. Of course top two bullet points on anyone's list should be:
Yeah good advice man. After eading that I wrote down some things, hopefully they happen soon!
ReplyDeletehey jorge,
ReplyDeleteI just want to say im really glad that you didn't stop the blog. Your one of the only connections to LOST were going to have in a while!
And good advice; I've heard similar things from a book/movie "The Secret"
anyways I'm really glad those things came true for you.
LOST really wouldn't be the same without you!
Oh and if you wanted you could write about fun things that happens behind the scenes with you and the other actors. I'm sure we'd all enjoy that :)
thank you!
I will win the lottery using numbers different from 4 8 15 16 23 42. I will win the lottery using numbers different from 4 8 15 16 23 42. I will win the lottery using numbers different from 4 8 15 16 23 42. I will win the lottery using numbers different from 4 8 15 16 23 42. I will win the lottery using numbers different from 4 8 15 16 23 42.
ReplyDeleteA good friend likes to say that there are only 3 elements to success – luck, talent and hard work – but you only need two of the three to be successful. Just Luck and Talent could work, just Talent and Hard Work, or just Hard Work and Luck. I definitely think that committing to a goal has a lot to do with the level of satisfaction you get out of achieving it. But mostly I think life is pretty random in terms of what you achieve and don’t achieve. After all, most of the elements for success have absolutely nothing to do with you. It’s stuff you were born with or stuff your parents gave you.
ReplyDeleteI want to get my place in college doing Psychology and English.
ReplyDeleteI don't want me or my family to have to struggle to raise the money.
I want to be happy doing what I have chosen to do.
I want it to be right for me.
Thanks Jorge :)
I wanna know wtf is going on on lost
ReplyDeletei want to be on lost
ReplyDeletei want to be on lost
i want to be on lost
swing it for me jorge ;)
Hola jorge!!!
ReplyDeleteMe llamo Sandra , tengo 20 años y soy de Zaragoza (España)
Te escribo en español porque en ingles... mal jajaj.
Me encanta Lost y tu personaje es de lo mejor de la serie.Agrégame!
HA HA HA last night me & two friends had a 3 hour conversation about the Secret and visualizing what you want...thinking postively draws positive things to you...basically rewiring your thinking to take out the negative.
ReplyDeleteinstead of : I don't want to be sick. think: I want to be healthy. The universe doesn't hear the pos or neg, just "I" & sick"
Anyways, all day today i've ran into things reinforcing that conversation including your post, my daily & my weekly horoscope....
Perhaps the universe is throwing me a BIG hint that it wants to make me happy..... I just have to go for it.
Hi, Jorge
ReplyDeleteAt my age I have to write things down just so I remember anything. LOL
there are little notes everywhere!!!!!
My Hurley says Hi (or, actually: woof.......) He wants to meet Vincent. He likes blondes.....
This is an excellent concept, and I never thought about doing it before.
ReplyDeleteIf I were to write a list right now it'd be:
--> Move back to Hawaii
--> Get a great job in Hawaii
-->Find another affordable house in Hawaii
-->Develop a successful side business in Web Development so I can work for myself
See where the trend is? We miss Hawaii so much. I left 20 months ago and thought that it would be fine, but it has stuck with me. I think about it every day.
I think i got it Jorge- Hurley! I love LOST and your character! Send me news (taticcb@hotmail.com). I am from Brazil... a friend of Rodrigo Santoro ;) It's just fun! #) Um grande beijo do Brasil! (a big kiss from Brazil)
ReplyDeleteJorge, good words. Thanks. About 10 years ago I worked with a spiritual therapist who had me cut out and paste together "visions" of my life in certain areas ... home, friends, work, etc.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, a lot of my visions, which i pasted onto poster board, came TRUE.
So i believe in the power of writing things down ... or pasting them down.
Most problems we have in life are related to the fact that we forget what we think in our (more or less) rare moments of lucidity. Memory is an important issue, so IMHO "write it down!" is a definitely better suggestion the is seems at first sight! Thanx
ReplyDeleteHey Jorge.... I´m a biggest fan of lost and you to.. because i´m little fat and after you appereance in lost, much more people respect me.. and i love Emilie de ravin, my dream is married with her... but i know is impossible... but can you send me a picture of her autographed, to my email?? please.. you will be a man much more happy.... sucesss.. for you....
ReplyDeleteHey Jorge, would you say you make your own luck? LOL!
ReplyDeleteHi Jorge!
ReplyDeleteThis is the most private way I can think of to contact you: of course, if you feel this comment is inappropriate, just delete it!
I'm Paolo, from Italy: I'm one of the voices of the first and only Italian podcast about Lost, that you can find - and listen to, if you are familiar with the Italian language - at www.lostpod.it
There - as everywhere else on the web - my nick is Faramir, by virtue of my other big addiction: Tolkien. By the way, I found the last episodes of the 3rd season of Lost very Tolkienesque, and your role as Hurley greatly contributed to this perception!
Anyway, the aim of this message is to ask you to help me make an original marriage gift to the creator and host of Lostpod, Paolino, who is going to marry Arianna, his co-host, on September 8th. ?__? No photos or tangible
presents, just your voice!
As a podcaster, I think Paolino would be thrilled by an audio message from you just saying something like *Hi, this is Jorge Garcia, and I listen to Lostpod! I wanted to wish Paolino and Arianna a happy marriage and a wonderful life together!* or whatever you prefer. A short message through the MyChingo interface on Lostpod's homepage would be a huge surprise for the two of them.
Again, if I'm asking for too much, just ignore this message.
Thanks in advance for what you can do, for being a fundamental part of the greatest show on television, and for being so close to fans!
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Paolo Trubiano
Verona, Italy
Hi, Jorge. I'm from brazil and i really love hurley! My dog has the same name (because of you). Don't be sad. I love my dog too. :D
ReplyDeleteWhat you're talking about is known as 'Cosmic Ordering'... there are many books out there on the subject. Ask, and the universe shall provide. Write down your wish list and it will come to you.
ReplyDeleteWiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_Ordering
The main writer on the subject is a German woman called Barbara Mohr, but Noel Edmonds, a UK TV personality, also accredits his success to Cosmic Ordering.
Does it work? Well, I never had to write it down, I just visualised, and that worked. Now I've started writing it down it doesn't work so well. In fact, ever since I read the books, it hasn't worked at all! Sure it will come back to me though...
Man, your a great man. It's odd when people say that things are impossible, cuz they are farr from impossible.
ReplyDeleteYou can do WHATEVER you want...BUT first you have to think about what you are going to have to do to get it and once you're there...what will be the consequences.
THAT my friend, is what throws people off.
Sincere thanks for this post... I used to write down life-things that I wanted (to do/accomplish/remember/have) in whatever notebook I happened to have with me. Will do that again.
ReplyDeleteUnrelated, your blog is funny as sh*t
It's funny because I have been reading the comments over at DarkUFO for ages, but this particular post is the one that inspired me to get a blogger account, so thx buddy =)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you are exactly right in finding some way to solidify your desires. I am glad that yours have happened, and in such a monumental way. It's funny because, when your career is slow and you look back on your notebook, you think to yourself "how am I ever going to get a house in Hawaii???" And yet, there you are. Congrats!
For me:
1) I want to love and be loved for the rest of my life
2) I want to live someplace exotic
Ok let me write it down
ReplyDeleteI want to be part of the cast of Lost
Do u read the comments?
That helped.
i just had to comment - last year i wrote down the top ten bands that are currently together that i would love to see. Within one year, I saw all but three - and ALL of them could have been a possibility had I had the money/time. And we're not talking little guys. We're talking bands like the beastie boys and the white stripes. So now I'm convinced that you have to write things down and the universe brings them to you. So yay for your blog!
ReplyDeleteJust found this blog....figured the beginning (regardless of however old) was a good place to start.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the advise. Lots to accomplish in the coming months...felt good. I used pen too! easy thing to do to get ones ass into gear.
Just discovered your blog.
ReplyDeleteSo funny because about half an hour ago I emailed myself a list of things I know I'll never be able to afford that I want to have in the new house I know I'll never be able to afford. I figure if it ever miraculously happens, I don't want to leave anything out!
Thank you for this bit of advice. I'm going to start a little book that I can keep close and be the only one to look at it. I think writing it down is key. I hope I can stick with it.
ReplyDeleteI love this post. So, much that I decided to add one to my own blog, citing your post as the inspiration for it. Thanks, Jorge!
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